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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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Do people have nothing better to do? SOAPnet is being shown the door as fast as Disney can shove it out (they just signed deals to shove it off Cox Communications and Charter, while most of Comcast lost it last year).

Hulu is 1/3 owned by Disney. Bet people will bitch about ABC having their hands on the shows again if that even does happen.

Production doesn't have to mean filming. Production can also include the work done in pre-production, which includes everything they are trying to do now as well as having scripts in order.

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They dont have to be filming by February. I think they have to have their prod/Writing staff & Location set by then though

I dont think they plan to air AMC than OLTL & repeat. I think they plan to tape that way though. Tape AMC for a month then OLTL for a month then repeat til both soaps have produced 168, 30 min episodes.

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LOL that doesn't even make sense.

Yeah it is just like how Bravo does the Real Housewives. If they tell good stories and promote it right they shouldn't have a problem with people tuning in after they return from a break.

Also forgot about Degrassi. They do 4 episode a week telenovela style storylines every summer and they get good ratings for the most part (I think...lol)

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Exactly. A lot of shows only do a "summer season". Look at shows like Drop Dead Diva. That show comes on every June and the season is over by what, October? But yet people continue to tune in every summer when it starts back up again. It's not illogical to think that people would do the same for OLTL and AMC. They don't need to be packaged together. There are lots of shows that have "winter seasons" and other shows have "summer seasons". If the stories are told right, and the promotion is out there, people will tune in.

And, the fact is, many people are fans of both shows. So when, for example, OLTL goes off in September, there's a chance that they will tune in when AMC debuts in December. And if PP is smart, they'd be streaming repeats/encores/reunion specials of the shows in the gaps between each shows seasons. Get the actors on the talk show and blog circuit. WRITE GOOD STORIES. Do all that, and the viewers will be there.

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