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I listened right now and I was really feeling "Be Alright" too and also "How To Love" So far not feeling "You're Bad" as much as I was expecting too. LOL

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Cheap I really am terrified to watch any more of that video nbe.jpg LOL is the spider shown a lot in it?

Omg, I'm actually sad he's lost his baby look

Any chance this will be released in torrent form? biggrin.png

I LOVE that look at me video in particular. Yoseob is too much fun!

This made me biggrin.png

Yikes. Just disheveled and way too long! Hope he gets it together.

Is that...really how it happened? laugh.png LOL!!

Every performance she does of "The Baddest Female" just blows me away everytime. She is so effortless and smooth with her swagger, I just can't get enough of her!! Also cool seeing the girls perform Falling In Love together. Dara's still looking washed out with that blonde hair. Really bad idea.

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Im glad you liked it! Na Na being added to the triangle was genius and the writing and her acting was fab for that episode. What I like is that all the main characters get episodes and moments like this, not simply the 3 in the main triangle. There is some good characterization and heavy moments to come that really flesh them all out.

IA on Seol Chan and his band. Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of them in the series and I think that's a bit of a mistake. I wish we got to see more of them.

BTW have you been keeping up with BST on youtube? They are making the rounds , performing Shadow and I'm Sorry all over the place biggrin.png Im really digging both those songs

I think How to love and You're bad are the only ones Im not quite feeling as much as the rest. Encore though? Love it! I hope that's their next single

I don't recall much of the spider pass the opening bit. You still haven't seen the video? Man, you need to get on it!


You need to at least see the BTS Making of Shadow video. Promise, no spiders!

Oh and I forgot to mention that I love that Dujun gets so many singing parts in this. He always seems to get the shaft in the songs but he's one of the leads here. I wasnt really feeling him too much when I first got into the group, but he's crept up there as one of my faves after those two I just posted above.

It better be! Probably wont happen till much later in the year though. I will definetly be looking

Me too. I cant express how much Im digging them at the moment. Ive even been going back and watching some of their earlier performances and the last Beautiful Show. Im pretty bad with balance as once Im into one group, I kind of tune the rest out. I don't that to happen with BigBang bc Ive really grown to love them and didn't like not listening to Beast much. Im sure when those two new Alive videos become available, that will change my mind wink.png

Man the hair looks worse in motion. I actually found a decent pic of it here.

No clue but hilarious if true.

Dara's hair is growing on me




Show some support to BigBang or 2NE1. Both got nominated for World's Best Group for the World Music Awards. I went with BB smile.pnghttp://www.worldmusicawards.com/#!worlds-best-group/c15nn

G-D for Wolrd's Best Male Artist: http://www.worldmusicawards.com/#!worlds-best-entertainer-of-the-year/clqm

Fantastic Baby for World's Best Video: http://www.worldmusicawards.com/#!worlds-best-video/cdjm

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I went into a giddy frenzy when I found out he's coming out with a new album biggrin.png I will be ALL over that. It's mini again but I'll take what I can get, obvs. LOVE that he wrote & produced all the music and that his new MV was produced by the same guy who did Blue; That means it has to be good biggrin.png I anxiously await the release. Aug 19 can't come fast enough.

That's awesome GD & Taeyang have solo stuff coming up too. I'm especially looking forward to Taeyang. I hope GD & TOP are working on some stuff secretly as well


That's a really bold statement. I Am The Best remains their best, most popular track so it'll be hard to top but hey, we'll see. I also love that the MV's going to be shot with cell phones and old fashioned cameras! Cool, innovative concept! That will definitely appeal to people (especially in Asia where technology is King)

I had to go with Bigbang too but you know i love my girls biggrin.png

They were the first boy band I actually liked so I have soft spot for them. I still listen to their older tracks all the time, most notably Beautiful, Special, When I Miss You, Shock, Tonight....overall I think I'm pretty balanced on Bigbang/Beast, though Bigbang & their solos may have a slight edge. I continue to try with 2PM.

Thanks I will muster up some courage and actually watch the full video and let you know. LOL.

I'm VERY glad to hear your taking more of a liking to Dujun!! His part in the chorus of Shadow is one of the highlights

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I do love watching them perform this live. And I just see Junhyung in a whole different light now biggrin.png (not that the light before was bad at all).

