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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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Okay, is it just me or do others hear the Southern twang coming out of Maggie, especially when she gets feisty (which happens more and more now that she's around Victor and Vivian)?

I'm actually feeling sorry for Kate. That never happened before. sad.gif

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It took me a while, but I finally got caught up!

First of all, Mark Hapka brought IT to the quarantine storyline. The last person to act so convincingly ill was the guy who played Stone on GH. That was impressive work. I actually found Daniel tolerable in this storyline too and finally Crystal Chapell was likeable.

I can't stand Sami, I think she's just a desperate loon like Caroline (love that old bag btw)...she expects Nicole to show her compassion? Gimme a break. EJ and Nicole are magic, the chemistry is just delicious.

Really liking how the Victor/Vivian/Maggie crypt storyline wrapped up and is transitioning into something else.

Kate + Stefano = best couple/set of performers/storyline DAYS has had in my opinion.

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Not that I would ever watch a US soap again, but I'm very happy to hear Mark Hapka getting praise. From the little I've seen of him (whether that was enhanced by his hotness or not) I've really enjoyed. It's good to know he has some talent so I don't just look like a superficial fool.

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The Stefano/Kate scenes today were spectacular! The dialogue was amazing and both actors brought it, especially Lauren Koslow!! This is bittersweet for me though because I really like Stefano & Kate as a couple!

EJ & Lexie's relationship is so nice. I love how honest he is with her & she really calms him down. She can see right through him, and I also love that she supports him but without enabling his actions. Absolutely loved when she stuck up for EJ against Sami!! She showed signs of evil, biotch Lexie outside the pub today.

LOL the Maggie/Vivian scenes were hilarious. Loved when Maggie kicked Vivian out of her bed and then threw that vase at her.

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I didn't love the Kate/Stefano scenes. Why all the crying? They wrote Kate as being so weak and weepy. If she felt justified in all the things she did, why would she be crying? The only part I felt Kate got any appreciation from the writers for the fact she is her own force is when Stefano said "you've been very busy..". Otherwise it was just Stefano berating her and she accepting her own insignificance. I liked her much better the other day when she told EJ things don't work out too well for people who try to hurt her, and even a few weeks back when she told Stefano she was through pretending to be the little wife.

I don't think all of them being old is what makes Victor, Kate, Stefano and Vivian fun, it is that they are this rogues gallery from hell that really all deserve each other.

I wish Robin Mattson had a better role. She is too good to be wasted on some silly day player part.

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Kate was crying because her marriage was falling apart. She was losing another husband. This may not have started out as romance, but it sure developed into quite a love IMHO. Kate finally had someone who loved her, accepted her, wanted her. For who she is. The best part is that who she is is what caused this rift. Kate could not stand by and watch EJ do this to Sami, again, even though she hates Sami because she felt for her. She has been through it. It is part of what keeps Kate human and not a cartoon. I believe that Kate will come roaring back, but in that moment and that situation she was hurt.

What makes Maggie/Victor/Vivian/Stefano/Kate so good in the writing is the fact that have been backburned and underused for so long, and now fans are seeing them leading their own stories. No, the stories may not be lead but they are more than just supporting players in the younger set. While they do still support the younger set, they are now fleshed out and have their own stories going on that we are seeing instead of just hearing in passing. Also, i think the fact that Kate/Stefano and Maggie/Victor caught on and wasnt forced is what helps them the most.

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Wowza, fantabulous!!! And SOD named them the most surprising couple. SR said all of this was a little heady but she's enjoying the ride.

I agree JP, Kate/Stefano and Maggie/Victor have been allowed to develop naturally so there is real feeling their combined with a whole lot of history. And I think being a vet does have something to do with it. First we have watched them for decades so they are already in our hearts, but on an acting level they have been doing this for so long that they know their stuff inside out and backwards, so now they can delve into other parts of their personalities and bring new things to the screen that we wouldn't have imagined. There's an awe in that.

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Guest dc cubs

I love how misleading the SOD and SOW covers are nowadays. I don't think Koslow is off the show as their "Kate Out" headline states. I'll bet they are just referring to her being out of the Dimera mansion as Stefano told her that on yesterday's show.

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its always like that. This is nothing new.

I loved how Lexie gave Sami the cold shoulder. Reminded me of when they were enemies. She looked like a crazy woman the way she hounded Lexie for info

I wonder who has the gun. They implied that it most likely washed up somewhere and someone would have found it by now.

Kate and Stefano, wow. They brought it and those were some powerful scenes. One thing that was distracting was how tight Koslow's face is now and it made it hard for her to emote. Im glad Stefano, figured out that she knew about Chad now though bc I didnt want that to come bite her later.

I hate how Chad told Will about Stefano being his father off screen. I wanted to see his reaction

So now Caroline knows that EJ is doing to Sami....hmmm... I really hope she meddles in this story and manipulates things! Would love it if she found the gun and used that to threaten him!

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I've hated how they've made Lexie & Sami so civil to eachother lately. I'd even say Sami vs Lexie is probably my favorite Sami rivalry even though Sami vs Carrie, Sami vs Kate & Sami vs Nicole were bigger storylines.

Lexie: "Why don't you drop the act. Which is very badly acted by the way!"

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I am cracking up at how this paternity thing is such a big deal to Chad (understandably), but Stefano is all, "Oh, it's happened before. Here's a check. Go buy a suit."

"What's with calling everyone by their full names? You're not gonna start calling me Chadwick, are you?"

"Is that your real name?"


"Then I won't."

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