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Speaking of Scott the other day, the Karen twist has always seemed odd to me. Didn't Labine do it at random as Cari Shayne was exiting the show, months after Kin left? Was there even any hint of that before? What was the purpose? Not that it wasn't good for the characters later on, but still.

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I thought they were possibly going to make Karen Alan's daughter.  They spent a bit of time on Rhonda/Alan and Alan offered to pay for Karen's schooling lol. I am not sure why the rewrite happened but I think Cari Shayne left because ASJ did.   I believe it might have been earlier then when her contract was actually up because she only stayed on the show for 2 years and most newbie contracts were 3 back then.  Idk, but I think Labine had plans for Karen/Jagger that weren't realized.  The show married them off quick and you would assume the plan was to keep them around for Stone's death.  So I think there was an actual idea for Scottie/Karen it just got derailed by actor departures.

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Yup, the Jason/Karen/Jagger triangle (and eventually quadrangle with Brenda) was 1992-93. Double-checking the summaries, but I don't think A.J. was involved with that storyline. He was too preocupied with Nikki.

ETA: A.J. wasn't directly involved with the story, but he didn't like Karen for hurting Jason and because she was part of the conspiracy to keep in him the dark about Alan bribing Nikki to leave Port Charles.

Edited by Franko
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Yeah, I sort of misspoke.  I knew the two "relationships" didn't overlap but it was a little close enough to be icky.

I assume the plan was actually to pair AJ/Brenda and they just hit pay dirt when Vanessa and Maurice sparked.  I always thought Brenda was meant to be with either Jason/AJ because the moved her into the Q mansion.

I believe Labine said the car dealership scenes were supposed to be a one off, but it got such a great response they went with Sonny/Brenda.  

Edited by carolineg
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I am rewatching a lot of '94 and I remember thinking Ned's music was extremely corny even then. Granted I was a kid, but I did not know how he was supposed to take America by storm in the age of grunge. Maybe I just haven't heard enough of it and he was hitting the Michael Bolton ballad zone, idk lol. Ned was an attractive guy and I liked him, he was witty and fun, but WK seemed old and square even then!

Edited by Vee
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For better or for worse, it is cool that Labine wasn't married to any one outcome, that she could adapt based on how things were going.

Agreed to all of the above. The rock or pop charts would have had no use for Ned BITD. At best, he'd be playing Atlantic City.

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I think WK is a good looking guy, but I don't think him and his leather pants were taking the world by storm.  Idk, his singing is decent but I think this was when the show was really leaning into musical acts.  Ricky Martin's hips don't lie, but WK is not exactly on the same level.  I am not embarrassed to say "Don't Stop Now" by Miguel Morez is kind of a jam lol.  The video is cringe though.. Vanessa Marcil can do almost anything but dancing might not be in her wheelhouse.

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