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GH: November 2012 Discussion Thread

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You are really enjoying this, aren't you...lol? Well, we both know that AJ is pre-disposed to being a loser, so the time is ticking for him. Sonny and Carly are looking foolish and not because of their past actions but because of the way they are behaving now. This can't last too long, and "poor AJ" right now only means he's snowing Michael and Monica and the inept snake will emerge soon enough.

But you have to admit that the exchange between Monica and Carly at the police station was made of all kinds of win. Both calm, but the hatred that's been lying dormant for years, is very much on the surface now. I love it, and Monica walking off telling Carly "He'll have his son" made me all warm and fuzzy. They are my 2nd favorite couple right now!

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Well AJ was talking about Carly is the worst mother based on what happened to Michael (past actions). Can't the same be said for AJ? At least Carly didn't outright hate her kid and put her husband's bastard love child before him.

They didn't forget about Stone Cold, but I said months ago that no big production was going to be made. The writing was on the wall that they wanted Jason gone and forgotten.

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So they both had awful parents. I dont see how thats relevant to calling Carly out on being a bad mother. If anything its somethign he and Michael share. And Monica never hated AJ. She favored Jason no doubt, but hate AJ? Couldnt be far from it. Hate is an emotion she has for someone like Carly, never AJ.

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Why bother? No one (save for people like Edward and Lila Quartermaine) stays dead on a soap opera anymore. Planning a memorial service for Jason would be a waste of flowers in the end.

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Isn't that what I just said? AJ and Michael are similar, but Carly didn't treat Michael poorly in favor of her non bio son. Monica did. Monica treated AJ like rat droppings. So AJ has no room to talk about Carly being the worst mother when his own mother was the same kind of lying cheating tramp once upon a time. But again, the only difference is - Carly loved Michael. Monica had no love for AJ and she showed it!

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Nope, she just put the thug life before her child(ren) time and time again, resulting in Eeyore getting shot in the head and put in a coma for a year - before getting raped in prison because he was put in the position of having to save her trifling ass from her babynapping ex's wife.

Monica may have resented AJ for not being Rick Webber's son and have placed Alan's ungrateful roided goiter of a son above her own flesh and blood, but at least AJ isn't an ex-con, murdering, rape victim.

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Hey, I figure that I am owed that much after having to put up with this airtime-hogging waste of space (as well as the no-talent that portrayed him) being heralded as the moral center of the show for damn near 15 years while having far too many worthwhile characters thrown under the bus or destroyed for his worthless ass.

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