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AMC: Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Jamie Luner did do some nice work today w/Natalia hall, I loved the Liza/Colby scenes today...I really wish they hadn't taken place at ConFusion though. That music was so distracting in the background, this should have happened at Liza's place or the Chandler Mansion where it's quiet.

LOVE Tad & Cara!

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You're being too nice, that scene was meh, compared to her scene in the house after sleeping w. Damon. JL didn't get good material today. And Colby's had the worst reaction, your mama sleeps w/ your bf, that's an automatic slap in my book.

Where the hell was JR? his house was left empty all of the sudden, like no one literally there. A bum could walk in, 3 did tonight. And where the hell does David live? all I've seen is him walking the streets at night like he's Batman, and meeting up w/ his crappy ass, doesn't even resemble Krystal or him, daughter.

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I thought that she already knew about Tad/Marian/Liza as well. And didn't she turn 18 like three years ago? It's odd how they aren't really aging/maturing this character. I do like Natalie Hall in the role and she's been my favorite young adult Colby so far, but it's strange how Colby isn't really getting older/maturing. I had thought they were going to make her older when they recast the role with Brianne Montcrief who was like 25 at the time and when they were teasing a Colby/Frankie pairing.

Natalia wasn't around as long as Colby's been around,also came on as a teen, but the show still managed to mature/age her into an adult woman, give her a career and an eventual romance. And this was with hardly any airtime. It's strange that they haven't managed to really do this with Colby yet. Why isn't she really trying to learn the ropes at Chandler or something and trying to start a career?

At the rate she's not aging/not maturing people like Sean Montgomery, Cassandra, and/or Petey could return to the show full grown adults (like at least in their mid 20's) and Colby will still be playing an 18 year old. Even though they were all supposed to be originally around her age.

I think the writers need to start maturing/aging this character. I don't think that this "forever 18" thing is a good idea.

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