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I cant wait for ALL of their material. Sucks that Seungri isn't doing a full album but it still new material so I look forward to it. It better be 6 full songs and not another Outro BS (I loved Outro, but I want full length songs). Hey with this new album, he should have enough material for a concert. 6 from this, 7 from the last, throw in Strong Baby and Next Day and you got 15 songs, plus 2 or 3 Big Bang solo covers. YG needs to make this happen

I loved watching him perform live for VVIP and What Can I Do, so I look forward to these new performances. Hearing that the guy who did most of the videos for the Alive album is huge bc all were top notch in production.

BTW, love your new avatar!

Oh and as for TOP, he's the only one that hasn't put out or released any plans for new material! I think he may be too busy with the acting thing but he hasn't had any solo work since like 2011. I need stuff from him as well. Taeyang....it better be a full album since it feels like its been taking him forever to put this out. He better not be rocking the doo doo braids for promotion of this. So weird that GD is putting the album out after his tour finishes. You'd think he'd drop these new songs and then use the tour to perform them but I guess the way YG is thinking is that he can promote it with mini performances on various programs as the singles are released. Makes sense.

I know right? That's a bold statement and I hope it lives up to it bc I still jam to I am the Best. I missed the part about how its going to be filmed. I hope the quality is still top notch and it looks amazing

Also check out the Best Live Performance category bc I read GD is up for that as well

I love that they both have such a different sound/feel. Beast is more pop and BB is more hip hop influenced. Definitely provides variety.

Not just his singing but his dancing as well. This part is probably second only to Taeyang leading the dougie in Bad Boy


I don't think I ever said this but I hate the first song they released is called Im Sorry only bc they already have a song by that name. Now the new one is MUCH better but I don't like the idea of repeating the same title. Oh and I wasn't big on the video for it basically being just an edited recording of a concert (honestly I wasn't even watching it much before), but I absolutely love it and the concept. Seems very fan oriented and shows how good they are with them


Just found out Taeceyon is doing some acting again and is starring in a new show called Who Are You

I don't know if I'll have time to follow but after Monstar, I think I might try to check out at least the first episode

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Ok I finally watched the Shadow video all the way through. The spider was only in there twice quickly; I'm a damn fool. LOL. It's definitely one of their most versatile videos yet. I love it a lot! I saw the BTS video too and my fave parts were when Dongwoon was putting on the contact lenses and when Yoseob was folding the tissues for everyone wub.png

I actually love Dongwoon's hair in this. Junhyung's not so much but his sections in the video/song are by far my fave.

No comment on Kikwang.

The press release did say he would be "performing actively" in Korea so maybe there's hope for a concert biggrin.png I'd LOVE to see him perform new songs and old songs from the VVIP mini album. I need more live performances of White Love, Magic & What Can I Do. Yes, make it happen YG!

I wonder if any of his new songs will be a duet w/one of the Bigbang members? Perhaps he did one with GD again?

I'm so anxious to not only hear Taeyang's new stuff but see how he promotes himself brand & style wise. He's a mixed bag. I too hope the doo doo braids are in the past but I'm doubting it'll happen for some reason. LOL

Speaking of I'm Sorry

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I love the dance number for this. Dujun's part at 1:25 biggrin.png

This sounds CHEESY as all hell. LOL!

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LOL...I still cant believe it took you this long to watch that AMAZING video. I think it might be my favorite yet. The production values were top notch. I really love the duo of Yoseob and Dujun and how their parts transition back and forth with each other. I really need to see them release a duet together.

Oh Kikwang. He was never the best singer but at least he was nice to look at. However with that god awful Ronald McDonald hair, I cant even say that! Luckily, they only limit him to two short parts.

Yes a concert would make my day. Daesung just had one so why cant Seungri? Id love it if he does a duet with a BB member. I vote for Taeyang! Although that might be best to save for Taeyang's album, assuming its a full one. Maybe TOP?

I really want someone in his camp to cut it while he's sleeping, so he's forced to get a new look. He's had them for way too long and its not cute...lol


Baby Bang biggrin.png


Man that hair color is slick! I hope he keeps It for a while


Weird seeing GD with facial hair. I prefer him shaved

wub.png Seriously, this is like my new favorite. I cant believe it took me this long to actually listen to it.




laugh.png I love Junhyung's facial expressions


Its like he's cheating on Beast...lol

well Ive always heard Asians have some crazy weird stuff over there. I have the episode downloaded. Ill let you know my opinion when Ive watched it.

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Hell yes biggrin.png So cool. Can't believe It's been 2 years

OMG. Well that facial hair style in particular makes him look like a middle aged predator. Who knew him (or any of them actually, LOL) could grow facial hair? I'd like to see how they look rocking some stubble biggrin.png

That's an awesome look/color that i'd totally steal!

laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Daaamn, I didn't want to say it laugh.png I feel bad for agreeing, but...yeah.

