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GD's hot pink & black hair biggrin.png surprisingly not bothered by it. I can't forgive Daesung's reptar ravaged scalp tho -__-

I have to see that gif material. Did he say that stuff in English? wub.png

laugh.png Aww I loved this duet. They should've done this in more Bigbang concerts I think. I know its usually GD/Top who break off into twosomes during those but ;-)

My favorite part about this video is how he's rocking that big assed black ring!

My other favorite part, 3:41-3:58 laugh.png

The G-the Dragon chorus will be stuck in my head for a while now.

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Don't know what the hell Daesung's stylist was thinking that night

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While looking for that video, I found this one. Man I love this performance. TOP wub.png Cant believe BigBang performed Crayon. Taeyang's rapping wub.png And those costumes in the crowd....crazy!

Nah, it was all subtitled.

Agreed. I really want to see Seungri and Taeyang do something.

Its awesome! I need to find the full song and put it on my IPhone

Minzy & CL (2NE1) & Taeyang

People stay singing Taeyang's song...lol. She did great.

He even came out to help her during one of the shows. I wonder what that song is at the end of this. Love them dancing together


OMG, these two should create a duo album together

Seungri (BigBang)

Ever hear the acapella version of Outro (In My World)? Sounds even moer beautiful with just his voice


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Monstar Episode 8

This episode started a bit slow but it ended up being my favorite. So many plot revelations, story progression, character moments and intense scenes. I cant wait to hear your thoughts on it. It was REALLY good.

Oh sh-t! I hated that photographer that stopped Seolchan and started making assumptions that SeYi was his gf and then the kicker comes when JSW spots them and leaves NaNa to save them by saying she is his gf. NaNa looked so upset and I felt bad for her. They were actually making progress too.

With that said, I stil don’t like him. He seems to have a permanent scowl on his face. He is the biggest hater ever!

Wow, look he attempted to smile.

Those bitches! LMAO at that though. That was some true shade, Korean style :lol:

Jae-Rok is such a douche.I have to give it up for the actor though bc does an amazing job with the role. I was hoping Do Nam would say something when he tripped up Kyu-dong. Good for him standing up to that punk later. He broke my heart. Glad to finally get the back story between he and Do Nam. I can definetly see why Do Nam hates him. The bullying from the other students was just ugly and I felt so bad for him. That was heart breaking and really hard to watch.

When SeYi said she was going to cut her hair, my eyes got wide and was lke, OMG, you better not. Glad she didn’t chop it off but Im not feeling the bangs at all. She looks very generic. Glad she convinced Ji-Woong to cut his as it was looking a shaggy mess.



The stuff with SeYi and her mother is INTENSE. That’s the type of drama I live for. I found it riveting to wach and the dynamic between them is so good. BTW doesn't her mother look like an older AJ Lee?

This BITCH! I cant believe she did that.

Sh-t he told her before Seolchan could. Poor NaNa when she finds out.


OMG at that cliffhanger! I don’t usually get too emotional when watching tv but Im tearing up a bit at that end with the suicide attempt. The way SeYi looked up and then called his phone and he dropped it as everything went silent except for the music….great direction and production. Really with the way everything came together as we revisted each of the characters before this final moment. That moment when SeYi realized that she was too late as she ran into Seolchan and started sobbing was what really got to me. He better not fall! I think that would just be too dark for this show and I don't think it can recover with the tone that it has.

btw, I found this site which is very helpful with keeping the names in order: http://asianwiki.com/Monstar

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Monstar Episode 9

Yay, KyuDong lived. I couldnt handle a suicide. Nice twist with NaNa saving him. I thought that hand was Do Nam at first. Loved Seyi ripping into him. So much fire behind her. How dense though was SeolChan for thinking Kyu and Nana had something going on. Did he really think SeYi was racing upstairs to catch them in the act?

Its amazing how much better he looks with a different hair style. But eah, still hate his bitch ass.

