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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I'm sure Nelson will still report it in his Soap Uncensored, but I don't need details honestly. It doesn't matter what the details are. I don't think these shows are getting canceled, but they made a PR blunder and now they need to work twice as hard. They need to resolve whatever production issue they had and change the topic of discussion. Before this was announced everything was mostly positive and just on this forum alone the discussion threads were very popular. It annoys me seeing all the actors and soap press tweet (and ppl in this thread) saying to support them and stay positive because they brought this on themselves. When you make an announcement like this it's going to cause a commotion. Cady McClain in particular was being a drama queen.

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Everything is proceeding according to schedule. We've had the black cloud fans declare this project is dead - DEAD I tell you!! - complete with imaginary doomsday scenarios, Nelson self-aggrandizing then walking it back and soon we should have Jamey getting into a Twitter fight with...oh...just about anyone.

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I'm not saying Cady deserved to be abused by her fans. If she wants to remain positive about the situation, then more power to her. But I don't think calling attention in any way to those comments served her well. She would have been better off just ignoring the complaints and insults.

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Cady chose to become the online spokesperson for PP. Now the honeymoon is over and she has to do more than send hugs and kisses to the fans.

The poor woman is trying to do her job though. If she has problems at work, I don't think she really wants to discuss it with soap freaks who demand to know what is happening to their stories.

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I honestly think the main issue for Cady was that she's not used to seeing soap fans turn on her so quickly. She's never been an object of scorn the way some soap stars have been, so she's used to getting good vibes and praise from everyone all the time. In the blink of an eye, she was up against the wall, and she responded the only way her hood rat ass knows how to.

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Im sorry but the fault here lays with the so called fans who harrased her. Not Cady herself. So someone harasses you & your just supposed shut up and take it if your an actor? !@#$%^&*] that. Stop passing the buck of blame. Let it lay where it should. The harassing fans.

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I just have a hard time accepting that because celebrities always use that as an excuse to get attention. She could've easily blocked those fans and deleted their comments and kept it classy. They WANT you to start screaming and cursing and looking like an idiot. That's the reason they do it.

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Yep. Otherwise, no actors would be working anywhere. (For one thing, they'd be too busy jumping down from the stage and confronting every heckler who talked [!@#$%^&*] about them.)

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