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Missouri couple encounter with two pygmy rattlesnakes


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I am also scared of snakes and would have a hard time living there bc I would be worried that there are more. My boss told me that he regularly sees a snake near the front door of the office a few months ago and I wish he never mentioned anything bc I never saw it. After that, I was very mindful of the snake when I went in and out of hte door and made sure I did it quickly bc I never wanted to see it. Thankfully I never did. Ignorance is bliss

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Oh wow Cheap, I so feel your pain, lol, I can totally imagine myself in your shoes! I don't know what the hell was going on, but a few summers ago all of these black snakes were popping up in our neighborhood. My dad came home one night and said, "I hate to get anyone upset, but when I was coming up the walk, I saw about a four foot black snake slither down a hole." Then one afternoon my mom came home, and a smaller one was wrapped around the shutter by our front door (!!!!!!!!!!!!!). No offense to ma, but I am so glad that wasn't me who saw that because I probably would have moved in with my aunt. One morning, I was leaving for work and I saw one in my peripheral vision by the flowers when I stepped out the front door, and do you know I didn't even have the courage to look at it dead on and I booked it to my car!

My friend sent me a news story about a town that is infested with garter snakes, they are just in every nook and cranny of people's homes. Garter snakes give off a musk and the problem is so bad that the drinking water (Lord, I can literally feel the hair on my head standing up as I type this) has taken on the nasty taste of the snakes. *faints*

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I have only had one encounter with a snake in my life thus far. I was pulling into work and there was a huge black snake chillin right in front of the door to the building. I promptly called in and informed them that I was NOT getting out of my car until that [!@#$%^&*] was taken care of. Well, no one wanted to take care of it for me so I took a sick day and headed home to drown my sorrows in a bottle of Grey Goose.

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Ever hear horror stories of people finding them in their toilet? I remember I heard that for the first time when I was a kid and ALWAYS checked out the toilet before i did my business and made sure the seat was down and the door was closed when I was done ofr at least a few weeks before the hysteria died down

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LOL, honestly, that was a legitimate fear of mine when I had my apartment in Manhattan. I could just imagine somebody having a snake(s) in the building and it getting in the pipes. The worst that ever happened though was a mouse ran across my roommate's girlfriend's feet when she was peeing. :lol: I am extremely paranoid about snakes and when we had that problem I was talking about upthread, I put a towel under my door at night. ph34r.png

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Oh my god thanks Cheap, now I'll never take a shitt in peace again. My paranoia is overtaking my life.

The other night I had a nightmare about snakes, and I woke up literally crying. I had to go shower, then I stripped all of the sheets off my bed in a panic looking for snakes.

It's literally a huge fear for me.

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Hahaha, Miss Juana is cracking me up! I'll spare AMD@GH the video of the big ass spider with a million baby spiders on her back.

I'm actually more creeped out by little snakes than big old boa constrictors or whatever, but my grandma almost gave me a heart attack when she sent me the forward of that huge ass python that was eating sheep in Australia and finally got caught on the electric fence. If you are brave enough, go to snopes.com or just google "snake electric fence".

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I have more close encounters with snake stories but I am seriously freaking myself out right now, lol, I feel like I'm gonna attract snake karma. I just thank Gawd for peripheral vision, the determination to not be like Lot's wife and look back, and two fully functioning legs.

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