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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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My guess for seating arrangement is

Kathy Hilton








Jennifer Tilly

I feel very safe with this gues and it would be a WTF if they do anything different. Though Kathy is a wild card bc they let her sit next to Kyle in the past despite being a friend

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I really enjoyed Reunion Part 2. In between certain confrontations, these women acknowledge an easy camaraderie and understanding of each other. The cast together is clicking finally, and the seething hatred of the last few seasons has thankfully been taken down several notches.

Wendy and Gizelle are having a great Reunion thus far. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Wendy is literally guiding the direction of the Reunion, and she's actually good at it. Whether it's calling out Mia or Stacey, Wendy is putting them through their paces and setting up a gasp-worthy Part 3.

Gizelle's facial expressions as Mia talked about How Difficult This Year Has Been, with a little fake crying thrown in  were amazing. She gave a Ms Dorothy eyeroll at one point which was absolutely EPIC. But the best moment was when she called Mia out on the Jeremiah paternity SL. She's 100% right. No mother who truly loves her child would ever let a SL like that propel her own personal fame. Gizelle exposed Mia to be a malignant narcissist who has rationalised this SL as being A-OK because she only cares about herself and not her son's eventual confusion and anxiety about who his father is. The fact that Mia sashayed off that couch, pretending to be offended on behalf of her child, but completely dry-eyed and smirking, said everything I've ever suspected about this shameless liar.

This makes me wonder if Mia returns next year. Stacey, too, may get exposed as a big ole liar in Part 3, and that may prevent her accession to next season. I doubt it, though -- she is Potomac's best newbie in years. 

Karen's jail sentence has probably spared Ashley for another year. Truly, Ashley is the luckiest HW on RHOP. She seems to fail upward. I'm not sure Keiarna will be back though. This Reunion she seemed strangely downbeat, at odds with her joyful appearance at Reunion last year.

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I noticed the change in tone of the judge. He was furious. And as he pointed out, if she'd hit someone's child while DUI, all the TV and community accomplishments in the world would have meant zilch next to the death of that child. He also made the point that she's been caught DUI four times, but has probably been out driving drunk much more times than that and was lucky not to get pulled over. Even after she gets out of prison, she is banned from driving at all for an extended period.

As someone who really enjoyed Karen on RHOP, I worry not so much about the jail time which she will do and get over with. It's actually about the drinking, which I wonder if Karen has been doing on the down low for a number of years now. Untangling that addiction will be very hard, as well as dealing with the knock to her pride. I do hope she returns to RHOP, much, much wiser than when she entered the defense of her case. Which was a disaster. 

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EXACTLY!!! smh. I was hoping with Kenya vs Brit...they would build up to Kenya's exit like LVP's exit on BH Season 9. But THIS.  As Porsha would say...wrong road, Bravo, wrong road.


And judging from the sneak peek Bravo released that everyone dragged because it was clear Kenya was there, but NOT seen...the public has answered. They...want...KENYA.



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Finally! lol. That's right I made it to Part 1 of the reunion. 


Yeah, Part 1 was solid for me. Not the best Part 1...that is still Monique and her binder for the Season 5 one...but it was a nice appetizer for the dragging of Messy Mia that I hear Part 2 was going to be. I guess my hype was too big since I thought the dragging started with Part 1 just like Brynn got hers at the NY reunion so that was disappointing. But again solid.


Part of that was because we got to deal with La Dame's Karen's absence and the aftermath of hearing about her being found guilty among the ladies. I was in awe at Wendy and Keiarna being genuinely concerned about where La Dame Karen was. Moreso Wendy who still appeared to be hurt from the events of the finale episode. And to see La Dame Karen just throw her away in that video (even mentioning Candiace) was sad to see. I think we all know how I feel about friendships, and I felt they made it to a place where the two of them were good friends. So watching Wendy's hurt in real time was sad. Meanwhile, Mia was a deer in the headlights seeing that her scapegoat was nowhere in sight. Oops.


Which brings us to the other part that made the reunion solid was the fact that everyone slowly, but surely were coming from Mia. Gizelle played a great game of chess to get to this moment. And her little chuckles and side comments during segments was a warning. And then Wendy joined in. Gizelle used her rivalry with Stacey as a good distraction before her, Wendy, AND Stacey (with help from Jassi) move in for the kill!! And I loved it. Wendy had the perfect reason...her hurt at how fake La Dame Karen was with her...to gather Mia.


Bring on Part 2...


