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Thanks to a question about Michael Robert David, and finding out the WGA directory listed him as deceased, I checked the directory to look for any additional deaths I did not have yet on the "Days" memorial list. I found these 15 writers and have added them:
David Colloff
Michael Robert David
Clem Egan
Marcia Greenlaw
Paul Harrison
Charlene Keel
Sherman Magidson
Joan Pommer McCall
Linda Salzman
Carol Saraceno
David Seidler
John Stannard
Margaret Stewart
Jack Turley
Carolyn Weston
(No dates could be found for David, Egan, Harrison, Stannard or Stewart, so if you have any info on their death date, please let me know).
Edited by JAS0N47
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Thanks Jason, I was wondering about Egan.  Egan was on the WGA ficore list for the 2007-2008 strike but not for the 2023 strike.
All the other people missing from the 2023 list had died (or in the case of two women were still alive and on ficore but had new surnames so it took a minute for me to figure out).
I figured Egan must have either died or completely changed his name, but couldn't find any info until I read your post.

Ficore list thread:


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They have the yearly memorial lists on WGA posted for 2018-present, so it would seem likely the 5 needed writers died in 2017 or earlier. I thought with such a unique name, he'd be easy to find online, but can't find any info on Egan. 

I did find in one story from the 1970's that Margaret Stewart was listed as being a child actress, but I haven't been able to match her up to an actress/writer as of yet.

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"Days" Writer Directory via WGA Directory:

Sonja Alarr                   WGAW
Richard J. Allen             WGAW
Robin Amos                          NOT LISTED
Sheri Anderson             WGAW (Fi-Core)
Dorell Anthony                      NOT LISTED
James H. Arthur                    NOT LISTED
Jane Atkins                   WGAW
Richard Backus            WGAEast
James Baffico                        NOT LISTED
Anne Howard Bailey     WGAW (Deceased)
William J. Bell                          NOT LISTED  (Deceased)
Zak Berkman                 WGAEast
Alexandra Bleckner        WGAW
K0la B00f                                NOT LISTED
John P. Boruff                        NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Bettina F. Bradbury        WGAW  (Deceased) (Listed as Tina Karapetian)
Peter Brash                     WGAEast
Ethel M. Brez                  WGAW (Deceased)
Mel Brez                          WGAW (Deceased)
Lorraine Broderick         WGAEast
James Harmon Brown    WGAW (Fi-Core)
Jazmen Darnell Brown    WGAW
Linda Poindexter-Brown  WGAW
L. Virginia Browne          WGAW (Deceased)
Janet Brownell               WGAW                                
Don Buday                    WGAW (Deceased)
Jack Bunch                   WGAW (Deceased)
Linda Rosatti Campanelli WGAW
Darrel Campbell              WGAW
Ron Carlivati                   WGAEast
Francine Carroll              WGAW (Deceased)
Tom Casiello                   WGAEast
Rocci Chatfield               WGAW (Deceased)
David Cherrill                  WGAEast (Listed as C. David Colson)
M.D. Clark                     WGAW
Joanna Cohen                WGAEast
Mike Cohen                   WGAEast                                            
Wanda Coleman            WGAW (Deceased)
David Colloff                   WGAW (Deceased)
Andrea Archer Compton  WGAW
Lisa Connor                   WGAEast                   
Carolyn Culliton             WGAEast (Listed as Carolyn DeMoney Culliton)                            
Richard Culliton             WGAEast
Paula Cwikly                   WGAW (Fi-Core)
Michael Robert David      WGAW (Deceased)
Annamarie Davidson               NOT LISTED
Cheryl Davis                   WGAEast
Margaret De Priest         WGAW
Kirk Doering                  WGAW
Judith Donato                WGAEast
Rick Draughon               WGAW
Christopher Dunn          WGAW
Lacey Dyer                   WGAW
Charles Edwards                    NOT LISTED
Clem Egan                    WGAW (Fi-Core) (Deceased)
Barbara Esensten        WGAW (Fi-Core) (Deceased)
Brian Farrell                           NOT LISTED
Jacqueline Feather         WGAW
Mathilde Ferro               WGAW (Deceased)
Theodore Ferro              WGAW (Deceased)
Steven J. Fisher             WGAW        
Ruth Brooks Flippen      WGAW (Deceased)                                           
Jeanne Marie Grunwell Ford       WGAW (Fi-Core)
Norm Chandler Fox        WGAW (Deceased)
Jacqueline Frazier          WGAW
Barbara Garshman         WGAEast
Sofia Landon Geier         WGAEast
James Gentile                          NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Howard George                       NOT LISTED
Victor Gialanella             WGAEast (Fi-Core, no longer listed)
Charlotte Gibson           WGAEast (Listed as Charlotte Gibson Bauer)
Jamey Giddens             WGAEast      
Lawrence Gipe              WGAW
Stephen Glantz             WGAW      
Renee Godelia              WGAW
Susan Goldberg            WGAW
Ray Goldstone              WGAW (Deceased)
Marcia E. Greenlaw      WGAW (Deceased)
Josh Griffith                 WGAEast (Fi-Core, no longer listed)
Mary Gwynn                 WGAW
Alex Hadad                          NOT LISTED
Bob Hansen                   WGAW
Paul Harrison                 WGAW (Deceased)
Elizabeth Harrower         WGAW (Deceased) (Listed as Elizabeth H. Seabold)                                  
Bill Hayes                            NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Linda Henry                   WGAW
Dena Breshears Higley     WGAW (Fi-Core)                      
Mark Christopher Higley  WGAW (Fi-Core)
Janne B. Hiller                      NOT LISTED
Chuck Hirsch                        NOT LISTED
Randy Holland               WGAW                           
James Houghton            WGAW
Mona Houghton             WGAW
Janet Iacobuzio              WGAEast
Norman Jacob               WGAW (Deceased)
Sarah Jenkins                WGAEast           
C.L. Johnson                       NOT LISTED
Frederick Johnson       WGAW
Frances Joyce               WGAEast (Listed as N. Gail Lawrence)                 
Patricia Joyce                WGAW
Norman Katkov              WGAW (Deceased)    
Charlene Keel                WGAW (Deceased)    
Cydney Kelley               WGAW
Meg Kelly                      WGAW (Fi-Core)
Courtney Kirkpatrick     WGAW
Susan Kirshenbaum       WGAEast
Edwin Klein                           NOT LISTED (Deceased)                          
Jeanne Knowlton                 NOT LISTED
David Kreizman             WGAEast
Ted Kubiak                    WGAEast              
Carolyne Lacey                      NOT LISTED
Nina Laemmle                WGAW (Deceased)
Leah Laiman                    WGAW
Tom Langan                    WGAW
Mary Jeannett LeDonne  WGAW                                  
Kay Lenard                    WGAW (Deceased)
David Lesan                           NOT LISTED (Deceased)
David A. Levinson           WGAW
Morton Lewis                         NOT LISTED
William J. Lewis III         WGAW
Michelle Poteet Lisanti   WGAW (Fi-Core)                          
Roberto Loiederman      WGAW
Sherman C. Magidson            NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Ann Marcus                    WGAW (Deceased)
Leah Markus                 WGAW           
Jayne Martin                  WGAW
Rebecca McCarty          WGAW
Marlene Clark Poulter McPherson    WGAW (Fi-Core)
Carole A. Mendelsohn    WGAW
Beth Milstein                 WGAW
Erika Moore                           NOT LISTED
Molly/M.M. Shelly Moore  WGAW                
Sally Sussman Morina     WGAW (Listed as Sally Sussman)
Shawn Morrison              WGAW (Fi-Core)
Nichole B. Murphy                  NOT LISTED
Fran Myers                    WGA East (Fi-Core, no longer listed) (Listed as Frances Myers Newman)                      
Bruce Neckels               WGAW
Henry Newman              WGAW
John S. Newman            WGAW     
Stefanie Novik                WGAW
Rick Nusblatt                 WGAW
Laura Olsher                  WGAW (Deceased)      
Juliet Packer                  WGAEast (Listed as Juliet Law Packer)
Danielle Paige                WGAEast
Gene Palumbo                        NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Katherine Penders        WGAW
Maura Penders              WGAW            
Joyce Perry                   WGAW
Irna Phillips                              NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Peggy Phillips               WGAW (Deceased)
Donna Pizzi                   WGAW   
Joan Pommer                WGAW (Deceased) (Listed as Joan McCall)                                  
Meredith Post                WGAEast
Dorothy Ann Purser               NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Ryan Quan                    WGAW
Thom Racina                 WGAW
Jared Rappaport             WGAW                            
Samuel D. Ratcliffe                 NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Gordon Rayfield           WGAEast
Bill Rega                       WGAW (Deceased)
James E. Reilly            WGAW (Fi-Core) (Deceased)
Peter T. Rich                 WGAEast (Fi-Core, no longer listed)
Kenneth M. Rosen        WGAW (Deceased)
Marjorie Rosen              WGAEast
Joyce Rosenblad           WGAW
Dave Ryan                    WGAW
Frank Salisbury             WGAW
Melissa Salmons           WGAEast
Linda Salzman               WGAW (Deceased)
Don Sanford                  WGAW (Deceased)     
Carol Saraceno            WGAW (Deceased)
Peggy Schibi                 WGAW           
Margaret Schneider        WGAW (Deceased)
Katherine Schock           WGAW
Anne M. Schoettle          WGAW                          
Jodie Scholz                  WGAW
Roger Schroeder            WGAW
Barbara Searles             WGAW (Deceased)
David Seidler                 WGAW (Deceased)
Lisa Seidman                WGAW
Hannah Shearer           WGAW
Hogan Sheffer              WGAW (Fi-Core) (Deceased)
Stan Silverman                      NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Kate Simon                   WGAEast (Listed as Katherine H. Hall)
Michael Slade                       NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Alan Slasor                    WGAW                
Dwight D. Smith             WGAW
Pat Falken Smith           WGAW (Deceased)
Patrick Smith                       NOT LISTED
Elizabeth Snyder           WGAW (Deceased)
Dana Soloff                    WGAW
Gillian Spencer              WGAEast                            
Penina Spiegel              WGAW (Deceased)  
John M. Stannard           WGAW (Deceased)
Douglas Steinberg          WGAW
Robert Stevens                      NOT LISTED
Margaret Stewart           WGAW (Deceased)
William L. Stuart            WGAW (Deceased)
Judy Tate                       WGAEast
Maralyn Thoma              WGAW              
Darrell Ray Thomas Jr.   WGAW (Fi-Core)
Gary Tomlin                  WGAW (Fi-Core)
Anne Toole                               NOT LISTED
Tyler Topits                    WGAW
Jack Turley                    WGAW (Deceased)                                          
Lynda Tomes Vincent     WGAW
Allison Wait                              NOT LISTED
Addie Walsh                   WGAEast
Nancy Williams Watt     WGAEast
Carolyn J. Weston         WGAW (Deceased)  
Christopher Whitesell     WGAEast                                        
Carey Wilber                 WGAW (Deceased)       
Elizabeth Blake-Young               NOT LISTED
John M. Young                          NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Jason47 Note: For the 37 writers not listed in WGA files, 14 are known to be deceased and are listed as such. 
Edited by JAS0N47
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From her recent trumpet solo on the Daytime Stands Up charity special, to her recent red carpet appearances at the Daytime Emmys and the Creative Arts Emmys, I am enjoying Elia Cantu's social media presence.  I hope that she'll be able to show more of her humor and personality on the show.

