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Sarah Brown joining DAYS

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THe only issue with Sarah is she has a tendency to be a bit of a scenery chewer and can overact at times. There were times watching she and MB together on

GH were kind of ugh. Keep her away from James Scott who also chews scenery and badly, and she'll be fine. Scenes with AS well I kind of cringe at the thought of that but hoping for the best.

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I love Sarah but I recognize her limitations. Claudia was a terrible character but Sarah's overacting made it worse. I kept hoping she'd just embrace the crazy in Claudia and go in that direction but every scene she was in she just continued to try and outdo everyone she was with and try to insert vulnerability where it didt fit. Aggie was a terrible fit for her. Carly was her character Sarah was perfect because she was tough, bitchy and vulnerable and the character was a scrapper.I don't know if I can see her as more of an educated CEO type. To me she plays the underdog so well, but I am will to give her a chance. I just dont want Days filled with a bunch of bitchy women, but anything has to be better than the male and Melanie enablers that exist on the show now.

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I actually wouldn't have minded her playing Billie Reed.

That said, Higley's focus on anonymous youngsters was embarrassing. Even the talented were ill-served and utterly wasted under her pen.

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Sarah built Carly from the ground up and Carly changed as Sarah changed as an actress. It's tough to duplicate this because Sarah lost a lot of the freshness and vulnerability and became a very hard actress.

If they weren't so overplayed at this point I would have said she should be in a story with EJ and Nicole.

Maybe she can have a rivalry with Lexie.

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You;re right and its part of what I miss about her. Its probably one of the reasons what she tried to do with Claudia never worked. I kept thinking if she'd just embraced the crazy of her character she could have made her rootable versus a hard dark unlikeable bitch no one rooted for.

At this point EJ and Nicole need a break from each other, from non stop screentime. and these kinds of stories. I think the spoiler about EJ and his immediate storyline sounds like an opportunity for the character to get some of his charm and cavalier attitude back. I'd love to see Nicole move on to something fresh. Heck throw her in with Jack and Jennifer and Daniel. She'd likely spice that up and I recall her and Jack having some history together.

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I think Sarah Brown is a great actress actually. If it's bad writing it's bad writing, you can't really do much about it but try to make it the best you possibly can. And well Sarah does that. I actually love that Sarah during her GH run as Claudia wasn't afraid to make Claudia look bad or selfish it was the one redeeming thing about it all. She wasn't a victim, she was a bitch and she wasn't really meant to be a sympathetic character a lot of the time. But there was still a hint of softness in the role that made you feel (even if it was vague and brief) sorry for her because she loved her brother and truly had a soft spot for children before Guza ruined her. In my opinion she accomplished what she was supposed to do in the role. It was clear the character herself was a dish rag that was only used to caused problems for Sonny and Jason.

That being said I need to see Brown and Braun go toe to toe in a scene. My two favorite Carly's.

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Great actress or not(and I love SBr), she's had one successful role in 3 soaps. It doesn't matter how GREAT an actor you are if the general audiecne doesn't

embrace the character and thats what its about. Its not about the actor and its what these soaps don't get. Look at Y&R and all their great soap talent and how many have failed. Maura West, Genie Francis - soso, Stephan Nichols and how have those turned out? Then you hace a mediocre actress like Elizabeth Hendrickson who seems to be have been embraced on AMC and on Y&R. No explanation. other than everything just clicked in both cases and rhe audience liked both of her characters. Look at Roger H who played Paul on ATWT he just didn't work but all they wanted was a name.

Days has a new writing team so I have hope. I am just not a fan of in your face bitches like Kate and if this is who her new character is I won't like her. But I will wait to see if they give the character any layers and softness to her also. Hopefully she is someone I can get behind and she will actually have good writing to embrace

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