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Shortland Street


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What a great soapy episode today. Finally, my girl Margaret is back! I am beside myself.


The show did a really good job with Leo's cousin. Introducing him as a sleaze, but then flipping the script and shining a light on the true shady ass that is George. Leo's warning to Lucy had me so excited and amped things up a bit. I wonder if Dayna is going to have a fall from grace when George's lies are exposed. I've always remembered her line "We're all stupid under the right circumstances." I think she said it to Kane, maybe, and it fit her character so well. Murray and Wendy aren't around to pick her up this time so, it she does go into self-destruct mode again, it could be fatal.


I skimmed the monthly preview on the main Shorty site for May, and it said a surprise departure will be happening. This could be Victoria's comeuppance, but it does make me fear for Kylie. What if she does get sent down and that's the end for her? It would certainly be a surprise,an absolutely devastating one at that.


Jack would be lucky if he hooked up with this Darryl person. He's hot. #shameless

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I don't know if Bright Eyes still posts here (if you don't I can't blame you), but someone is uploading the early episodes of Shortland Street. Enjoy while they're still available.


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The witch finally got her comeuppance; straight through the wind shield. What a wonderfully messed up character she was. A great story form start to finish. I'm still peeved that I didn't get to see Margaret slapping her from here to eternity, but Shorty is rarely that kind of show. I remember how shocked I was when Emma landed one past Kylie's face. Emma got my attention after that.


Drew and Mo apologizing to Curtis made me feel so vindicated. I hope he can win Esther's affections from Finn, a guy I do not trust. I felt this way about Victoria when she started, and look how that turned out. But this is Shorty, so Curtis and Lucy are always in the back of my mind. After the Dallas/Ula switcheroo awhile back, nothing is certain.


It seems like this polymer affects brain function negatively. This Vintage story is engaging, but seeing as Wikipedia lists Boyd as leaving sometime this year, where they go with his supposed delusions should be interesting. Sam Bunkall will be missed. Seeing how adorable he is in backstage videos, I can't help but have a little crush. I'm sure TK's body will do its best to distract me from my loss. However, it is odd that he wasn't more involved in Victoria's comeuppance. I wonder if they'll have him react to her undoing.


I also must shine a light again on the wonderful Harper. She is such a rare treat on soaps today. She's fierce, strong, and kick ass without the writers ever having to tell us she is, and without her ever coming off as a bitch. They show us with her actions and Ria Vandevis always commands the screen. Her confrontation with Victoria after Harper had finally seen her true colours was electric. And as a Game of Thrones fan, I couldn't help but compare her black dress in those scenes to Cersei's when she took over the throne. Harper is a goddess after all. I love her terribly.

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Ever since Lucy's arrival, the show has had Glen in their back pocket. If he ends up raping Rachel, I can't even begin to think of how devastating that will be. However, the sexual assualt on Roimata leead to my favourite story (Josh's hero disease), so I at least now the show can deliver.


Edited by Bright Eyes
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Angela Bloomfield is doing such a great job playing Rachel at the end of her tether. Going back to her bitch role as a way of coping, saying and doing anything she can as CEO to keep anyone from making her deal with the truth of how she isn't coping at all. Even behind her venomous tongue, you can always see the pain and struggle in her eyes. Lecherous Glen really did a number on her. The question is will Rachel crumble before or after Glen's inevitable return? Still, Bloomfield is really showing why she's the QUEEN of this show, not that there was ever any doubt of her deserving her throne.


It's a shame they killed Carrie off-screen, but Chris' sperm donor children arriving are welcomed additions. I mentioned before how I wanted Frank to be a bad seed, and it sounds like they could go that route with the little we've learned of him from Finn and Sass. Sass herself is quickly becoming a fascinating addition as a bit of a shameless stirrer. Of course, TK had to sleep with her, adding to his harem numbers. It's not Shortland Street if half the female cast haven't slept with him. Not really a complaint or unreasonable considering how ridiculously hot Benjamin Mitchell is. We should all be so lucky.


Lucy and Ali planning their wedding for next year gives me pause. Suggests to me there will be no wedding at all. They're sure to call off the engagement at some point, surely.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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We were both wrong about this. But with Rachel now back on the sauce (:unsure:) might she end up making a disastrous arrival at the wedding?


On an even sadder note, Ameila Reid has announced that she's leaving! Bella has been such a great heroine. The Cooper will officially be no more come November. Fortunately, Reid has stated she isn't ruling out a return at some point, and since she leaves before the end of year cliffhanger, I have to believe she makes it out alive. With Leanne gone too (is that permanent?) the person that will be relegated to the front desk will seem so out of place. I also don't trust Sass at all. They've said before that she qualifications that go beyond being a PA, so I wonder if she could start scheming for the top position soon.

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Off the recent announcement that Bella is leaving in November, Shorty has kept another exit top secret as Queen Rachel (Angela Bloomfield) last aired today. Shorty has existed without her, but she's always been around since I've been watching and losing her is going to be felt for a long time to come. Just like Brooke, Sarah, and soon to be Bella. By the grace of the Shorty Gods, she left with her life in tact, and with her relationship with Chris very much open ended. She just has to be back one day, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'll miss greatly.

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Not Bella and Rachel! My two favorites! I'm going to miss them, although I still have about 75 episodes from 2011 to watch (sadly the uploader stopped after that).
Well, at least we still have the magnificent Harper who has everything a Shortland Street icon should have. I love her so much. Maybe it's time for a Brooke return, it'd be interesting to see her go at it with Harper. And Finn who is another great new character. And Drew, etc. I wonder what Chris'll do now. The only character I'm not a fan of is Esther.
A question, before Leanne left, she told Nicole "I've put you in the right way, away from lesbians and drugs". Didn't she come around to that (well not the drugs part)?
Did Dayna and George leave the show? I didn't watch everything this year as I couldn't find somewhere which had every episode until recently.
I also would love to see Isaac return one of these days. His downfall and exit which I watched this summer was epic. Roimata and Jill are still new in the 2011 eps I'm watching but they're great. I'm loving the Hunter training to become a doctor story arc and his rivalry and then friendship with fellow-student Paige, the niece of Callum's enemy. Also really interested in Gabrielle who just returned.

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Happy to hear how much you love Harper. She is a warrior and can go head to head with the best of them. Leanne is a complicated woman. She always preferred Nicole to be with a man, and figured the lesbianism was just a part of her partying phase. Since she's been a regular character Nicole has only ever been with Vinnie so it hasn't been an that much of an issue. There has been the odd argument though. But Leanne's gone too now, by the way.


Dayna and George definitely have left. Dayna found out George was a bit of con man, that he never graduated med school but faked his records to get a job at the hospital to impress her, but since she still loved him, they skipped town together, leaving Bella in the lurch at the IV. It was a pretty good, dramatic exit. With Murray gone, Bella couldn't handle running the restaurant and that's why Drew, Cam, Nicole, and Vinnie now own it.


The doctor in the previews for Monday looks like a handsome addition. Always happy to she more hot totty on the show.

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