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Lol!  It so gross to think of Sonny and AT's Emily.  Do you remember when Sonny was talking to Juan about having safe sex with Emily?   Not to mention the fact they had direct contact with each other when she was like 11.  It's not like they did not know one another back then.   

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To give Guza credit- it was the start of a slow burn where both of them were beginning to question their loyalty to Sonny in regards to his loyalty to them always being whatever he wanted.  It culminated with Michael in jail, and how torn up Jason and Carly were.  And then when things fell apart with Brenda, we finally had a Sonny that admitted power was always going to come before everything else- love, family, etc.

There was a period of time there where I felt like the show was really being written to root for Dante and Jason over Sonny’s impulses.

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I don't think so, but maybe.   I have noticed MB rarely, rarely ever carries a women.  He's certainly not Jax carrying women around like ragdolls.   I think I can only remember one or two times he carried Brenda or Carly and it was TB's Carly and those two women weigh like 80 lbs.  It might be a height/strength thing tbh, but it's honestly something I have noticed Sonny/MB never does even when the scene probably calls for it. 

One of the scenes I liked with Emily is when Sonny takes her to his island I think and tries to be all cool and speaking Spanish to everyone and NL's Emily starting speaking Spanish too.  And Sonny was SHOCKED Emily could speak a second language.  

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This was the last time I enjoyed Sonny and it now been 10+ years. As much as they consumed the show in 2009-2011 those dynamics and Dante's intro were soooo good. Had they utilized the rest of the canvas outside of Robin/Patrick/Lisa I would rank the end of Guza's run so much higher. 


Granted, it fell apart fast in 2011.

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The whole Emily thing was embarrassing for Sonny, so just add that to the list.  It was a scene that stuck out as odd because he had Max carry her.  One of the 4 or 5 scenes I remember from that "romance".

I don't know why I have noticed Sonny/MB never carrying women around in love scenes or in danger/illness situations but I have.  It might be because Brenda/Jax had such a different physicality and Jax/Ingo was always carrying her around and Sonny just never did that with Brenda or anyone else.  It's a really bizarre thing to notice or fixate on, but I figured it might have been some sort of personal choice for Sonny/MB.

I can imagine Guza tiring of Sonny/MB because a lot of his stories and romances tanked.   Even if it was not entirely MB's fault, I can see a HW getting frustrated with spending time and focus on romance after romance and none of them panning out well.  Plus, Steve seem to be pushed into the leading role by the mid 2000's and DZ took off quickly.  I could see the temptation of pushing Sonny out as the main lead.

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And it worked, tbh. Not Jason so much for me, but Dante/Lucky becoming the new Luke/Scorpio of their day (they should've been the stars, period) with Sonny being pushed into a senior/elder lead role was natural, IMO. He still had story and still got into things, but he was clearly being shifted and it worked. Even with Brenda again that role was there a bit. It stayed that way til around sometime in 2013, I think. It's still where he's most viable IMO, but we've discussed that before. Guza also seemed to sour on Sonny personally and was more willing to harangue him for his flaws. That didn't last with Guza and the mob because it never did, but the tone definitely shifted and the attitude re: what they'd wrought for Michael, etc.

Edited by Vee
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I remember seeing Sonny and Emily coming miles away. When they started the Nikolas/Courtney affair storyline in spring or summer '05, they kept having Emily stay at Greystone (Sonny's place) to sit for the boys and get close to the family; Nik was more and more unsympathetic re: her rape and they weren't communicating. He kept having run-ins with Courtney while Emily kept spending time with Sonny. I remember folks at TWOP thought I was crazy but I knew where that [!@#$%^&*] was going! And it was nauseating when it happened. I still can't watch their first kiss.

Same thing happened with Liz and the serial killer a few years back. Folks didn't believe it bc he was still with Nina at the time and they just kept having run-ins at the hospital. I knew! Doubt me and court your doom!

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I think pushing Dante/DZ too much too soon didn't help.  DZ/Dante were great, but there was a time Dante was EVERYWHERE and even I got sick of him.  It strange how he quickly became marginalized after a few years as the main lead.  At some point the show just sort made Sonny into a family man with Carly and stuck with that.


Well, they should have scrapped the entire romance, but, yes agreed.   I thought NL was cute being drunk talking to Sonny, but maybe she should have passed out on the couch and Sonny put a blanket over her or something instead.


Wasn't the Sonny/Emily stuff rumored long before it happened?  Just no one wanted to believe it?  I remember seeing some scenes and feeling it was coming as well. It's very interesting they gave Emily the initial bi-polar arc with Sonny.   It's such an important arc for Sonny and he played it out with such an inconsequential love interest. 

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