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When soaps hire new HW's and EP's would it be better to promote from within?

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I was thinking about Y&R and why they gave the HW gig to Jean Passante and Shelley Altman instead of promoting Janice Ferri Esser who has been a Y&R SW since 1989?

I feel having someone who knows history would be better at keeping that history intact


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Knowing history and being capable of writing an entire show true to that history is not as easy as you think it might be. Not sure how long Garin Wolfe was with GH, but that man struggled with getting from point A to B. He was not ready or the position he received. I absolutely loved what he did with Carly and a few other things, but overall, you could tell he didn't have a clue.

I know GH's history. Does that mean I should be writing the show?

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Promoting from within makes sense if the promoted has experience in plotting and pacing stories...

Janice Ferri is a self-taught writer who excells in script and that's why she also was script editor. Doesn't mean she would be good at head writing. Natalie MInardi on the other hand who was trained by Kay Alden...

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