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AMC: Tuesday April 13, 2010

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Lord have mercy. The bitch done lost her mind. Team Kendall all the way! Greenlee is a delusional mess who needs to take a dose of STFU. Their entire friendship has been all about Kendall stabbing her in th back? Was it Kendall who:

- Ripped off Kendall's dress in open court and nearly sent her to death row

- Stole Kendall's fiancee and proceeded to marry him

- Kidnapped Kendall's son and nearly killed him and made him deaf (oh yeah that wasnt her fault)

OMG, Go Kendall! She just said "You know what, shut the hell up. Where do you get off rewriting history so that your always my victim? We both know that is not true"

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I hate to be on Kendall's side under any circumstances, but the show is giving me no choice. Greenlee just isn't making any sense. She can't honestly believe Kendall meant to hurt her. I wouldn't mind her being pissed. She did suffer a lot because of Kendall's reckless driving, but if Kendall can forgive everything Greenlee has done in the past, Greenlee should be able to do the same without turning the accident into something it wasn't.

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I had to bold and underline the part the writers chose to ignore today. I hate having to root for Kendall versus Greenlee, too, but Greens was rewriting everything. I wish Kendall had mentioned how Greenlee & Ryan's marriage was a scheme to hurt her in the same way Greenlee married David to hurt Ryan!

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Well, let's not forget that SabineLee Greenlee was raked over hot coals and ostracized for months over the whole Spike situation. Kendall's a big girl who "killed" Greenlee and allowed it to be covered up, then had grief sex with her fiance. She can take a 20 minute rant from Greenlee.

Didn't notice. The bobbing head was in overdrive.

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thanks! Im glad she's back. She used to be a favorite of mine but I havent liked her much before she left bc of the horrible writing. Thankfully, so far she's been alot more tolerable and I suppose its bc she wont be on for too long. I was so on her side today

tell me about it. I cant beleive Greenlee honestly stood there and talked about how Kendall tried to hurt her by ruining her first wedding to Ryan. Um he was engaged to Kendall the day before! There was no love between Ryan/Greens and it was strictly a marriage of convenience, one which she had to trample over Kendall to have

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Believe me, I'd be the first to agree with you, if only the rant made any sense. She could have yelled and bitched about the situation as it actually was and been in the right. I would have rather heard Greenlee talk about how Kendall's reckless driving destroyed her wedding, made her lose a year of her life and caused her incredible physical pain.

Let's face it, driving while an emotional wreck is just the sort of self entitled thing Kendall would do. She deserves to be called out on that and for sleeping with Ryan so quickly, not for hitting Greenlee on purpose. That just made me RME, along with yet another walk down memory lane.

If you are going to continue to be friends with someone after they f*ck you over then forgive, forget and start over. Don't bring up every offense the other person has ever committed during every single fight. Kendall and Greenlee have both been doing this for as long as I've watched the show and it drives me nuts. Either get over what happened 5 years ago, or go back to being enemies.

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I think I'm in the minority, but I liked that Kendall brought up all the things Greenlee had done--I didn't expect that. It was a solid episode--to my surprise I actually was kinda happy to see Zack with his new haircut at least for one minute or so.... But I wanted to see more of the Jr/Adam stuff.

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I am a Green fan and kendell hater, but im not on either side here. Both are crazy ass selfish bitches who get off on harming the other. yet this is the pairing the show wants to sell as BFF's forever? please, let it end.

Also, those were awfuly written scenes. Lish & Budig tried there best to sell it, but jesus.... bad, bad writing IMHO (and i never pay much attention to writing...).

Ryan/Erica were both acting about 5 years old, as normal.

Adam/Annie/Brooke/JR/marissa/Colby was a bore.

Liza & David were mediocre.

I was not a fan of this episode at all.

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oh wow, apparently i only watched half the episode? seemed like it went on for hours...

kendell, come on. "i forgave you" blah blah blah. No, you didnt. Not at first. It took you months to get over it, as it should have (hell, you never should have to be honest). I think greenlee has the right to be angry and hateful that you ran her off the road and let it be covered up then slept with her fiancée for at least 20 minutes after she finds out. this dumb bitch. "greenlees here. shes back. shes alive" uhh, ryan knows that hun, and you know he knows...

ahh... zack. i love him. i miss him. TK looks sooooo good with his haircut. lovin zack/greenlee.

jackson is so smug and annoying. ugh. go away.

the jr/annie plot is so stupid. annie is crazy, but shes also smart and should know a scheme when its being played. she should have slept with JR and told him she knows it was a plot to break her and adam up but he cant do it now because she will tell marissa and flip it on him. im sure they went this route for a jr/annie love story down the line, but ya know.. thin line, love and hate.

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maybe im being too harse... but... the scene where they were recounted everything they did to eachother was just horrid. but then again, how do you write that and make it believable? It just came off like something you would see on Soap or in Delirious & Soapdish.

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