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I can't choose a favorite character because they were all pretty funny at different times. Joe and Natalie were maybe my favorite. I know Tootie annoyed me when she was younger. But in the later years (when they owned Edna's ebibles and beyond) she was better. Blair was what we now call a "diva" and i sometimes act like that too. there wasn't a slouch in the group. I even liked Andy and Pipa. it was a breath of fresh air because there wasn't much more you could write about four grown up girls living together.

I think it ended at the right time because it was such an 80's show although i thought it deserved a much better ending than the one it got. Actually some of the ending was Good with Tootie going to summer stock, Joe's husband returning and Natalie finding her own apartment and Blair buying the school but it was too much about Blair and the kids. kind of reminded me of the final Maude episode. it had a nice ending with her friends and daughter leaving but then it had her becomming senator because it was suposed to be a spin-off but Bea Arthur decided at last minute to not come back.

Remember when they had the Eastland reunion? Sue Anne, Nancy and Cindy all came to the house. Sue Anne and Joe really butt heads. "you had to be there." Nancy was getting married and was already pregnant (suprised Lisa Whetchel was in this episode since she refused to even appear in the one where Natalie had sex for the first time.) and Cindy was a covergirl model.

Andy: I'm actually going to meet cover girl Cindy (something)...

Natalie: Relax Andy we knew her before she had flesh worth covering!

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I think that was the last season. Yeah, the makeup was pretty gruesome when she slowly removed the bandage and threw the tray across the room. I remember Tootie answering the phone when the cop called, about Blair and her Porsche. I could be wrong, but actually I think she fell asleep at the wheel, not that the dude was drunk.

Do you all remember the episode where they had a dream they were old and they all had on that awful '80s old age makeup? Blair's accent was extra southern. There was an episode of Punky Brewster (and Full House) like that too.

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I sure do. It was strange, though, because they acted like they didn't know Jo (and vice versa)--when they made quite a few appearances in different episodes from seasons 2-4. So seeing them all of a sudden act like they were strangers rang very false.

It is weird that Lisa Whelchel appeared in that episode--maybe she felt Nancy was okay since she was marrying the father? I don't know.

And Cindy's last name was Webster.


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I like Mrs. Garett's history. She has one of those long interesting histories that doesn't occur much on situation comedies. We know she was born on a farm in Appleton Wisconsin with a big family. i know she mentioned having brothers and then Beverly Anne appeared. then she went into the peace-core and had an affair with Bruce Gains. Then she married Mr. Garett and had her two sons Raymond and (the other one.) I don't know how long they were married but she said one day she came home and all the furniture was gone because he gambled it away. That's when she left him.

I assume it wasn't long after that that she became the housekeeper for Mr. Drummond and stayed for a couple of years. then she became housemother at eastland which lasted about a year and then was "promoted" to dietation. She did that for three years and then opened her own gormet shop (thankes to Raymond) and after two years of that...it burned down and she opened a malt shop with the girls and went back to college to take a course. then she found Bruce again and quickly married him and joined the peace-core again.

Then after Bruce died she just relaxed and took long cruises. Actually i think by the end of the reunion movie she had fallen for a captin of a crusie ship so i bet now she's still taking those cruises with her captain. or she could be living in Blair's hotel with her son Raymond and dating the captin..

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