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The Baddest Female performed her new song for the first time!







Got that right!

Big Bang


How cool is that



LMAO at this Daesung. Mind you, the song is annoying but there's something very charming and likeable about him performing it. I like how right in the middle of it, he breaks out and does a dance cover to Taeyang's "Look Only at Me"





I really love the new song. :D Edited by Cheap21
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Monstar Episode 3

I love that the lyrics to his song was subtitled bc I loved it. So smooth...lol
LMAO at how he kept repeating this the entire episode, although in my translation he said "Im a celebrity"
Cant believe she tried to get Seolchan beat up! I like that mute girl is starting to talk and Im digging her
I love how she was just having a smoke, not giving a F as SeYi was beating the bully with a broom...lol
LMAO, this was hilarious!
Ugh, bitch girl is back!
Wish I had been posting while watching bc then Id have more thoughts. Thankfully alot of this was gif'd
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Do ah, bap bap

I finally saw episode 2! I thought this was even better than the first episode! Since I knew all the characters and the base stories, I was even more into it and found myself completely enthralled with the story. It flowed well & I loved the music!

Do ah, bap bap

Mute Girl: "You better move"

Seolchan: "I agree *runs*"

LMFAO! I was dying. And LOL when Seyi tried to sit with her too, I thought for a minute they were going to be friends but she got turned down again. Damn...I'm really intrigued by whatever the hell is going on with that girl. I hope It's good.

Do ah, bap bap

I LOVE little subtle character stuff like Seolchan wondering why Seyi never smiled around him but always did with Seonwoo, then when she finally smiled at him after the music practice he said under his breath "You smiled…" that kind of stuff just slays me wub.png

LMAO when Seolchan saw Seyi outside the window & Hyung asked if he was smiling. He turned around so fast & his change in facial expression was priceless. "Are you crazy?! I was exercising my lips!" laugh.pnglaugh.png

Junhyung is just amazing & hilarious in this role. I love watching him! My favorite scene was at the beginning when Seolchan was in the classroom and everyone was staring at him & taking pics. He was just looking around awkwardly smiling. Junhyungs smile biggrin.png

Did you catch when Seolchan said "Bad Girl" biggrin.png

Do ah, bap bap

I didn't quite understand what was going on with the Homeroom teacher girl. And for whatever reason, I didn't realize until this episode that she was also Seyi's aunt...I thought they were different actresses. Wow. LOL.

Do ah, bap bap

I LOVED THE MUSIC CLASS STUFF! Seyi & Seonwoo's duet was breathtaking! Seolchan breaking out the freestyle beats w/his equipment was cool. I rewinded so many times on that part because of the way he kept saying "Do ah, bap bap" laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png LOL!

I loved the developments with him & Seyi on the rooftop and I hope it continues. Seyi smiling when he said he hated himself through me off though.


Oh man that was great laugh.png


Didn't that little smug girl either. Ugh!

I forget did you send me a link to ep 3?

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Finally your bitch ass is back in here! LOL. Had me looking crazy talking to myself here

IA. Im so glad I started watching and its really all because of him. He's great. I think I might have missed that Bad Girl line.

I dont think I realized till episode 3! I thought they looked similar.

So you liked the Trouble Maker cover? biggrin.png It was great; just too short.

It should be in one of the links I sent you. I'll send you another PM

Haha, not a fan I guess

Im really starting to get into their earlier material. Im really feeling "Dirty Cash". That song is so catchy and I like the videof or it. I love how the group has evolved. Its intresting to so see their different styles throughout the years

mine too. I think I went overboard with the gifs. I edited some of my ealrier posts and it appears to be working more smoothly.
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Monstar Episode 4

Whats up with Kim Na Na? Looks like she was swooped up by the mob.


Go Se Yi! She finally said something to this little bitch!

Se Yi talking about her father throughout the episode was very sad. I think the actress did a great job with her crying and conveying her emotions. I cant wait till she tells Seolchan about this. Looking forward to his reaction and it bringing them closer. I thought she was joking when she said she talked to sheep. Didn't think that was real.

ETA: Oh he overheard her!


OMG, I love this shot


Seolchan has a mother? I didn't think he had any parents in his life and just assumed his manager was also his guardian



I loved the two of them playing together and it flashbacking to when they were kids



So cute!



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Monstar - Episode 5
I didnt like how Eunha made fun of Nana and SeYi laughed at her. Kyu-Dong looked upset at that and SeYi noticed
i cant believe Kyu-Dong sang Single Ladies...lol. Was not expecting that laugh.png
The writing for this show is so good. I liked the flashback they showed of Do Nam's martial arts lesson when he was a kid. It helped humanize him and give some background to why he is the way he is.

"I Am the Best!" I loved that they did a cover for that.
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Mimi sisters! LOL
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LOL at his reaction to that


Eunha's starting to fall hard for Seolchan. She better watch it bc it most likely wont end well for her.
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He looked adorable all throughout the episode
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I never saw this image before
Bitch girl was having a meltdown! Girl is crazy! She is too damn jealous of SeYi
The revelation at the end of the episode was good. Wonder if the guy her mother liked is the same guy Seyi's been getting close to?

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Dear Gawd/Cheap: I'm a total workaholic mess these days. I will get to watching the last 3 Monstar eps very soon. I feel empty! I still love my K-Pop. I even got some of my new work colleagues into it a bit (2NE1 seems to be a hit among all of them...I'm trying w/Bigbang/B2ST but no luck...lol working w/all guys!) Please continue to share your thoughts and any new/old music you discover cool.png

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New song/video coming our way

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Imma bout to have a marathon on all the episodes that have aired so far once I get them all downloaded. I know I left off at 3...where are we at now? tongue.png I'm pumped! I skipped over your posts about them but will read once I've viewed of course wub.png


I love this live performance biggrin.png LOVE the remix! I hope the 2NE1 page continues posting these different performances because I can't get enough. She's so versatile.

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I like that 4minute teaser. Surprise that its in the same style as their last EP which came out a few months ago but this wasn't on there


Ive been loving her performances. I want to see her do it big though like at a concert or award show. Her style is always on point as is her hair. Cant wait to see her put out more music


Its up to episode 6 now. Ive only seen 20 minutes of that. Good luck though bc remember these are LONG. At 1:20 that's like 2 hours with commercials. I kind of wish the episodes were shorter at times but I still enjoy it



he's such a good dancer

Edited by Cheap21
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