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DAYS: Discussion for the month of July

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I love T/Kinsey/Will/Chad all together hanging out! I love how T and Kinsey obviously like each other, and how Kinsey acts like she's all grossed out by him. Once Gabby joined into the mix, everything went down a notch for me, lol. I feel like this whole Chad/Gabby/Will thing is incredibly forced. I do not believe it at all. Will and Chad battling for her, Gabby acting all clueless, please rolleyes.gif.

Still loving this Madeline/Kate story, although I wish one of them would just spit it out already. I wonder what Will will do with the information he heard at the end of the ep about Madeline being a hooker back then? I bet he will tell Chad.

I hope this really is the end of Brady/Arianna.


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ITA. Maggie is a good person but she's not Mary Poppins or Alice Horton and the differences that do exist between Maggie and Victor are what make them so interesting. Maggie & Bill is just wrong. So wrong. The whole cliche of a soap character sleeping and/or marrying their way through an family is too creepy for me.

ICAM! The notion that a first love is the only true love someone can ever have and nothing else can ever equal or best it is insane and one of the reasons why soaps are so boring right now. Too many couples are never allowed to move on from each other and be with people with whom they're better suited just because they've known someone else longer. I'm biased, I never bought Phillip & Chloe as some great love even when they were teenagers and I certainly don't buy it now. There is absolutely no hint of any deep, passionate love between them at all, certainly not anymore. To go back to that well would be lame, as would trying to make the audience believe that losing Belle, Claire, his leg, Pocket, Stephanie, and soon Melanie wouldn't push Phillip over the edge but that somehow losing Chloe, someone he has treated like dirt for a decade, simply because she'd gotten knocked up by him during a drunken ONS would. Plus, Phillip already has every reason to flip over to the dark side if he wants to. Some convoluted selling of Phloe as the next Bope is unnecessary.

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You know, I'm looking forward to that conversation - where Maggie tells Victor she's not all peaches'n'cream. It would be a great way for newer viewers to learn there was life outside of Mickey, and it would be appropriate since Victor came to town after Maggie was put on the shelf.

I think with time memories fade - even with Alice. She wasn't all sweetness either. This is a woman who baked drugged-donuts for a prison break, and was ALWAYS aiding and abetting. For Maggie to be paired with someone who makes her feel alive is just what she needs IMO. Mickey was stayed, sweet, dependable, blah blah.... but this woman needs to shift gears now that he's gone.

As for Victor, I think he is absolutely tickled that someone is calling him on his BS and seeing through is motives. He's gone for too many years being a threat to the majority of Salemites, and just like Maggie was in an endless loop with Micky, Victor has been in one with the women of his past. I think even Carolyn might have been part of that pattern of acquiescence/fear. We won't have any hand-wringing from Maggie I'll bet!

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Good episode should been more Shane and Kim and it should have ended with a family scene with them. I don't Caroline not coming down to say good bye to them. And wish them luck on a second chance. How long is Kayla and Jennifer in town, I notice their names still in credits.

Maggie and Bill.......................NO! Bill/Kate/Roman/Laura or Bill/Kate/Roman/Anna. Cause Mickey last name is Horton doesn't mean Perfect! Mickey had his faults as well as Tom, Addie, Marie, Tommy, Bill, and Alice. I love Maggie and Victor the actors have chemistry!!

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I thought Felicia Terrell was great, and was really secured into the Arianna role well. Her and Eric Martsolf had so much chem! I like Lindsay Hartley as an Actress, but I just can't get into this Theresa/Ethan 2.0 mess DAYS is trying to push. These characters aren't the same. I'm hoping maybe they have realized that it's not working. Reunite Brady with Nicole and keep developing Ari and EJ's relationship instead. And make the Arianna character stronger, stop having her act like a sappy, needy crybaby 24/7. This girl used to be a street smart, drug stealing gangster back in the day? Please.

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Will and Chad fighting, rolleyes.gif. Ugh I hate this so much, I found those scenes a little bit hard, and even embarrassing, to watch! That was not how I pictured Will telling Chad about his mother being a whore back then, either.

LOL @ Will's face when he came back to the river and saw Chad and Gabby sitting together. If I had to pick though, I would rather see Gabby with Chad. Also wanna say LOL @ T. That guy is just hilarious.

Loved the Vivian/Jennifer scene! She shut Vivian down. I was rooting for her, but was feeling kind of bad for Vivian also. Everyone is so mean to her.

e8099.gif Thanks for the screen caps e8099.gif

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Hopefully they get over this soon, I love them as friends. And I defenitely don't want Gabby's annoying ass to come between them.

My [!@#$%^&*] DVR didnt record DAYS, so I have to wait to watch on Soapnet, cant wait to see that scene.

And they will never get to be a couple. Daytime sucks. :(

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