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I'm 13 minutes in... and darlings, this season (BH) is starting sooo powerful!

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I love the editing btw, I had issues with it the past season. Everything flows for now. I have a feeling this will be gooood.

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OMG!!! I thought the Dinner Party from Hell was wild. This episode was something else. Angie K coming to Meredith's Bar Mitzvah in her Alexis Carrington best and giving total chaos was just crazy. And Bob being the catalyst to set Angie off was not only surprising, but did make one wonder...dare I say...was Heather right all along? 


After last week's Meredith vs Mary drama, it was good to see they appeared to be back on the mend. It said a lot to Mary's character that she still showed up (late and giving a comedic moment) to Meredith's event. And they managed to talk again. Mary has always been a real one, and this episode continues to prove it. Happy at her renaissance. 


LISA. I mean...did she do anything relevant this episode? lol. Okay, outside of her inserting herself into a Heather/Whitney conversation that snowballed...yeeeah not really. It just came across to me like she really did not want Bad Weather on the same page. 




MARY. Nothing, but giving. I felt her in her scene with Angie K where she was giving without giving. And I really loved Angie K giving her the grace to come to her in time to tell what's going on...being discreet, giving Mary space...just being an overall good friend. And like I said above, I really respect that she still went to Meredith's bar mitzvah knowing the two of them have hit a rough patch. And then they talked. And of course, no one gives reactions to mess like Mary does and she was, of course, giving.


LITTLE GIRL. Not Episode 1 Whitney jumping out at Lisa!!! I was so impressed. It's a shame after that, Whitney went right back in. 


BOB. Uh oh now. I was worried a little bit last week due to what people were saying about her at the Troop Beverley Hills event. But I still understood. However, THIS episode. Not Bob showing her slip...smh. She did everything oh so wrong. And sadly she has no one to blame, but herself. First it was when Angie K was about to give her the apology that she wanted, but she threw it out there before Angie could say anything. Then she was cursing at Angie K...who showed growth by not immediately engaging. But when Angie K actually gathered Bob and sent her spiraling...lord have mercy Bob lost it ON CAMERA and FRONT OF HER HUSBAND. And now I'm wondering about their relationship. Was her husband's concerns about her being around this group right? Because she was on camera being...not classy. And then she went and got messy by telling FriendofHeather's comment to Angie K that led to the explosive chaos at the end!!! That slip is showing. Will Bob be able to pull it back some on the cast trip...cuz her backlash online has only increased?


MEREDITH. She has ANOTHER son? Okay, I feel like she mentioned it in passing the first couple of seasons. Still, it was quite the surprise to get him to film. And her bar mitzvah was well done. And her entrance to it!!! lol. I loved that her and Mary appear to be on the road to mending fences. And then...that ending. 'We are not playing this game.' 'Oh, we are. And this time, I have security. SECURITY!' LOL NOT MEREDITH PULLING A RHOA S5 KENYA ON ANGIE K!!!! I hollered. 


ANGIE K. Doing everything right AND has the foinest husband on top of that. Angie K was the MVP this episode. The fur coat. The dress. The reads. The gatherings. Bob said it at the beginning at the episode that Angie K does too much. And yep...this episode she put it to great use. The fact we got to see how good of a friend she is by her scene with Mary before everything exploded at the end was superb. And the sad fact was...Bob started that. Angie K was going to be a bigger person. In fact, Angie K, to me, was the bigger person. That was a sincere apology she gave to Bob. The fact she still gave it after Bob started with expecting it AND cursing Angie K out...well Angie K better than me for still giving it. But once Bob turned nasty, I loved that Angie got her good by being nice to Bob's Hubby with a little smirk and BOB...LOST...IT. What was that about? But Bob got her lick back. lol. And we got THE catchphrase of the season (sorry, not sorry Heather) with 'high body count hair.' OMG!!! Angie read FriendofHeather down (and Lisa giving her hair tips...priceless)!!! And how that snowballed into another round with Meredith at HER bar mitzvah. HAHAHAHA! And then Angie got kicked out. And THEN she got FriendofHeather's coat and tossed it. Then a napkin got tossed. Just mess upon mess upon mess. Oh, well, at least her excellent Alexis Carrington fur coat was found. 


