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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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You're right. Let me turn in my badge and gun.

No, but really, the difference with John is that I feel this is his basic behavior pattern and that that repetition, whether it is a fault of the character or several writers, has essentially became part of his character. He's been with a half dozen love interests and he always seems to seek out these women and situations. He rarely spent much time with Natalie or Marty or Van or Blair soul-searching about their pasts, either; almost all the discussions of their histories was, I felt, usually situational (Marty/Blair with Todd/Victor, Natalie with Cris or Jared) in terms of what he could personally affect, like, Todd or Victor or Mitch or Walker Flynn is menacing Llanview and John has to ride in to the rescue.

With Todd, I think both his major OLTL romances were (by necessity) very different, at least at the outset. Blair and Tea and how those relationships built and worked were unique and had a lot to do with who they were before him. Even Rebecca was different from Blair and Tea; even Evangeline was different with Victor. For as much as Todd repeats the same behaviors, the way he falls for women always had to be different - until now. I've never gotten that variety from John.

We all have patterns of behaviors we are vulnerable to, and some of them consume us. I think his consumes John and always has. In the past there was always the suggestion that if he could find the bad guy or sort himself out about his family drama he'd finally be free to change the way he behaves, but each story has ended and I haven't seen him grow. So with John, I think the thrill of the chase is the only core he has that I know. In that way he's actually very realistic for a lot of men.

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I just don't get how Bradford Anderson still has a job.

Love Ellie. I was really happy they didn't off her in that stupid car wreck that ultimately killed Trey.

Same. He's kinda grown on me. Probably thanks to him finally interacting how he should with them.

I will give Ron credit for having Sonny, AJ and Carly not trying to murder each other over Michael. I think that aspect has been handled well.

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I like Ellie, so they're making her increasingly shrill to make me turn back to Maxie. I don't think they planned to kill her - I think she had to continue to function like this, as the spoiler.

I used to have a thing for Bradford Anderson back in the day. I don't mind him, but the writing for the character can get downright supercilious and often unbearable, and yeah, he is damn lucky to still have frontburner story.

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I really never minded Spinelli in the past but over the last couple of years he's just gotten on my nerves. Especially with his sad puppy dog eyes. I actually wasn't minding him this last week until the whole swallowing paper crap. And I liked that he saw his kid Maxie is carrying, even though I hate they're saddled with a spawn.

Figures. I had a feeling she was supposed to die. I think it could have been ... a bit much (though maybe powerful) had she died while he was boning Maxie but I'm very very very glad they apparently changed their minds.

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