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Well it happens just like Kate said. That is how it happened to me. Brought back lots of memory i thought was dealt with. It was disturbing as it should be. There was nothing funny about those scenes. Not one bit.

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I'm truly sorry for you and what you went through. Your right rape is a horrible cruel crime which is why it's sad and pathetic at how Carivati feels the need to reuse this plot and time again. Rape atorylines not just one scene, should be handled with care and as a crime . All this is going to be used for is to setup a rivalry between Sonny and whoever the rapist is now.

At the present time there are what 3 rape related atorylines going on. Sam's and Kates 2 rapes now. Let's not forget this show has 3 rapists on canvas all to be forgiven and their actions justified so women with no ounce of self respect can lust after them. Frankly I'd like to know what Carlivatis problem is with women that he feels justifying rspists and using rape and degrading women is some sort of soapy plot. Maybe he had issues with his mother.

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DID usually comes fromsort of sexual trauma like rape or being molested. So he chose Rape this time & KS sold it for me. Not upset about that choice.

Todd hasnt raped in 20 years and has actual remorse for that as does Luke. I had a bigger issue that Laura married luke but I dealt with that.

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It still doesn't answer why Carlivati chooses to use rape as a crutch. Again 3 story lines related to rape.

And I guess unless your a woman you just don't get the issues some of us might have in watching Todd and Luke and now Johnny looked upon as hot commodities. They all still degrade women.

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You know I've often wondered that myself. I realize that just because someone writes something dark unpleasant, that doesn't necessarily mean they have a problem. But RC's repeated portrayals of mental illness and rape/sexual exploitation of people who can't consent and his insistence on trying to make them funny or "wacky" is really toxic. I know he isn't the only writer who likes to go to that well but he's the only one I've seen that appears to enjoy it so much.

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That was not a MOCKERY. How Kate described it is what happened to me. Its very real. Not a mockery, Not a joke. Maybe people should have some compassion & realize Rape does not happen the same way for all its victims.

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Put the scene aside. I don't blame KSu. She's acting something she has no control over.

You should be outraged by the fact this story isn't really about rape. It's being used as a plot to bring her rapist to town as Sonnys new enemy.

If I were a rape victim I'd want to know why this HW uses rape as a crutch and afterthought and plot point. And now Kate was raped twice. I'll bet Johnnys rape is not even going to be a big deal going forward. Hell they always whitewashed it. Carly accepted it.

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Your missing my point, I thought the scene was really well done. It shocked me cause Kelly's account of Kate's rape was what happened to me. The fear, the emotions all of it rang true. It was supposed to be an uneasy scene to watch. It was disturbing but thats what they wanted to show. They needed to showwhat made Kate create Connie. Its the first time we saw that much detail in a POV without actually showing Joe Jr rape Kate.

Im not mad at RC/FV or KS what they did was very effective. What im pissed at is the laughs at the scene. That is what I found truly DISGUSTING.

Sorry but I find it kind of funny that ppl will say what a tory's goal truly is without seeing how it plays out first

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You still haven't answered why this show has 3 rape related stories in play.

I don't think it's disgusting people are laughing at it. If anything that should tell you how a lot of the audience is reacting to it. Don't blame the viewer for reacting that way.

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Ok you can't tell someone how they feel on something. It is what it is. RC clearly loves to poke fun at serious subjects. I highly doubt they had Kate raping herself for an Emmy they did it to make a joke out of it. They have always resorted to rape for a story. They did it with Marty, they did it with Jessica and prob someone else I don't remember. Posting over and over again won't change the fact that RC doesn't feel empathy for rape victims or he wouldn't keep using them as plot points or made Jessica fall in love with her rapist. (Ford)

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