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New Monstar Pics





The actress is really pretty. I especially love that gif of her about to punch him


Looks like someone will be subtitling it



Wonder what that could mean. Hopefully its referring to a new Seungri or TOP album

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Oh god I hope his crew aren't fans of OLTL, see that mess and get ideas.

IA with you on Seungri. I want a full album like yesterday


Nice new preview pics, especially the first one. Wonder what is happening in that scene.
LMAO at these little kids
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I hope this is just Seungri's "working in the studio, no f*cks, no filter" look sad.pngsad.png LOL JK. But he looks a bit of a mess here I think (and in the alternate shots) ;p


Love this shot

This one completely got to me laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

Today I was listening to BIG LOL and got sad GD&TOP never made a video for that. Probably because It's too short, but...still!



LMAO .I feel like I've seen this before but can't remember.

Edited by AllMyDaysatGH
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Seungri is looking a bit old in that first shot. IA on the second. Love them together

I hadnt seen that gif before but its hilarious laugh.png I see these are from the new G-market commercials


What a great ad campaign!


LMAO at GD messing with his hair
LOL at his facial expressions
Looking cool there
Jay Park
My love for him grows. This might be my favorite song of his. Perfect blend of rap and R&B
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Oh man, that video has been removed. Bet it was lovely.

That teaser I showed earlier unfortunately wasnt about Seungri or anyone in BB, but it was someone I love so its all cool


CL....cant wait to hear her solo material. I wonder if its going to be rapping, singing or a combo of both. I have a feeling this is going to be her year

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WHAT! I'm so upset that video was removed. It was posted by the official Beast page! It was a video of Yoseob singing the song "Another orion" live (I'm not sure where). It was breathtaking. Damn I hope they put it back up

That's some AMAZING CL news! I was hoping she'd go solo! I hope she raps/sings

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Another poster put it up and I just saw it. Beautiful!

New Beast photoshoot with Vogue Girl



Click top enlarge
OMG, B2ST, is about to release a full song for Dunkin Donuts called Dunkaccino. Here's a teaser of it
Love it!
Big Bang
I went back and watched some of the YG concert and really like the performances of Lonely and MALHAEJYO (Tell Me). That last one is the finale. It was cool seeing Taehyang rap for the first time and he's quite good
GD did a song with other fellow YG rappers back in 2008 called Fly Gentlemen. Saw them perform it on the 2011 YG concert. Wish I could find a clip online but all they have is fancams on YT. It has a cool beat to it.
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Monstar episode 1 debuted last week. Still gotta see it and will before this gets taken down like the YT link I saw earlier in the week


<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x101qiw"></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x101qiw_eng-sub-130517-monstar-ep-1-1-2_people" target="_blank">[ENG SUB] 130517 MONSTAR Ep. 1 [1/2]</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/beautifulsubs" target="_blank">beautifulsubs</a></I>


<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x101wur"></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x101wur_eng-sub-130517-monstar-ep-1-2-2_people" target="_blank">[ENG SUB] 130517 MONSTAR Ep. 1 [2/2]</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/beautifulsubs" target="_blank">beautifulsubs</a></I>

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This is my kind of teen drama! TAKE NOTES, AMERICA! That's how you do it! *WIPING TEARS AFTER THAT LAST FLAWLESS SEQUENCE*! WOW!

Junhyung is fantastic as Seolchan. He's a solid actor with infinite charm. I adore that character already. I LOVE the setup for the triangle with him, Min Seyi & Jung Sunwoo. The chase scene laugh.png LOVE that Seolchan/Sunwoo have a past together.

The way the show introduced us to the characters & their back stories was really commendable. Min Seyi's story was especially compelling. I love her already too & that Actress is stunning. Girl really knows how to effortlessly cry on cue (all of them do actually, even Junhyung did...lol). Really digging the conflict between her & her aunt, mother & that prick Jae-rok from school. I love that we got to know a bit more about the characters & their emotions through that musical montage sung by Min Seyi. I'm really interested in whatever the hell is going on with that mysterious silent girl Kim Nana.

LOL. I love Seyi's BFF Eunha. Hilarious actress. The scene where Seyi was trying to free the bird made me laugh so hard, then I was swooning when Sunwoo saved her from falling off the chair wub.png Man that was adorable, my heart was racing!

Poor Radio sad.png OMG. His voice doesn't even sound that bad. Is it just me?? Why the f-ck were people laughing at him?! It was heartbreaking during that montage when we saw him standing over that balcony, contemplating to jump! I'm glad he didn't. He was about ready to kill himself again though in that last scene, which as I said before, was flawless. The music was beautiful and I loved Min Seyi jumping in to save him. That whole sequence was just brilliant. Seolchan coming in at the end and asking Seyi to be his desk mate was the cherry on top! I can't wait for the next episode! LOL

Does the show really air for that long? That seems crazy. I'm going to have to watch again because I was so distracted by the captions (obviously, LOL), trying to get the story together, that I didn't really get to take in the look/style of the piece. As an editor its even more frustrating since I'm also always annoyingly analyzing the cuts/aesthetic nuance & rewinding all the time tongue.png

This pilot was outstanding. Superb actors and writing. I'm serious about the acting, I don't think I detected one bad actor (except maybe that trifling girl who Junhyung had to slap on the ground. LOL. She wasn't great)

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Great posts! IA with what you had to say. Here's some added thoughts.

I loved Seyi's Pomeranian dog!

I didn't think that first kiss was him filming a movie. Had me fooled...lol. I was like dang he's pretty bold. I loved when he cornered her after

Who knew Junhyung, could play such an ass? I loved it. He has the whole bad boy image going for him in Beast, but he seems like anything but so it was cool to see him play up that role here. I love everything about Seolchan. Great casting. He has so much chemistry with the girl playing Seyi.

Them girls were THIRSTY for him. Not that I blame them but dang. That girl got slapped and was still working him hard. rolleyes.gif at her faking a faint. Bitch, please!

"Our oppa got harassed by a girl, so he gave her a slap" laugh.png

Call 119? 911 is reversed in S.Korea....I wouldn't have known


I love Seyi's chubby friend


This scene was heartbreaking. That little kid's acting was amazing. I felt so bad


Her mother wouldn't even look at her.

tumblr_mn3zvvc8Di1qjh9l5o8_250.gif tumblr_mn3zvvc8Di1qjh9l5o7_r1_250.gif

Poor Radio is right! I felt so bad for him but loved how Seyi came to his rescue. What a beautiful song. Will have to rock that when they release a soundtrack. BTW, was it just me or did he resemble Kikwang?



I was laughing at that entire sequence with him creeping around and running after Seyi


These two are the Korean version of this


As for if the show is really this long? Maybe it was long because it was the premiere. Guess we'll find out when the second episode airs today and goes up.

Edited by Cheap21
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