GD seems to be the one that always does duets with others on their albums (Taeyang/Seungri/TOP), I think because he writes a lot, but I'd love to see it more mixed up. TOP/Seungri would be awesome!

Ha. Glad to hear it

God, Dujun/Yoseob would be epic. This group has mixed and matched a lot, including trio tracks, so I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened!

OMG Cheap, have you heard this song by b2st? I can't recall if I did, but its new to me right now. It's an old track I randomly found. I love biggrin.png

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Im SOOO ready. I have to say its exciting being a K-Pop fan with all these recent comebacks. CL/2NE1, Beast and soon Seungri, GD and Taeyang. Its so much different than last year when I first started listening in between their material and going back to see what they've put out. There's a certain level of excitement with the anticipation of the release of the new projects and I love it.

I actually have and not a big fan of it. I thought the chorus was a bit annoying whenever it came around

Check out Shadow, the Acapella version.


What the hell is wrong with this boy?


He's clearly been working out. He's lost so much weight and got ripped too.


Taeyang didn't always have great hair



OMG, I want one of these. The artwork Is amazing!



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Monstar Episode 11

Man SeYi is clueless. I cant beleive she didnt realize Seolchan liked her till Eunha told her on the phone. Dang, how can she be that stupid. How many anvils must be dropped on her head?

Good for Se Yi standing up to Ma Joon and calling him class president. He tried to intimidate her and she wasnt having any of it.

Bitch Girl! Talk about freaking out. Girl SPAZZED out on everyone. She needed to get slapped by someone. Wow, totslly did not realize she was Ma Joon's younger sister till now. I wonder if the translation got that right

Rememebr this chick? I completely forgot abut her. I thought she would at least be a recurring character but she never appeared again.

Wow, didnt see the SeolChan being adopted twist. I liked that he confided in SeYi about it

I cant beleive SeYi called Seon Woo to go out on a date with her and at the end of it after they seemingly had a good time, drops the bomb that she likes SeolChan? Man that was messed up and he didnt see it coming. I dont like him but I felt bad for hm and would be pissed if I were in his shoes

Overall, I kinda found this episode boring. Not enough SeolChan. I hope the nex one is much better

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This was so cool. I hate listening to Acapella's, especially for KPop now, because it makes me want to hear them do ALL their songs raw like that. LOL. Was this the only one?

We need KPop Acapella concerts!

Dongwoon didn't seem to be on his top game but still loved it. The back & forth between Dujun/Yoseob is even better to hear/watch in this, I love how Dujun says "Shadow" LOL.

I would totally purchase the TOP one!

I can't believe It's almost been a year ;'''-)

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^^^ That should be good!

Did you ever listen to the BigBang Alive Acapella EP? I think they have versions for 5-6 songs from the album

I know right? I didn't think this thread would be this long and that Id be as obsessed when I first made it.


They performed on a friggin boat...EPIC!

I have no idea what the setlist is for the Beautiful Show 2013, but they obviously would have to retire some songs from the last concert and the Zepp one to make room for the newer material. If you could pick 10 songs to remain, which would you choose? I think Id have to go with

  • Beautiful
  • Beautiful Night
  • Special
  • Fiction
  • Lightless
  • Bad Girl (they must ALWAYS do this one...haha)
  • I Like You the Best
  • Its Not Me
  • I Knew It
  • Breath

I think these are the 10 I really want to see performed again Im not as attached to some of their other songs.




GD did an interview and revealed that BB is coming out with a new album in November right before they go on their next tour. Yay! biggrin.png Dang, when do they have the time to do that? Im guessing it will be an EP since most of them are busy with solo material


Scans from the Alive Tour Photo Book have been posted on BigBangUpdates. Amazing shots there: http://bigbangupdates.com/?s=alive+world+tour+dvd+photo#axzz2b1RSVIAz

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Excellent question! biggrin.png My choices would be:

1. Beautiful

2. Special

3. I Like You The Best

4. Breathe

5. You

6. Shock

7. Bad Girl

8. Fiction

9. V.I.U

10. Lightless

And of course all of their duets have got to be in there.

I actually have not!

I'm so annoyed with EP's but yay for even more new material on the way from them! This is too exciting!

LMFAO @ Dujun

Thanks for this. Awesome




Love these.


I think this is the worst pic I've ever seen

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