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I just watchep episode 1417 - Eric hitting Jack for lying to Stephanie and putting Felicia in dager. This is the beginig of the long and boring triangle of Eric - Stephanie - Jack, that actualy starts in 1993 and i think goes on for a few years. When Eric was kinf of jelous of Jack.

I think that Felicia na Zack leaving town was a bad decision. They made a good couple kind of rebels both of them. Would have enjoyed watching some more.

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I am currently watching episodes from summer 1991, and one thing just struck me.

In the history of B&B, we have several times had a storyline where a woman wanting to wait until marriage to have sex, or "save herself for the right guy", is seen as a sign that she has morals/values/character strength/whatever. The same expectations have never once been expressed for any male character.

But these episodes in 1991 is the first (only?) time I've seen the other side of these gender stereotypes. Jake and Felicia are actually breaking up because of Jake's inexperience! The story goes that since Jake hasn't been with any other woman besides Felicia (due to his childhood abuse), he has actually missed out on important developmental milestones, so both of them agree that he needs to go be with other women in order to become a whole, healthy person (even though he loves Felicia and has a sexually satisfying relationship with her).

And it just hit me - what if the genders were reversed? Would anyone on this soap EVER advise a woman to leave a fulfilling stable relationship with a man because she needed "more experience"? I have a very hard time picturing that happening, even today.

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I liked ALL of Felicia's pairing but not this one. The story with Ganz was just too bad. Actually the whole Hamilton faily angles leave rather dry and cold. Just yesterday I say the big reunion at the chapel between Taylor/Jack/Zach. IMO, the writing was just not there for any of this. Maybe it's because Taylor's backstory was always developed as the story progressed unlike other Bill Bell characters who are clearly defined. The only thing established for Taylor was that she met Storm at college and has an ex husband. Blake failed to the extent that he was nothing more but a plot device to stir up trouble for Ridge&Brooke and Zach/Jack have too little connection to Taylor's actual on-screen life. Taylor/Jack were an okay father/daughter eventually, especially when she came back from her first death.

While a plot twist in the rather short run of Jake, I thought this was kind of refreshing and honest that a man his age wondered what was "out there". There were some tennis students who made a play for him after all. This strokes your ego...

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I am glad it's not just me having issues with the development of Taylor's character. Where I am right now (mid 1991), she has been on the show for over a year, and I STILL don't quite feel like I "know" her the way I feel like I know the other characters. I keep waiting for that feeling of familiarity to come but so far it hasn't. It's like she still hasn't been given a POV - we see her almost entirely through the eyes of others - Storm's eyes, Ridge's eyes, Brooke's eyes, Blake's eyes. But we haven't yet seen her perspective and what we do see is contradictory. She "tries out" Storm's engagement ring while continuing to date Ridge. Then she ends it with Storm but is dating, and sleeping with, both Ridge and Blake. And it's never quite clear how she feels about that (apart from when she educates the men on how they should court her).

It's almost as if she is upstaged by her own beauty.

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Just flagging, episode 429 and 503 need replacing in the Vault. The fashion show music are muted. Both episodes are from Amy’s YT rip. Hopefully when the official YT channel gets to these episodes someone can swap it out.

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