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GH: Patrick/Lisa spoiler from TV Guide

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On July 2nd Patrick and Lisa will get drunk and sleep together(this while Robin is away in Africa).

Lisa is going to get very obsessive with Patrick and we'll get a kind of "Fatal Attraction" story says Guza. She won't be boiling bunnies but that's not to say she won't be acting out in a big way.

Guza intends this to be a less sensational, more realistic take a on a tryst gone sour. He says that Lisa was never able to let go of that connection she had with Patrick back in school. Patrick tells her this can't happen again, she tries but fails to accept it.

Guza says they can easily get another year out of this story. Guza is going to take his time having Lisa go haywire. Patrick's refusal to continue having sex isn't what sets Lisa off. There's actually a very psychological event that will happen some weeks later. It will get her very perturbed

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I'm only surprised that it took Patrick this long to have sex with Lisa. I hope that they mention that he used a condom, considering he can give Robin a STD. That is what Robin gets for marrying a loser like Patrick.

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Jesus, a whole year of this? Really, Guza?! I'm not sure either Lisa or Patrick are interesting enough to sustain a 12-month long SL.

And what is so great about snot-nosed Patrick anyway that has both Lisa (and seemingly Carly's) panties in a twist? he's just a blowhard with no sense of humor.

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The character of Lisa has been around almost a year already. I don't buy that Guza is doing another year of this story. He isn't interested in Robin or Patrick enough to bother and Vanessa will rightly have his full attention sucking up all the airtime. BBr's contract is up by the end of the year so most likely Lisa will go crazy and get locked up or killed by then. Robin will be slapped back with Patrick in the meanwhile.

I still don't get these women wanting to jump into bed with a man sleeping with a woman who is HIV+. It simply makes no sense.

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But you know very well, Carl, that that is not the way things go. Women are depicted, especially on GH, as these pen!s-obsessed cheap sluts who are just insatiable and want more ****, ****, ****! And humiliation!

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That would make even less sense than the current story. It isn't like Patrick was ever in love with Lisa. If he was, his jealousy and interest would be understandable. Instead Lisa shows up years later and suddenly he can't stop lusting after her. I mean, he never even mentioned having a steady girlfriend before. He claimed that he had a good time and moved on to the next woman. All the way around, this story is nutty.

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To make us feel ANYTHING whatsoever about this story, Jason Thompson would have to remove the broom from his a$$ and start acting instead of shouting his lines. And the dialogue writer who feeds Brianne Brown her lines would have to stop cutting and pasting from the NASCAR site.

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Oh and there's another tidbit where Guza says that if Stone were around Robin wouldn't be with Patrick and that's hard for Patrick to come to terms with.

Guza do STFU


I think there's a bit of a rewrite here, cause I remember it being said Patrick never had a relationship with any woman before Robin. Guza's trying to make this like Lisa's the one who got away or something :rolleyes:

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This is actually a spoiler that gives me hope GH might actually be thinking about making Patrick and Robin interesting at long last. The Lisa character has been a total dud, so any insanity or villainy is greatly appreciated. I guess the same exact thing could be said about Patrick though. As for his cheating, well it has been five years, he is due. The whole town has cheated three times over, and Patrick has been the most true and rock solid of all the men in town.

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