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OLTL: Discussion for the week of September 5th

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What would be the point of her being the child of two people who aren't on the show, and whose relationship with Cris ended horribly?

I don't know why they put Erin's return in the same episode as bad acting Bree and Jessica's noble rapist. It just reminded me - again - of how horribly Bree and the writing have ruined Jessica.

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Fake Carlotta is on. When Cris said he was the only family she had left in town, I almost wanted to say there's still Tea, but she has no relationship with this fake version

Edited to add: Oh and there goes Tea having a scene with Fakelotta. Surprised the writers rememberd them. BTW, what is up with her hair?

LOVED Tea today. She was sooo great with Todd

Im glad TSJTodd's secretary appeared again. I love her look


Ford and Jessica are so boring. Langston wasnt the first person he loved...it was Tess? Really, the show is saying that? Tess is an obsession. This isnt love

Thats it for Cris? Today was his last day?

Ive been meaning to say this but Kim and Rama look like porn stars in your banner! LOL...I never thought they looked too similiar till I saw that pic. Now throw in Lindsay Harltley and you got triplets

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I hate when they write Cris calling Carlotta MOM, it should be mami. Sad to see the last of the Vegas as Fakelotta is terrible. DF's Cris was the only man that softens Blair's hard edges and makes her likeable.

I felt cheated by how rushed Cris' exit was but then I've felt cheated for Cris fans since Layla was written out.I liked those two together a lot.

Flor was great today with that arched, you gotta be kidding me when RH assumed then demanded she represent him. I am glad she walked out on his arrogance though I know she'll probably get guilt-tripped into saving his butt later. But make him grovel first.

Can someone please explain to me why Starr is acting like an innocent little girl again?

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