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OLTL: Discussion for the week of July 18

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I think RH fans never wanted RH to leave and never wanted anyone else to be Todd when he did. When TSJ took over they expressed their anger by refusing to watch and nothing happened. TSJ stayed Todd.

Now after years of of feeling ignored and discounted by ABC and after years of watching "their Todd" over and over again either on tapes at home or on YT, they are back and waiting for everyone (esp TPTB at ABC) to admit they were wrong for ignoring them.

As for OLTL just erasing TSJ's Todd, RH fans are largely fine with that, because they have only really watched TSJ for the last 6 months or so. For them, this story is an easy sell. But, your right. It's a bad story that makes no sense.

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Not just you, that was really poorly scripted, or something. I mean either Nat should just learn to not speak her thoughts outloud, or have told her straight away, but i think iwas merely lazy scripting to drag the scene out as long as possible before she tells Vicki her theory.

I like Sam as well -he's charming. But I really can't handle this inane toy Spidermanweb rescue story, the attempted murder, all of it. To me it's not amusing, it's only eye rolling and not the kinda comedy I want or expect on OLTL--Passions, yes, it'd be perfect there.

Agreed with all that--now they're firmly relegated to the "nobody at all gives a damn" level of story.

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We tend to agree, but here we don't at all. You're a working actor. You love your craft and don't want to have to become a real estate agent or a waiter in your mid to late 30s or whatever (40s? i have no idea how old he is) simply because you disagree with some of the writing. I mean if you do feel that way, and have a job lined up, then bully for you--if the material upsets you so much you have to quit, I have no problem witht hat. But a soap is a relatively stable job for actors (or was anyway), when so few of those exist. It's a pretty hard thing to make your career, and to say they should just quit, makes zero logical sense to me, particularly if you have a family (again I have no idea if TSJ does or not) and other financial responsibilities. Sure it should be something you love doing, but like any job that you love, there are gonna be times you don't love it and you stick through.

Really? You wanna have sex with those sleazy (OK they're not very sleazy but they're weird) camera people and Rick all over you in a tiny Minute Man hotel room? ;) I think the porn story would have been a bit more interesting if we had seen that when they started going at it Nate and Deanna suddenly did feel a strong connection, more than they have so far. I still wouldn't like the story, but it would at least have some momentum to it. It's just so poorly done in every which way.

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