Great episode. Bring on the cast trip. 


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Totally justified. Counting down the minutes until tonight. 


Yeah, I feel that the Grande Dame and Messy Mia will be getting the chairs again this year unless something just abruptly shifts as well. The rivalry for the RHOP throne has been the backbone of the season.

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Yes, yes, yes, Kyle the forever put-upon victim since day one when she made that catty comment about Bravo not wanting to film Camille on vacation unless Kelsey was with her. 

She was busy playing scissor sisters last year and now is in her feelings because Mo and his teeth moved out to recapture his bachelorhood of 30 years ago, and he's having the time of his life. I guess she thought he'd put up with her lil "phase" and maybe even think it was kinda hot. 

She's really dipping and diving with her excuses to make her the victim against Dorit. The crack at Bravocon was an innocent joke right after Kyle spilled a drink on Dorit. Like, duh... Team Dorit all the way on this. 

Meanwhile, I love each and every moment we get to see Jennifer Tilly and her Simpsons divorce money. She always makes me laugh. 

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Gizelle is playing chess with Mia. She was on WWHL and told Andy that she heard that Mia was going to be on Love and Hip Hop. He said "no she is on Bravo" and did NOT look happy with that. If you dont know this was a reference to another Mia lie/insinuation. Gizelle tried to get her in trouble and she did it on live tv and we saw Andy's real time reaction. She knows waht she's doing


Gizelle was also asked about how she felt about Mia bringing up her kids and she said Mia is dead to her. Its safe to say she has it out for her and she's deader than Monique and Candiace

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Oh, I saw the WWHL clip about what Giz said, and all I could say....it made up for the episode skipping over last week's ending cuz I was YAAASSS!!! Gizelle totally is playing chess with Mia.


Thank you for the tea on Andy's reactions, too. I also felt like Production might be slowly turning against Mia, too, after this week. And we know Gizelle is THE favorite so...


Same. Hell has truly frozen over.


You know someone will.  

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It was a low-key episode. Well...until that ending. But truly another episode where we got to tune into all the little subplots going on this season. I've been saying it often. I've been loving that this season that it isn't just about the overall arc of La Dame vs Messy Mia. We actually have stories going on with the characters. I'm grateful that the cast here are colorful enough to be able to carry such episodes. 


I'm shocked to say it, but I enjoyed Gizelle and Ashley speed dating the most. It was...actually something different for a change. Refreshing...kinda like the rest of this season. Then we saw Ashley on an actual date. Gizelle dealing with her father's will. Ray and La Dame talking about their relationship as Stacey and TJ are confronting theirs. And then Mia...


Mia, Mia, Mia. Sadly, that ending was probably the most authentic moment Mia has had since the last season's finale. But that said...it does not paint a good light for her at all. She's so busy running around trying to create this narrative where she's not the victim that when she has to deal with the REAL victims aka HER KIDS, she don't know what to do. And from the mouths of babes...they saw things more clearly than she thought they did. And worse...they are speaking out. How dare she tried to blindside them for a moment on camera. And even they are Team G because of what they see. So damn selfish.


LA DAME. LOL at Ray with La Dame this week cuz...not her taxicab!!! And it was just nice see them together and in love. Though I admit that I don't know how I feel like La Dame using Ray as an excuse for her DUI. BUT she did have a point cuz she held him down when the other ladies were coming for her over Ray's taxes. 


GIZELLE. OMG!!! At that father will tea!!! Gizelle actually GIVING?? Wow. And just given who her father was in terms of the civil rights movement...I agree with her. There was something else going on because her father did love her, and he adored his grandchildren. So...what else is going on? Or more importantly...WHO? Meanwhile she at the speed dating...was kinda hilarious. And I hollered at her clearly having a type. Speaking of...is she still talking to that chocolate hottie. He seem kinda into her. I...again am shocked at how much she is enjoyable.


