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MONSTAR Episode 3

I had to go into my Cheap mode on this ep w/the screenshots biggrin.png











OMFG this whole sequence KILLED me! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png What was the point of the poop plot if it turned out to not even be a humans? laugh.png But wait...





LMAO! I couldn't tell for sure...so was it really him? laugh.png This was soo preposterous lol but hilarious as hell. I don't think this would've come across that funny on a U.S drama for some reason, however. LOL.


I LOVED this effect. This show is so well constructed visually. It's very quirky, modern, interesting. I love it.



HAHA, Lol.



This made me laugh soo hard. Junhyung's delivery is out of this world. LOL at the excessive use of the word "pervert" on this show. There are a few other words they overuse as well but I oddly don't mind it. Seems like a Korean/cultural thing, maybe. I'm not sure

That was an interesting exchange. Kim asking Seyi to kill 2 people for her definitely meant more. I really hope we find out more of what's going on w/her in the later episodes because her eye rolling & bitchy reactions are getting old. Time for some more depth/layers to be added to her.

I kept waiting for her to go over and kick that guys ass...LOL!

I think I got what was going on with those two...Did Kyu Dong & Do Nam used to be best friends or something and Do Nam is embarrassed by it? I don't know. The violence towards Dong is quite hard to watch and I was disturbed by the dialogue. Thank God Seyi came & saved the day with that broom!

I'm completely over Sun Woo's meddling, eavesdropping ass! Back off, son! I can't quite tell...are they hinting at something between him & Kim Nana?

The scene where Seyi was on top of Seolchan crying on his face was probably the most beautiful sequence I've ever seen, followed by the opening on the show when Seolchan was watching Seyi/Sun Woo perform. The reaction shots on this show are what really make it stand out from the rest. It's superbly acted/directed/edited, everything.

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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That entire poop exchange was funny. IA with you on the direction and how the shots were laid out. Had me ROTFLMAO

Im gonna watch episode 6 tomorrow when I have more time




His next solo album comes out Aug 18 and will have 10 songs. Cant wait! http://bigbangupdates.com/2013/06/yg-life-updates-about-g-dragons-next-korean-solo-album.html#axzz2XTYux6su



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Monstar Episode 6

The triangle really kicked into high gear!

Just no to Seyi going out on a date with JSW. LMAO at her asking if he has a crush on Seolchan though. That was hilarious. Cant believe she went and told Seolchan that. Is she really that clueless and naive not to realize both guys like her? LOL


So Kim is definetly is crushing on JSW. Its amazing how hard she was early in the series but now is showing some vulnerability. Kind of miss her as the touch mute girl. The song she sang was beautiful. Girl has got it bad


I cant beleive Seolchan and Seyi didnt kiss. He had his lips to her face for the longest time. They are really dragging this out but I love it. She's softened up to him and he's finally admitted to someone that he has feelings for her. JSW lit a fire in him and he's not backing down.

Seolchan's manager is always walking around with a pillow of him. Dont know if i should find that funny or creepy

Love how Kim Na Na saved Seyi from those bitch girls that tried to dump crap on her even though she has reason to be jealous of her and JSW

Why do I get the feeling that Kyudong has a crush on Do Nam


and just like that the triangle became a quad. Its starting to get juicy

Edited by Cheap21
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I actually like that song!

Monstar Episode 7

LMAO at Min Se Yi trying to practice singing. Bitch, I know you can sing better than that.


I wonder how exact the translations are bc that exchange was just too hilarious. Like is the dialogue really like that? laugh.png

Wow, Bitch Girl can actually sing.

I liked Kyudong standing up to Do Nam and not backing down. I still want to know why he is so fixated on him though.


Na Na and JS's duet was beautiful. I think I ship them. The stuff between them after he confronted her following meeting her dad was powerful. Great acting by her and he stepped it up. Shoot after that I totally ship them.

The whole segment when they were following Na Na was crazy. First with Se Yi and Do Nam chasing after her in a cab to JS seeing them and chasing after them in his limo and then Seolchan chasing that car that was chasing them....lol. Then they get into some big brawl outside. I found it crazy that there were these men in suits fighting highschool kids and people in the street were watching yet no one did anything about it.

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Loved Na Na not abandoning her team and stepping up to save the day. She was FIERCE this episode.

Oh and on a side note, Im getting very sick and tired of the teen girls in the episodes that gossip and comment on things. They bug me to no end.


Seungri has a Facebook page now biggrin.pnghttps://www.facebook.com/MR.seungriseyo


Daesung got nominated for a cover award by the Recording Industry Association of Japan. He is the only Korean to get a nom. Good for him as that is a great cover

He's also coming out with a new single called I Love You and it looks like he's back to his natural hair color


Not really feeling it


Finally performing something new biggrin.png


That is super cool!




New material incoming! Edited by Cheap21
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MONSTAR Episode 4




I DIED at this part! laugh.png The way he said "Thank you!" in English laugh.pngwub.png



Another great episode. I loved that little short, quiet character montage we got towards the middle of the episode!

I wasn't sure what was happening with Seolchan & has Mom? What in the world was she getting emotional about? LOL

I love the writing for Seolchan & Junhyung's flawless portrayal. I can't say it enough.

The dialogue/the way these people communicate cracks me up SO hard sometimes I can barely stand it laugh.png "1st year poop"

Se Yi going in on the All For One crowd gave me LIFE!

The Thai actor/kid who was singing the Josh Groban song on the street was really good/charming and I wish he was a regular on the show!

I was blown away by her performance in this episode. Really gripping stuff. I really love how she can't stay away from that guy because she just wants to learn more about her dad!

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LMAO, I don't think I ever posted that here but its from their appearance late last year when GD performed Crayon and the group did Fantastic Baby. Some bad lip syncing but I love how they remix into another K-pop song at the end biggrin.png


I just watched his Shine A Light concert. Had it sitting on my PC for months but just got around to it. I love him! He is so talented and I like how he talks directly to his fans. He really treats them well and loves what he does.

I loved his hair. Not even sure what that style is. Not quite a mohawk. More like a cockatoo. Loved it!


biggrin.png OMG, that was so beautiful and so perfect. It felt so weird to have him do it without the rest of his boys, but what a good shocker that was.
Is it considered a cover if the original artist comes out to help you? LOL
I LOVED the GPod and the look back at his history. Had no clue he started out when he was 13. So talented at such a young age. I especially love the "G the Dragon" song. Loved how it broke into "A Boy". Thats one of my favorite older tracks of his. Also didnt know he was on some tv program when he was 8 years old and said his dream was to rap when he was older. Well his dream came true biggrin.png
LOL at the graphics on the big screen. Made the entire performance hilarious

His fashion was on point throughout the show
Seriously, so much love for this guy

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I love it! Definetly not what I expected though. I though it was going to be more of a ballad and was surprised to hear it have more of a reggae influence. Its hot though


This is the BEST Bom has ever looked. I love that she has gone with a more natural hair color this time and the dark look suits her and that haircut is to die for.


CL's parts were the best. Love that she rapped in English.


Wasn't a fan of the autotune during Dara's sections. And yes the hair color is a mess. Although I have to say it looks decent there. It just doesn't suit her skin tone. The hair style is good but the color should be a little darker. Like....


This queen! Gorgeous!


Minzy, not feeling the pink hair but the black is better. Im not used to seeing it so dark

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