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DAYS actress Kaye Stevens has passed away

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Longtime fans may remember her as Jeri Clayton, mother of perpetually troubled Trish (Patty Weaver).

Kaye had quite a life, and was involved in quite a bit of drama backstage, including her being fired in the mid-70's (with the rumor being that this was because she used her association with DAYS to promote herself in some sexy billboards), then, when she returned, supposedly having a big conflict with Susan Seaforth Hayes.

Kaye also made the rounds of the game show circuit, which may be what she is best known for today, thanks to GSN.


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Trish was always one of my favorite characters, and Kaye was often effective as a neurotic mess of a mother who complicated her daughter's life. She never made a believable threat to Doug and Julie, however, and I was never a fan of her singing at Doug's Place. I hope she had a wonderful life after she faded from the public eye.

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The Trish story always goes back to the triangle with Mike and David for me. I thought Patty Weaver and Wesley Eure had great chemistry, so it was always a surprise to me that David "won" in the end. Hers was the first multiple personality storyline I saw on the soaps and it fascinated me -- I remember her killing her stepfather, which precipitated the MPD. I remember when she left the show -- she kidnapped Scotty, her son with David, and took him to California. David pursued a lead to an apartment house or motel, but Trish and Scotty weren't there. However, as David was leaving the grounds, he was shown walking past another apartment window -- and inside, the viewers saw Trish playing with Scotty. Most of all, I fondly recall Trish's singing -- I loved her voice. I even have the album she put out in the early 80s, featuring a couple of the songs she sang in the "Mary Anderson gets killed by the Salem Strangler" episodes. I was very sad to see Weaver leave the show again soon after that.

I don't recall any specific scenes with Trish and Jeri -- just the general sense that Jeri was not a very good mother. She loved Trish, but she was all caught up in her own neurotic drama -- everything was all about her.

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I've only seen a little of her, but I did love her singing in the 1979 episodes saynotoursoap put up. Incredible.

I wish she could go back to DAYS - I'd like to see a return of Scotty, and David, perhaps David is depressed and Scott has a serious illness.

That exit sounds very memorable, the first one.

Did Jeri just leave town and wasn't mentioned again?

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I was sorry to hear this. I do remember her on Days. Jeri seemed like a basket case to me too. Trish always seemed more mature to me even though she was the daughter! I also remember Jeri getting jealous of Julie when the man who later raped Julie (Larry Atwood) showed a romantic interest in Julie. Jeri wanted him herself. I think she testified against Julie at her trial for the murder of Atwood. I also remember articles in the soap mags at that time indicating that Kaye & Susan Seaforth Hayes actually got into a physical altercation backstage.

Loved Trish, still remember her conking her step-father on the head with an iron and killing him when he was being aggressive toward her. And Patty has a gorgeous voice, loved hearing her sing on Days and Y&R.

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