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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I can't stand Jody and Mia. Sad, ugly women trying to pass as ab fab and uber-bitchy doesn't work for me. Now they have Ben Stiller in drag in their team and this poor thing is more pathetic than them. Poor Ben wants to create some drama all the time, she tries to be interesting but all I see are scenes from a movie where Ben Stiller tries to pass as a woman.

Robin honey, why do you really want to sing? She comes out so stupid and desperate being obsessed with this. And now singing with a kid..

I like Ronnie, Mary and Ioulia. Too bad beautiful Mary can't stand for herself when a bunch of ugly drag queens make fun of her.


I love Lisa, Yolanda and Brandi a>)

I wish I was a houseguest at Ken and Lisa's lol

Kim in an intervention for Taylor was so funny. She is a mess and she thinks she can get involved in other people's drama? And Kyle follows her because as always she is a sucker for other people's problems. Kyle thinks she is a popular highschool cheerleader and tries to live her life like that. I think that she has more sceletons in her closet than anybody else and that's the reason she wants everybodu occupied with gossip about her friends. She is lucky that Kim is all over the place and she can't expose her and I don't buy her perfect marriage.

Marissa seemed like a nice girl, but she is always putting her poor husband down. Why is she doing this? I liked her at first, but she seems very mean and she is trying too hard to create an interesting persona. She is telling us all the time that she is very funny, that she thinks like a guy etc, but all I see is a woman desperate for attention.

I am team Brandi all the way, but for some reason I can't hate Adrienne. As a matter of fact I think she is rather nice and Paul is the real problem.

Edited by Elsa
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YIKES @ Lisa!

I knew it! With just the OC airing, I knew they had to air at least a RH spin-off. Bravo hasn't gone without at least two RH shows airing for quite a long time now.

Has anyone seen the previews to that new Bravo show, Married to Medicine? It's taking over Atlanta's spot on Sunday nights... and it looks to be a doozy. Almost like a RHOA copy, but with a doctor's wives twist. Lots of drama and fighting!


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are you saying that is Lisa Wu? I don't believe it. That doesn't even look like her

Yet ANOTHER ATL reality show. I'll probably at least give it a try. LOL...why do these shows always have to have one token white girl Edited by Cheap21
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LOL Cheap -- I don't doubt that its her granted she looks like a cross between Mimi & Deelishis from Flavor of Love (granted she has shorter hair now from what I saw in her recent magazine article). Lisa ain't doing sh!t so I don't see why that isn't her. Rough times and all with no business ventures and her second divorce... and probably no work for real since I doubt she's getting these acting jobs. Maybe homegirl was caught on a rough day because Lisa was always dressed somewhat nice.

Edited by London
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LOL dunno - it looks like her to me just rough.

She even tweeted about it from the date they were taken.

Someone said she looked unrecognizable and she tweeted them back saying it was just a bad pic.

Ok, honest question: Would ya'll watch all these spin-offs Bravo keeps giving half of the Housewives? I just read that Phaedra may get one now and it'll be like a court format show dealing with her legal knowledge.

Edited by London
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huh.png Phaedra is fine as part of an ensemble but she is not interesting enough to carry a spin off. That premise sounds stupid.

As much as I detest Wig, I know she has a huge fanbase and can see people watching her trailer trash show. Phaedra? Um no. She is well liked enough but I can't see people flocking to this.

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LOL Cheap - we'll agree to disagree and if it turns out that its NOT her I'll definitely edit out even though I guess the original source of those photos is some blogger Lisa is friends with who gave the lowdown on bumping into her. People have off days and that look is not for her, dunno if she has a team now or not or what type of money she has -- everyone looks off nowadays.

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I agree with you and even would say that about Wig to be honest. I'm definitely interested to see the ratings this time around... I just don't see it. She doesn't do anything - she has a wig line (I wonder if it gets sold) and she pops out kids, that's sadly how I look a her at the moment. I can't sit around watching that. I just don't see a hustle with Kim and never have. So I'll definitely be interested in seeing what the future holds for her if and when her name pops up.

Kandi I can kinda see because she has so much going on and trying to shape her brand but again she's not that interesting, even as an ensemble cast member on RHOA.

I would kinda rather see a legal show format but I doubt it'd be on Bravo granted they may surprise me) and it'd be at least new, no matter how stupid it sounds but can her ass even be a judge? I thought she was just a straight lawyer.

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