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During tonight's writer's research, along with finding the deaths of John Mumma Young (5/23/06-6/6/78), David E. Lesan (12/25/09-4/29/74) and James Julius Gentile (5/16/21-12/5/75), I also found obituaries for two more recent "Days" writers, Dorothy Ann Purser (9/10/39-11/28/23) and Edwin Klein (9/14/57-12/23/21). They have been added to the Jason47 memorial list. Here are the Purser and Klein obituaries:
On the evening of November 28, 2023 Dorothy Ann Purser passed away peacefully due to natural causes at her home in Hammond, LA. Dorothy was 84 years old.
She is preceded in death by her parents John and Helen Purser, her sister Joyce Purser, and her twin sister Nancy Purser.
Dorothy was a graduate of Southeastern Louisiana University and received a masters degree from Indiana University.
Dorothy was a screenwriter and was best known for her work as head writer on the Television series The Guiding Light and Days of our Lives. In 1993 she won a Daytime Emmy for an episode of The Guiding Light and in 2000 she won a WGA Award for an episode of Days of our Lives.
Services will be held this Saturday, May 11, at Grace Memorial Episcopal Church in Hammond at 2:00PM
Donations can be made to the "Grace Memorial Episcopal Cemetery Fund" or "The Southeastern Louisiana University Foundation in Honor of John T. Purser".
To plant trees in memory, please visit the Sympathy Store.
Edwin W. Klein, Jr., on December 23, 2021, of Los Angeles and New York City. Age 64. Beloved son of the late Edwin Sr. and Frances. Dear brother of Patricia Klein (Valerie), Peter McMonagle (Kevin), Paul Klein (Maria), and the late Philip Klein. Loving uncle of Richard Klein and John Michael Klein. Also survived by his dear Aunt Kathleen Hoguet (late Lou) and many other loving family members and friends.
Edwin had a passion for the arts since a young age. Even as a child, he wrote plays and recruited his brothers, sister and friends to be his actors. He relocated to New York to pursue a career in acting and writing. During his time in New York, he wrote numerous scripts and off-Broadway plays. Edwin loved New York and always considered it his home. He spent much of his spare time enjoying both Broadway and Off-Broadway plays with his amazing network of friends who so loved and cared for him.
Edwin moved to Los Angeles to expand his writing opportunities which is where he resided last.
Edwin is a member of the Writer's Guild of America and was self-employed as a writer. He wrote for Daytime Television Shows such as "Days of our Lives" and the Emmy Award Winning "Young and the Restless". One of Edwin's most memorable moments was in 2015 when he had the opportunity to join the cast of the "Young and the Restless" on stage as they accepted an Emmy Award.
There will be a visitation 10am to 12noon on Wednesday January 5, 2022 at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE.
Memorial Service 12 noon at the funeral home.
Interment private at the request of the family.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Edwin's name to Los Angeles LGBT Center. https://lalgbtcenter.org.