I really liked the song that Seolchan sang after he met with Men In Black. He's really irritating me how he keeps dancing around the truth instead of coonfessing how he feels.

Great use of the flashback to show AJ SeYi's mom, her dad and Ji-Woong. History is repeating itself with whats going between her and her two guys


OMG, I loved their transformations during Eunha's vision to KyuDong. NaNa's look was everything

LMAO at the kids just dropping by Ji-Woong's place bc they didnt have anywhere else to go

That kid in the hospital saying SeYi's hair was ugly and asking if it was a wig was too much. The dead look she was giving her was killing me....lol

FINALLY! It was awkward at first and i was dissapointed since we waited 9 episodes for the kiss, but it came together when she let go and kissed him back
Jay Park

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He just released a new EP, I Like 2 Party! I LOVE me some Jay Park. Great collection of songs. Now Im going to need him to release an actual full album


Thats my favorite song from it.

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New B2ST video/song. I had to turn it off 8 seconds in.

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sad.pngsad.png OMG. My arachnophobic ass just cannot deal with looking at spiders, especially tarantulas. I was not expecting that. Like I'm hyperventilating. That sh!t freaked me the hell out. OMG!!!! Seriously, I just can't bear to watch. It looks cool but I just can't. I cannot. I won't. I feel so bad sad.pngsad.png

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Thanks! I had no idea they were coming out with a new song. Oh sh-t, I didn't realize they released an entire full album! Will have to check it out later






Oh you need to bc soooo much has happened. I cant wait to hear your thoughts on Episode 8. It was by far the best. So many plots advanced and the writing was top notch

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Yeah I really cant believe I missed that. I really need to get my head out of BigBang's ass. laugh.png That's cool about Junhyung producing it. I wonder why its called Volume 2 though. Did I miss Volume 1? LOL. I listened to it and outside of Shadow, I really love Be Alright. One of my faves. Their sound has really evolved as this has an older, more mature feel to it. More ballad-like with less pop. I wish there was more fast pop beats but oh well. This is still good. Wish Black Paradise had been added also.


You need to watch it bc its REALLY good. The video and concept is so dark; defiently not what I would expect from them. Shocked me but its so well produced and done. Definetly one of their best videos.


Yoseob looks a bit older and its like he's starting to shed his baby looks. Looks like he's been working out


That was so creepy when I first saw it


Dongwoon's hair looks so good here yet in other shots from the video, it looks terrible.






Beautiful Show 2013, updated with new songs! Love that they are singing Black Paradise live as I didn't think they'd do anything with that since it was on an OST.


I can definetly say I am NOT feeling his Rondald McDonald hair. Doesn't look so bad in the video but does outside of that


Also not feeling his blonde hair. It looks a mess.

tumblr_mqbcjdR9Md1qmazz1o1_250.gif tumblr_mqbcjdR9Md1qmazz1o9_250.gif

LOL..No clue what he is up to there



He did a spread for Vogue. Interesting pics...lol

Jay Park


lol...this stupid crazy boy

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Ive actually been listening to alot of them this past weekend.

Gayoon...by far my favorite
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OMG!! No they did not have Kyu Dong do a cover of "Single Ladies" and "I Am The Best" in the same damn episode! laugh.pnglaugh.png EPIC. I thoroughly enjoyed that 2NE1 cover biggrin.pngbiggrin.png Amazing!


laugh.png I really thought they were going to fight. I think Seochan would've gotten his ass beat, so glad it didn't happen ;-p


This exchange was absolutely hysterical. I also loved the Mimi Sisters! laugh.png


OMG. I kind of love this guy

When Min Seyi tried to suggest they call their band "Poop Band"...


LMFAO, this little girl seems quite fascinated with poop, as do the writers laugh.png


laugh.png Loved his reason for giving her milk.

Overall great episode, I really enjoy the music numbers & fantasies. I love that they embrace music outside of South Korea as well. That is so awesome, though I hope they fit in some Bigbang/Beast songs biggrin.png

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I love that you are slowly but surely catching up with Monstar. It feels so odd reading your comments and me trying to remember my feelings on those bc it felt like so long ago.