ASHLEY. Speaking of enjoyable...NOT ASHLEY HAVING A STORYLINE THAT SHE'S SHOWING!!! Now where did this come from? Her and her date was interesting to watch. And wow at his personal story. A cute little moment for her since she really hasn't had too many this season.


WENDY. OMG! She finally told her mother she left the university! I was surprised. It also reminded me so much of how much Wendy could have if she was to lean into her family drama. 


STACEY. Lord at her with TJ. Their relationship is starting to get a bit messy. And I don't mind it. I liked that Stacey brought it to camera. I'm not sure that TJ liked she was talking to him with the other girls. And well...what's good for the goose...if Stacey wants to see other people while dating him. So...mess!!!


KEIARNA. I will always find it odd to see her and Mia alone in a scene. And I didn't like her being there to help Mia speed a 'G is mentally ill' narrative. Not that I felt that she did it purposingly, but smh.


MIA. You know what...STOP. QUIT. Seriously. I was already annoyed at her for all of her attempts to push this G mental illness narrative. And then I was irked at the fact that this season is almost over and she still HAS NOT gotten a paternity test. But that last scene? For her children to now be asking questions made me wonder. Were their classmates starting to talk about Ms. Mia in school? Or was it worse...they were seeing things online about Mia and their two Dads. AWWW HELL NO!!! It was just signs that this whole situation was getting out of Mia's control. And as it has also sadly been the most authentic she has been all season. Her son asking questions. Her daughter picking up on G's pain. And then they not wanting her to marry Inc at all. I will give that it was giving real. But it was so distasteful. And then Gizelle coming for her, too? smh.


Oh, well...next week is La Dame vs Jaqueline. 

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That Mia is really doing a number on her children. And then, her dumbest question of all, after asking if they knew what divorce was and explaining that she and their dad are going to divorce... she asks again if they're still sad about it, they say yes, and she says "Whyyy?" Mia, you sound like an idiot. Of COURSE they're still going to be upset about the situation. 

Looking forward to La Dame and Potomac's Terri DeMarco next week. Kick her out, Grande Dame. 

Re: Gizelle and her father's will. My hubby told me he read somewhere she's going through a situation similar to Tori Spelling vs. her mother Candy. I haven't read up on any details (and honestly, I never even thought of Gizelle's mother and whether she was still alive), so Gizelle's words of saying "someone," referring to her father's will getting changed by someone else, may be code for her mother. 

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Yeah, and I don't like it at all. Perhaps it's my love of children, but that was a whole lot of mess for kids to have to put on their shoulders because it's all fun and games until something bad really happens. I can't with her on that. 


LOL!! It's a sad, sad world when all the HW shows now have their own version of Terri Demarco. That said...GET HER, KURREN. Can't believe how disappointing Jacqueline has been.


OOOOOOOooh!!! I never even thought about if Gizelle's mother is still alive and might be contesting the will. Wooooowwwwwwww!!! Because I was sitting and watching and going 'who could someone be?' And that just never occurred to me. Who would dare mess with Gizelle's kids? Just...wow.

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Le sigh. It was a solid start to the trip.


The good for me was the fact that Racquel was going to finally to meet her mother. And the buildup for that has been well done. But Racquel has been a great addition. I also liked that Rebecca vs Brynn started to finally happen with Rebecca not only getting a good dig on Brynn, but she also checked her when Brynn started to pot stir between Erin and Ubah. She really has her number. And I continue to love the Ubah/Sai friendship which was on display throughout the episode.


What I didn't love was how routine it was. At this point, we are all used to the silliness of the room assignments. So it going down and the 4th wall breaking of Ubah being a diva was just something out of *cough*Eric*cough* an old playbook. Brynn pot stirring between Erin and Ubah when it was NOTHING of the sort and then getting kinda micro-aggressive with Ubah was having me see red. And then...ANOTHER PRANK!!!!!!!!!!?????????? Are you frakking kidding me? 


Those things took away from the episode, but I did like how people managed to either course correct, agree to disagree, or called it out. I was really disappointed in the end because I was looking forward to Rebecca vs Brynn because she needed to be put in her place. Well...next week...


