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I have no idea on what's going on with TV One and Unsung these days, mainly because I don't subscribe to cable but even their website seems like clips, particularly those pertaining to Unsung Hollywood have been stripped away from the site.

Last couple times I went to the website and went to the video section for UH, some weird automated message kept playing about a domain restriction, I think, in terms of content. Could it have to do with copyright? I have no earthly clue what's up, all I know is that last year, I saw almost all of the UH episodes, this year none.sad.png

Speaking of Unsung-

Did anyone hear/read about the fight Angie Stone supposedly had with her eldest child, Diamond? According to this article, Diamond got three of her teeth knocked out!


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Nope. I've been looking for one consistently. Not on youtube from what I can see (TV One's You Tube page is just sad). Google turns up nothing. The messy TV One website no longer seems to stream any Unsung episodes. What do they really do with Season 1 and Season 2 episodes of Unsung? Even HBO and Showtime has freeviews and streaming sites. And Bounce is moving up faster in a shorter period of time because they are accessible by antenna.

TV One needs to do better.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I just decided to check TV One's website for the heck of it and it appears that they may be uploading Unsung episodes again on their site! biggrin.png Well, they have the Otis Redding episode up there, anyway. Later on, I will be watching that episode.

Now if they could just upload last season's Unsung Hollywood episodes. I missed all of the entire last season.

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I saw Ike Turner on some random radio website over the weekend. I haven't checked whether TV One ever posted it. I'm not pressed about DJ Quick tongue.png but in the past TV One used to upload a new episode a week after it has aired on TV, so I don't think the DJ Quick episode will be uploaded until next Wednesday.

TV One should have done an episode on Sylvia Robinson before DJ Quick who is from the 90s, I don't understand their selection process, there are so many musicians and entertainers who are dead and gone and never got their due and TV One still skips over them.

I guess I should just keep quiet and enjoy my Otis Redding episode.tongue.png

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The new opening is so forgettable and generic, that I really haven't been paying attention to specifics but as I read your question, the vague image of that blue background came to mind. To be honest, I've been so busy trying not to lose patience with TV One's Struggle Video Player, I could only try to use what attention I had left to take in the documentary.

I feel like TV One's site should just use You Tube's player or some other commonly used video player because their native video player just cannot get the job done.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Haha, Amy. Thanks for the compliment but it's been ages since I did html. I remember taking a CompSci course in school, in the early days of Netscape et al, and writing code back then was positively archaic by today's standards. I didn't have the patience back then and though the technology has streamlined since then, I doubt I'd have the patience to do it now.

Seriously though, TV One could hire a group of CompSci majors or graduates to fix that website. Better yet, just eat the cost and hire a company to do it. I wouldn't mind watching ads like I do on Hulu, etc. but in this day and age a TV channel should have a working video player on their site, ya know?

I don't advocate for people posting their DVRed episodes on You Tube but when they used to do this, it was so much easier to watch (LOL).

Let me know what episodes you like so far...sigh, something to look forward to while I'm a week behind.tongue.pnglaugh.png

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