LA DAME. KAREN. Yeeeah how the mighty have fallen. I can't believe that they really showed the body cam footage. And I was hoping that they would show both videos to the ladies. It was so sad to watch. Moreso knowing what came later with her going to jail. Perhaps if she focused on that other than setting up her storyline for next season, we would be seeing her next season. Because like someone said online, that reunion video was all about setting up next season from mentioning Andy so she has her job to thanking everyone BUT Wendy, setting up a feud. Just wrong move all around. And now she wrong moved right up off the show. So disappointed.


ASHLEY. All she gave were reactions. Though I did giggle that she thought of La Dame Karen and brought a little picture. And I also love how Andy shaded her for how long it took for her to divorce Michael Darby.


MIA. Poor, poor her.

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She thought she was going to use THIS woman to hide behind the whole reunion. So hahah for La Dame Karen outmaneuvering her by not showing up. And my look matched Gizelle's when Mia STILL tried to hide behind her by deflecting onto La Dame Karen. She ain't slick. And watching her trying to lie her way out of the Miami tea from Jassi and Stacey fell flat. Moreso because Wendy gathered her. And a Hurt Wendy is a dangerous Wendy. Too Much Wendy from the Season 6 Reunion is about to come out. And her trying to apologize to Jassi and Stacey so she would not get completely roasted was pathetic and screamed desperation. Paraphrasing Porsha Williams at the S10 RHOA reunion, her ass is in the hot seat...just like she wanted!!! ENJOY IT. 


KEIARNA. Even if it is now misplaced, I do love Keiarna stayed on La Dame Karen's side. And showed serious concern at the start of the episode. I also noticed that she called Stacey out on how she was moving in those last few episodes. Cuz even if Stacey was right...everyone will side-eye her next season.


STACEY. She showed her slip. That bass in her voice with Mia when she produced those receipts. With La Dame Karen out of the way, her next target for that throne WOULD be Mia. And Mia was easy to deal with since all Mia be doing is lying. One simply needs receipts and a firm backbone. So Stacey having them and tea on Mia was good to knock Mia off her throne. Her biggest threat moving forward will be Gizelle...who she came out of this season having a rivalry with. And Gizelle already has her number. Gizelle ain't alone. I see you, too, Stacey.


WENDY. So sorry for her hurt over La Dame Karen in real time. She really had her back all season. Only to be stabbed in hers AND her front. She held it together well, but I see Too Much Wendy is about to come out. Good for the reunion because she is OVER the bs. And her starting in on Mia was delicious. She was literally


GIZELLE. Best she has ever dressed at a reunion EVER. And she was THE highlight in how she moved. Getting her lick back ITYSs in on La Dame Karen while still sympathizing with her. Getting her digs in at Mia. Having the tea on Mia AND Stacey. Throwing great shade cuz I hollered when she said 'is she?' AND rewind. She did not make one false note at all. Okay, trying to explain GnA. But she was basically Old Gizelle...just using her powers for good. hehe. 


Good start.


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Wendy is FIRST chair! Mia who? I have to say I like this cast here and hope they all return. The reunion proceeded without missing a beat and Mia and Karen should both be ashamed with ho they fumbled their bag

LOL. at Eddie. Stacey you lied but I love how she stood on business. I dont care. I still like her

Speaking of Karen, she has to be the biggest liar on this show after Mia. Im with Gizelle. That video they showed of her should have been scrapped. She didnt take accountability and she continued to lie. She forgot she not only took mediciation but she upped it that night and its what caused the alcohol to catch her off guard? GIIIIIIIRRRRL! She never saw the footage of her bodycam before she went to trial? She only had champagne at a friends house when previously she said she was out with friends (implying they were at a venue with multiple people)? Lies, lies, lies

Gizelle revealed that Karen was offered two plea deals. 6 months house arrest or 6 months jail. She was stupid for not taking house arrest. Ashley and Wendy finally cosigned what Charisse has been saying about her for years. Cha Cha has been vindicated

and that was the final shot of Karen, holding a champagne flute after being sent to prison for a DUI

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Yeah, that 3rd part was something else. Very laid back with how they carried on, with Eddie and the phone. It was fun, and yes, it went well. I think all 5 will be asked back. Even if Ashley is on thin ice when it comes to storyline, she's a familiar face who's been there since day one. It's her and Gizelle as the OG's that remain.  She'll be back. I think Stacey and Keiarna will be asked back, too. I think Stacey is dumb enough to think she can redeem herself. 

And as much as we all say Wendy is just there, I gotta admit she had a GREAT reunion. If she can finally find a sweet spot of being an alpha of the group that people actually care about, there might be hope for her. I mean, I know it took me years to finally warm up to Porsha on ATL. 

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