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GH: Patrick/Lisa spoiler from TV Guide

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Years ago GH had a good actress playing "Mary" who was cruelly manipulated by Emily until driven from midly not all there to totally unhinged and homicidal. She was really good, and it was her playing slightly nutso that made her good to watch. This girl who plays Lisa though, this is going to be a tough sell.

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This is a direct byproduct of the fanbase. I alone might resent the fact that Thor wears cheap Old Navy suits, but sitting here alone I grouse in peace. Now I meet someone who thinks just like me and we have a Thor fanbase where we complain to each other about Thor's cheap suits. Now I feel empowered because this fanbase is validating my anger, and like a drunk I take it too far. So I go write a letter to Constance Towers telling her I hate Helena because Thor has crappy clothes. Now I seethe about this with my fanbase for weeks, and the next step is not only do I hate Thor's suits and hate Helena, but now I hate Constance Towers too and I have all my little friends agreeing with me how horrible she is. Now someone in the group tells me I should go to her twitter or facebook page, and I harass her and my fanbase friends tell me "job well done"

Then inevitably someone says "don't see this as a representation of the fanbase". Well what is it a representation of if not the hivemind mentality that is what fanbases are all about? Especially if there is more than one of us and the only thing we have in common and the only reason we are harassing the same person is the fanbase and we do it out of a misguided loyalty to the object of our fandom?

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They did the same thing with the actress who plays Lela. There are some Robin and Scrubs fans who are crazy and it is embarrassing. It's one of the reasons why when I was posting at SZ, I never felt comfortable with the Scrubs fans there even though I am a Robin and Scrubs fan.

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To be fair, there are online fanbases for actors, actresses, and singers who can be just as crazy or even more so than soap fans. Don't get me started on those obsessed with Twilight. Then there are the idiots who trying to start an all out war between Lady Gaga and Christina Aquilera the past month or two.

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They've been attacking her since the first minute she started airing, it's ridiculous.

Now they are saying that the actress that played the first Lisa was a scrubs fan and that is why she was replaced.

No, she was replaced because she sucked.

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gee i hope its Karen Harris and not Michelle Val Jean (or anyone else for that matter) who writes the episode where Patrick cheats because rabid Scrubs fans already have Val Jean in their sights for her supposed hatred of the couple!

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