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OLTL: Discussion for the week of April 4

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OK so today was an episode that because RC and FV were so worried about audiences getting scared off by the Shane drama, they decided to base it in the gym and around three shirtless guys?

I just don't know where to start--although I never complain about seeing Brody shirtless, dit seemed funny that apparently he wanders around the house that way, but put a shirt on for the gym.

Also, I think it's next to impossible to read a paper in a steam room without it turning it into mush--and your cell phone would prob die too... The show should just make the steam room unisex and quit trying to come up with lame exsues for why women are always in and out.

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As am I. I found it kinda funny -- this goes into my obsession with how waxed soap guys still are, on OLTL (and Days) particularly -- that Tess mocked Ford's uber groomed body, but Cutter is at least as much, and it's obviously not natural. They seem to let Brody get away with having body hair but extremely closely clipped-- And yes, me thinking about all of this while watching is less a sign of being a gay man who likes some of the male actors looks wise and not others, but more to do with how dull I found the episode. Even Dorian's pointless stuff couldn't save it for me.

Soapsuds--you must have barely watched any of the show if all you saw was Brody?

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Natalie was really messing with Brody when she flashed him like that, I was surprised at that part. Maybe if she pulled that with John instead just whining all the time, he might forget about what she did.

Did Bo and Nora inform John that Matthew shot Eddie, he acted like he knew something and couldn't tell.

David and Dorian are just wacky, but they are fun.

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I can't believe the human landing strip flashed Brody, I don't blame her, but WTF how is it that Snatchalie lands the good ones.

I ship Messica & Ford. So I'll say yeh I did like them, and Ford is actually turning back to what he was, a womanizer. Too bad Jessica would kill him.:lol:

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I just have to say it. Haters can stay pressed, locked, & to the left. FF did AMAZING this past week IMHO, especially on Thursday's episode when she broke down in front of that nurse when trying to tell her that her son was suicidal!! I was captivated by her performance. Bravo to her

I cringed during Thursday's ep when Jack's bully friend said "word."

I love Natalie/Brody & John/Kelly. Rama & Cristian are interesting to. Joey is dumb as a box of rocks, I just can't even with him. Him & Cutter can go, and so can Aubrey unless OLTL is smart & pairs her with Clint wub.gif

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I think as long as they write Joey this way then it means they don't actually believe John/Kelly or Aubrey/Cutter are worthwhile pairings. If they did then they wouldn't be so hollow and based on tearing other characters down.

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