ERIN. Is it a Karen thing to ask why do you hate me every time she's in an argument or is there something going on with her and Ubah that is just not on screen? I was right there with Sai in her Confessional. Given how much Brynn stirs the pot and how Erin did a whole episodic prank to find out the pigeon, Erin should know at this point to take anything Brynn says at face value. And barely that. So how was she able to be snowed yet again? At least her and Ubah were able to smooth it out. Twice. But outside of that and trying to be there for Rebecca, Erin was definitely not playing for the good side this week.


UBAH. But wait!!! Ubah, I like her, but she was no better with her diva temper tantrum about the room assignments. Breaking the fourth wall and all. I did like that she was able to defend herself a little bit better from Brynn...even when Brynn was trying to be micro aggressive. I was very glad that rather than her being out there on a branch, that the other women came to help. Because she was recapping what she was talking about with Erin and not talking crap about her. And as I always say, I enjoy seeing the Ubah/Sai friendship.


JENNA. I loved that she can laugh at herself because last season the fight was about her flying coach. That said...I don't think Jenna is faking money. So it's funny to see the other ladies hearing the car was a loan and already starting mess. 


JESSEL. Basically the comic relief with that stupid prank and good Confessionals. Cuz I laughed at 'young old people.' That said...dare I say it...I feel like the input she gives to the show has kinda vanished. And I am going to need a little bit more.


RACQUEL. 'Honey, don't tell me this room is too small. I've seen your apartment.' RACQUEL!!! I HOLLERED. I love that she's grown so comfortable on the show that she's throwing fun shade. Meanwhile, I'm excited with anticipation for her to meet her mother for the first time in 6 years. THE storyline.


SAI. YASSS!!! What do I mean? She really and truly was not as good of friends with Erin as she was last season. And I loved she stood up for Ubah, too, when Brynn was trying to gang up on her with Erin. No, ma'am. Not today. And yes, Erin is really stupid to be listening to anything coming out of Brynn's mouth. And then changing rooms with Ubah so she stays. Yep. It was not that serious so good she did it. And Ubah might step to everyone else, but she WON'T step to Sai. And just how Sai did it was awesome, making Ubah feel better about it. She was giving good shade in her Confessional, too, because we were thinking the same thing at all times. 


BRYNN. BITCH. Was the first word that flew out of my mouth when the episode ended. I hated she did that stupid prank on Jessel. I hated that she could not stand that Ubah and Erin was getting along so she tried to cause mess. And then the glee she had at seeing them fight while playing stupid. GIRL, BYE. I loved Production clocked her at one point. And then Rebecca...wow...the hatred between her and Rebecca is real. And she started that from Episode 2/4 in the helicopter. Rebecca had not done anything. So I loved Rebecca FINALLY started to find her voice. Her dig was good...moreso when Rebecca revealed later in the episode she did it on purpose. And then when Brynn started to pot stir and do micro aggressions, I loved Rebecca stepped right in and defended Ubah. And finally Rebecca called her out at the end. Someone needed to. The trip was fine without her doing stuff. 


Solid start to the trip.



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I think a problem this season is that the only person that gives main character energy is Erin.

I like Jessel but along with Raquel, Sai (this season) and Jenna, they all fade into the background. Jenna's reputation is the only thing saving her bc she gives nothing on this show

Brynn and Ubah's antics are just too forced, too over the top but not in a good way. When you look past their theatrics and overproducing, it becomes apparent they lack substance

Rebecca. Its easy why she's just a friend of.

This season feels like a bunch of Friends Of trying to produce a reality show

Erin irritates me but I cant deny she is a strong personality with a dynamic with all the ladies. Plus she's shown and given us the most of her personal life. If RHONY were to continue, she would be the only one I would say needs to return. Brynn, Rebecca, Jenna and Ubah need to go. Jessel is comedic relief so she can return and Sai, if only she tapped into her villian side from season 1. Unfortunately rebooting the reboot with a bunch of new women wont work. I feel they can only bring back some of the OG cast

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