8 of the 23 Writers have info at these links:

(KB...not here at SON)
Annamarie Davidson https://annamariedavidson.com/
However, no info is available for these 15 writers (years as "Days" writer).
**If anyone has any info on these writers, please let me know!
James H. Arthur (1979-1980)
Charles Edwards (1980-1981)
Brian Farrell (1987)
Howard George (1984)
Janne Hiller (1984) (Janne Goodman Hiller Seal, born 2/13/47, via public records)
Chuck Hirsch (1986)
CL Johnson (1985)
Jeanne Knowlton (1986)
Carolyne Lacey (1971) (Wrote the 1962 play "The Virgin's Victory")
Morton Lewis (1986)
Erika Moore (1984)
Nichole Murphy (1989)
Patrick Smith (1986)
Robert Stevens (1992-1993)
Elizabeth Blake-Young (1979)
Edited by JAS0N47
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Here are the episodes that were submitted. 

August Episode: 
This episode honored Suzanne Rogers’ 50 years on DAYS as Maggie.
Brady (Eric Martsolf) and Xander (Paul Telfer) had a heated confrontation, while Kate (Lauren Koslow) made a shocking discovery.
Meanwhile, Shawn (Brandon Beemer) struggled in the wake of Victor’s (John Aniston) death.
Early September Episode:
Victor’s loved ones gathered for his funeral/memorial service.
A grieving Maggie pushed Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) to tell Xander the truth.
Philip (John-Paul Lavoisier) reassured Kate, and Xander clashed with Sonny (Zach Tinker).
Following Episode:
John (Drake Hogestyn) uncovered a secret about a mystery man (Timothy Robicheaux, played by Dick Van Dyke).
Sarah went into labor, and an unexpected visitor (Vivian, played by Louise Sorel) rocked Salem!

@JAS0N47 This is supposedly Episodes 14663, 14678 and 14679. Can you confirm that these descriptions match those episodes? Thanks! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
ask Jason
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I only have the cast & set lists together, not the synopses, but those look to be correct:

14663...8/18/23 (Episode Length: 49:57 & 2:10-Suzanne Rogers tribute= 52:07)
Cast: Belle, Brady, Chloe, Kate, Maggie, Sarah, Shawn, Xander, Julie, Bonnie, Justin, Mickey (FBO), Victor (FBO), Nico (FBO), Max/dog (FBO), Julie Stunt Double (FBO).
Sets: Kiriakis Study, Shawn's Office, Brady Pub & Exterior, Spectator Office, Maggie's Bedroom (Kiriakis), Small Bar.
14678...9/7/23 (Episode Length: 41:47)
Cast: Alex, Belle, Brady, Chloe, Kate, Maggie, Sarah, Shawn, Xander, Bonnie, Justin, Vivian, Chelsea, Theresa, Philip, Rex, Sonny, Caroline (FBO), Bo (FBO), Victor (FBO), Nicole (FBO).
Sets: Ext. Kiriakis Mausoleum, Brady Pub & Exterior, Marlena's Townhouse, Horton Town Square, Kiriakis Study, Maggie's Bedroom (Kiriakis).
14679...9/8/23 (Episode Length: 36:10)
Cast: Chloe, John, Kate, Maggie, Marlena, Sarah, Xander, Bonnie, Justin, Vivian, Philip, Rex, Mystery Man/Timothy Robicheaux, Soldier # 1/Young Timothy, Soldier # 2/Young Yo Ling, Victor (FBO).
Sets: Marlena's Office, Ext. Kiriakis Mausoleum, Kiriakis Study, Korean Foxhole, Brady Pub.
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Unlike the WGA directory, which is helpful listing any members who are deceased, it looks like the DGA Directory stops listing members if they are no longer active or let their membership lapse. But, from doing this and additional research, I did update the memorial list with the deaths of Rick Bennewitz, Gordon Rigsby, Randy Robbins, John Sedwick and the first female "Days" director from 1965, Livia Granito.  I did confirm that John Desmond was born 12/28/21, but have not found any confirmation of his death, but if he is alive, he would be 102. The other 11 "not listed" directors (Baffico, Brinckerhoff, Denney, Evans, Greenlaw, Inman, Madeiras, Simon, Steinberg, Wyman and Zak) must have let their DGA membership lapse.
Jill Ackles                     DGA
Albert Alarr                   DGA
James Baffico                NOT LISTED
Joseph Behar                NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Rick Bennewitz              NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Sonia Blangiardo Goins   DGA
Peter Brinckerhoff          NOT LISTED                                                     
Shelley Curtis                DGA                                  
Mike Denney                 NOT LISTED
John Desmond               NOT LISTED
Richard Dunlap              NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Jerry Evans                   NOT LISTED
Kathryn Foster               DGA
Pamela Fryman             DGA
Christopher Goutman     DGA
Livia Granito                  NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Becky Greenlaw            NOT LISTED
Kenn Herman                NOT LISTED (Deceased)  
Roger W. Inman             NOT LISTED
Grant A. Johnson           DGA
Deveney Kelly                DGA
H. Wesley Kenney         NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Irving Lambrecht             NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Andrew Lee                   DGA
Gay Linvill                     DGA
William Ludel                DGA
Mary Madeiras              NOT LISTED
Noel Maxam                 DGA
Scott McKinsey            DGA
Anthony Morina             DGA                
Frank Pacelli                 NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Alan Pultz                     NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Al Rabin                        NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Gordon Rigsby               NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Randy J. Robbins           NOT LISTED (Deceased)                                                   
Richard Sandwick          NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Arlene Sanford               DGA
John Sedwick                NOT LISTED (Deceased)
David Shaughnessy       DGA
Susan Orlikoff Simon     NOT LISTED                                                            
Phil Sogard                   NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Herb Stein                    DGA
Roy B. Steinberg           NOT LISTED
Alison Sweeney             DGA
Angela Tessinari            DGA
Rudy Vejar                    NOT LISTED (Deceased)             
Karen Wilkens               DGA
Steven Williford              DGA
Stephen Wyman            NOT LISTED
Phideaux Xavier              DGA
John C. Zak                   NOT LISTED
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Do you also have a list of Days stage managers that are listed in the DGA directory?
For example current stage managers Jessica (Jessie) Harrison and Lucy Yalenian are members of the DGA.   I remember a few years ago when Jessie got her DGA card and posted it on her ig stories.

Edited by janea4old
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I didn't do the stage managers yet, but will probably do them today. I found yesterday that the DGA does a monthly "In Memoriam" (since January 2015). So, checking those, that's where I found out the 1965 director Livia Granito had died at some point in 2022. I also found that stage manager Gary Wente (at Days from 1986-2009) was listed in the April 2024 memorial. Doing some googling, I found he had died by November 2023. Neither Granito nor Wente had any obituary that I could find.

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Ted Baker                     NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Francesca Bellini De Simone  NOT LISTED          
Marjie Dale Wells          NOT LISTED
Patricia Dyer                 DGA (Listed as Patricia Walde)
Peery Forbis                 NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Dan Ford                       NOT LISTED
Roy Friedland                DGA
Richard Fusari               NOT LISTED
Brenda Glazer               DGA (Listed as Brenda Lynn Freedman)
Michael Gray                 DGA
Jessie Harrison              DGA
Stuart W. Howard           DGA             
Lisa Winther-Huston       DGA
Roger W. Inman             NOT LISTED
Britt Lomond                  NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Joseph H. Lumer            DGA
Jerry Masterson             NOT LISTED
Carl McCarthy                NOT LISTED
Travis McCulley              NOT LISTED
Gordon Morris                NOT LISTED
Rick Oxford                   NOT LISTED
Steve Palmer                 NOT LISTED
Ron Paul                       DGA
Barbara Roche               DGA
Michael Schiff                DGA
Jo Ann Smith                 NOT LISTED
Kaley Smith                   DGA (Listed as Kaley Kidwell)
Tracey Smith                 DGA (Listed as Tracey L. Smith Baumert)
Herb Stein                     DGA
Sheila Stewart               NOT LISTED
Yukiko Tokunaga           DGA (Listed as Yukiko Hotta)
Cherie Wall                   DGA
Gary Wente                  NOT LISTED (Deceased)
Fred Wittson                 NOT LISTED
Lucy Yalenian               DGA
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