He's such a douche but the actor does a phenomenal job with him

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The boys are breaking out into new duets and solos for Beautiful Show 2013 biggrin.png Junhyung is paired up with Doo-joon and I LOVE their new song, "I'm a Man"

I was watching Shadow again and its cool how it has so many elements of their past videos. I definetly see some influence from Breath, Fiction, Shock and Midnight in there.

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I REALLY want to see GD's One of a Kind tour. Eagerly awaiting for it to be released in DVD form or air on tv

The Alive Tour is going to be released in theaters! Man too bad it wont be in US theaters bc Id be all over that. Oh well, hope this comes out on DVD. ETA: Just found out that their Final in Seoul show just came out yesterday. Will have to search for it

Yay to their new album for renewing my love for the group and reminding me why I originally got into them. Ive been listening to alot of their old music again. I love this group.

Monstar Episode 10

LMAO at the heart fireworks that played as Junhyung was running away following the kiss

Good on SeYi for stepping up to the bully , calling him a coward and embarassing him in front of the class. I also liked that Do Nam gave Kyo Dong hus bag

Seol Chan pasing out after getting hit with the soccer ball while saving SeYi was so dramatic...lol

That was so random and cheesy but i loved it. Their singing was good and following SeYi around town was funny.

Eunha....this bitch done lost her mind. I had a hard time feeling sorry for her although I probably should have. I liked the story of the Little mermaid that she wrote down to explain her story. That was a very effective writing technique. Okay I felt sorry for her after that especially after she disasppeared into bubbles nad started sobbing in class. That was awful.

i like that she and SeYi made up and I actually teared up when they both started crying. LMAO at the boys reaction

The teacher that took her notebook and mocked her was a bitch!

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OMG, I NEED to see this. I love how they splice clips from various performances together.

That looks perfect for an avatar

and a matching siggie


What is up with this guy's hair?



Oh shut up Daesung...lol

LMAO at this entire exchange

BB WT Talk: UK by kanakoheartisvip

The boys speaking english in UK biggrin.png




CL had an amazing performance solo and with her bad girls. She also won an award that night Edited by Cheap21
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I love how the focus of the first 15 minutes or so was on Seyi. That was very beautiful and poignant and as usual the Actress did a wonderful job. I loved getting insight on her mom/dad and where the song came from. I really love that song! Such a touching, unique melody. I want copies!


WOW, I did not see this coming! I mean you could kind of tell she had a crush on him but I wasn't expecting them to reveal it so deeply like that. That segment was so damn good. I loved hearing her sing & it was so sad seeing her break down like that. They really conveyed how deeply in love she's in with Seon Woon. BRAVO!!! I was speechless.

The dynamic betwee Seyi/Na Na/Seol Chan/Seon Woo is just amazing. I haven't seen anything like it. This is the kind of drama between teens/young adults I've been yearning to see!






Omg, I was totally tripping out when I first saw this guy and thought he was Dongwoon. LOL

I'm glad they showed more of Seolchan with his band - that's one relationship I thought was sorely lacking coverage on. Glad they all have his back & are close.

Wow...exactly a month later, I'm replying. I'm so pathetically behind lol

Seyi thinking both Seolchan and Seon Woo were into each other was so ridiculous! I really didn't like how that intense scene she was having with Seolchan turned into a joke when she asked if he was crushing on Seon Woo rolleyes.gif Really girl? After you JUST overheard him tell Seon Woo that he liked you too? I didn't get that at all. I also couldn't believe they didn't kiss! It was SO GOOD how Seolchan charged her onto that wall and pressed onto her face like that. I was like YES GODDAMN!!

OMG, that manager is beyond creepy with the pillow. I noted that today as well.

Kim Na Na saving Seyi made me ;-) I wish she didn't disappear after that. I would've liked to see them have an actual talk.

Kyudong totally has the hots for Do Nam!

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