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PP: AMC & OLTL to air twice weekly

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I agree that this initially makes me nervous about these shows' futures ( as well as how feasable it is or isn't to have our soaps in production and be successful in an online capactity for the future of all our soaps). However, I am impressed with the statement PP released. It seemed thorough and really written to explain things to the fans. It may be a load of crap (I still don't trust these people) but I mean, they could have just released a statement saying "The shows are being reduced to 2 eps/week" No explanation. No further details... If this keeps the shows on the air and going.. then so be it. Also, hopefully this will keep them thriving. I mean, on ABC the shows were each producing 5 hours of programing/week. Now they are producing 1 hour of programming/week. They must be much much more cost effective. My continued hopes for these shows to be successful and thrive!

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I think Robin Strasser is biting her tongue...



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just got important memo! Truthfully, I'll do WHATEVER <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23PP">#PP</a> &amp; <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23OLTL">#OLTL</a> need:) Truth? I DON'T fully understand it:(? I'll call a smart friend:)</p>&mdash; robin strasser (@robinstrasser) <a href="
16, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I'll remain silent. I'm waiting for more info &amp; clarity. I do believe LIFE was saved. It wasn't easy to do-even a miracle can take time:)</p>&mdash; robin strasser (@robinstrasser) <a href=" 17, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I think Patrick Gibbons comment about this though is the best. And no they won't do that for you honey...



<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>2 days a week of OLTL will be jammin...now it's time to talk my principal into doing a 2 day a week 2nd grade schedule!</p>&mdash; Patrick J Gibbons (@PatrickJGibbons) <a href=" 17, 2013</a></blockquote>
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The episodes have been moving fairly fast, so I don't think less will happen plot-wise in 2 episodes than would happen on a TV soap in 5 episodes. But it means a lot of character moments could eventually stop being written or could be edited out.

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That would make me feel worse ... It would mean they planned to cut back for weeks, pretty much as soon as the shows started airing, and didn't tell anyone, but are now lying that it's driven by the data from Hulu.

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This seems like either an unnecessary and impulsive decision based on a measly two weeks of data. Or an extremely necessary decision based on financials (in which case, the shows are in trouble).

Either way, it's rather depressing news. Two short episodes a week is stingy as hell. A least make them 45 minutes or get rid of 'MORE' and do 3.

I wonder if any actors will panic and jump ship.

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They shot out of order but the episodes were still written and planned out as distinct units... If they didn't even plan each episode separately to say this should be known Monday this Tuesday this Wednesday, etc, the shows would have even more continuity problems and feel even more choppy than is already the case.

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I also want to say people are of course going to pick up from Episode 1 if it is available but that doesn't mean they would refuse to watch if they couldn't watch from the beginning ... And if PP is concerned about that, PP should put up a website with character profiles and episode synposes, which they haven't done, which would make far more sense to catch people up than less episodes if one wants to stay true to the character of these programs.

Taken to the extreme we could end up with 26 episodes of AMC or OLTL a year as a "season" and be expected to be content with that ... These shows are continuing dramas; they are not primetime shows that people have to watch from the beginning, and PP shouldn't treat them as such.

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Jfung I agree with you about PP doing something for people who never watched that they could get background if needed if they cannot watch from episode one as most people who watch soaps haven't seen every episode. If they turn into prime time style shows the writing will have to be severely changed.

The other angle about how people are watching one and not the other. The Nielsen ratings did such a small sample, so really who is to say this wasn't always the case, but no one had measured it.

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PP didnt fail. They just realized that after watching AMC & OLTL film their first cycles a change needed to be made so they looked at the viewership and saw people watch daily soaps 2-3 days a week. That has been so for YEARS. So they decided to air both soaps twice weekly and reduce each shows order to 110 episodes of original and combine more OLTL & More AMC into one recap show on Fridays IMO maybe starting the shows at two episodes a week would have been better, However, there is no conspiracy. This is trial and error. They tried to produce 168 episodes of both shows but when U have 18hours plus days and up to 150 pages to film that costs a lot of money. This is PP/TOLN trying to figure the best model that can bring the best quality episodes to audience as well as be the most profitable fo PP/TOLN/HULU/Itunes. Nothing wrong there So this year should be looked as a learning curve & adjustments have been made & shouldnt have been a surprise Lets just support the shows and PP so they can get this all figured out In the long run this will benefit to the longevity of these shows and can even help obtain higher episode orders each year. IMO its a win-win

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