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Y&R: Mackenzie returning?

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I saw this on the Television Without Pity Y&R board, not sure if it's true since I haven't read SID.

I had a feeling this could happen since I know she was visiting him on the B&B set and was at events with people from both shows. I wonder if this will be contract or just guest appearances. Nobody will ever come close to Ashley Bashioum as Mac, but I'll take it. I didn't completely hate her originally.

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Considering the Darin Brooks connection, I really doubt they did ask Ashley, but I also doubt she would've done it. I could see her doing Katherine's memorial, but nothing long term. She did put a beautiful post on Facebook when Jeanne Cooper passed away.

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She's in the medical profession now, isn't she? How would she even get time off to do Y&R short term?

I hope this isn't true. I'd rather just see a fresh recast because every Mac after Ash Bash was bland and forgettable. Well grandma Mac wasn't forgettable but that's because she looked so much older than Billy!

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AshBash was fabulous, especially when she returned to the show with that perfect haircut. 2004 was the last really good year for Y&R IMO and she was a big part of that. I LOVED the Kevin redemption story, because he was still viewed as a criminal and they addressed the concerns with people like Mac deciding to give him a shot. The two of them had strong chemistry, something he didn't really share with anybody else IMO.

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LOL Carl! Kimsey was very upbeat and didn't fit the role at all. AshBash had that sullen feel, but she seemed strong. WIth Kelly Kruger she seemed so weak, which didn't fit with her background either. I remember Clementine Ford looking really old, but I don't remember how I felt about her. I'm sure I didn't love her, but I dealt with her I guess.

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Ashley Bashioum's a doctor now so I don't think Y&R is on her radar right now.

To me, I didn't mind Ashley Bashioum. I kind of liked the fact that the girl almost never smiled (lol). She sort of turned the image of the soap ingenue on its head (bright and sunny? Uh-uh).

Kelly Kruger...I didn't dislike her per se, she was pleasant enough but she presented a somewhat fragile persona--I didn't buy that this Mac spent any time at a homeless shelter and survived there. Say what you want about AB but she could convincingly give the impression that if you crossed her, she might cut your azz (LOL)!

Rachel Kimsey was my least favorite, she should have been playing a yoga instructor or pouring coffee at CL as a dayplayer.

Sybil Sheppard's daughter. Meh. If Mac had never left the homeless shelter or had become homeless again or had a rough life, perhaps she might have been a decent fit but since Mac was by then Katherine Chancellor's granddaughter with all the rights and privileges, I couldn't buy her in the role.

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I liked Ashley. Gap teeth and all. Kelly was kind of a fembot but she was very young so maybe she's improved. Kimsey was all wrong for the role. Clem -- I can't hate. She had no chemistry with Billy Miller but I can't despise the actress who landed a thankless, underwritten role. Like DRW, though, I don't understand why she's back when there is clearly no story for her -- especially now that JG (who I assume planted that little seed about Mac having problems) is gone. Not to mention the fact that frontburner characters like Nick and Cupcake (I adore Avery but that nickname is perfect) have nothing to do either except show up in front of camera and admire the new sets.

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