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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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So Ginger Smith has a little favoritism in her. And selective memory and tunnel mindset. The show during the 2000's up until cancellation which Ginger Smith cannot ignore or fake pretend never existed. Her vision stopped at a certain point and got lost. She needs to remember that the show DID last for over 40 years. There really was the 2000's. And I think fans are going to keep reminding her of that whether she likes it or not. AMC reboot should encompasse all 40 years in storylines. Is Ginger Smith even willing to listen to those fan bases out there?

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What in God's name are you talking about? What exactly did GINGERSMITH do to you?

Also, this thread is the first time I've seen bellcurve's name in ages since he or she claimed I had AIDS, so cheers to that.

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I know what you mean. It is easier to role with the punches and not complain when it comes to Entertainment IMO. Meaning, if N. Korea was getting ready to declare war on us then I will be OTT worrying but entertainment is entertainment when everything comes out of the wash.

That may be more than you needed but I can't really control myself after drinking my first cup of in after 2 years (Damn those withdraws were painful)...

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Did you hear Ginger's interview? SHe was with the show until 2009 or whenever it moved to LA and said she loved the show so much she still continued to watch it and be in touch with the staff until the end.

The reboot HAS kept in mind all 40 years of storyline--VERY much so, actually, it has elements and honours nearly every era of the show--yes, even the last Frons years.

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Darnell and Debbi actually have their signatures in cement with individual plaques in cement in front of the Bushfire Theatre I believe it is located in Philadelphia. The Walk of Fame honored them. I want the NAACP and Emmys to honor them with Lifetime awards. Groundbreaking and historical of great value.

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Yeah.. I humbly agree.. Entertainment changes all the time, nothing to get worked over...

but yeah a country declaring war is cause for concern.. oh if that happens, especially a draft, I'll probably have to go

I do have to say thank God for the ignore button

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How is she ignoring the 2000's? Mirranda and AJ are the new Teen Scene and Mirranda discovering her true father is on the horizon. If she ignored that era people like Zack would not be on the show. I think she is doing a great job at blending all the decades and featuring pivotal people from all of them equally. Billy Clyde and Francesca James from the 70s, Jesse/Angie from the 80s, Dimitri and Opal from the 90s, and Pete/Colby/Cass from the 2000's. This to me is what the 40th year should have looked like. Prominent people of all decades interacting, like an extended version of the 25th anniversary week when all the 70s people were interacting with the 80s people and the 70s/80s people interacting with the 90s people.

That said it is impossible to have all 40 years of AMC being mentioned at once. Even if this were 60 minutes!!! There was so much stuff that happened and even more stuff from the 70s and early 80s that very few people even talk about anymore because they were victims to the sands of time. Even making referenced to people like Claudette Montgomery would seem contrived.

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I really would not like this 20 episode thing, but like others I would watch no matter what because I like the AMC I am watching and have a lot more faith in who's working on it now. I would love 3-4 episodes a week but will take just about anything. They do seem committed which I like and do hope they can find a way to get it done and stick to it.

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I am not obsessed. Only made a few comments. EP are always replaced. Why did Ginger Smith leave AMC?


I am not obsessed. Only made a few comments. EP are always replaced. Why did Ginger Smith leave AMC?


I am not obsessed. Only made a few comments. EP are always replaced. Why did Ginger Smith leave AMC?

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