Members DemetriKane Posted February 17 Members Share Posted February 17 RHOC I have been rewatching the golden years, and I must have missed their 100th-episode special the first time around. Because during that telecast it was revealed that the original title of the show was “Beyond The Gates”. Was I the only one, not aware of this? RHOP The greatest Part 1 reunion this show has ever had. I laughed all throughout the night. Everyone did well tonight except Kierna. K felt like such a bystander to me. Karen was the star of this reunion. The opening montage, the gorgeous video to the ladies, and her shady thank-you’s, her picture frame, all her flashbacks, and constant mentions. Ashley gets major props for bringing the Karen picture frame. It helped add a lot of humor to an already amazing episode. Wendy looked phenomenal and had the best hair of the night. She did drag out her birthday but I agree with Andy she was much lighter this season. Mia and her dramatics will they save her another season? I don't know but her off-camera drama with Stacey and Jessi appears to be made up but I enjoyed it. Stacey was a good addition to this cast. I hated the TJ story but watching her be messy in the finale got my attention, and I liked that she still had Karen’s back at the reunion. She was my best dressed of the night. Jessi definitely needed to be full-time. She is a stunning Barbie doll! I believe she makes a great Candace replacement. I want to see more of her. Hope we get to see her wedding. Gizelle had a good reunion. Nothing too heavy just a lot of facial expressions, laughs and hijinks with the ladies and I liked it. well-produced episode. They had so many things in this one episode. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted February 17 Members Share Posted February 17 Mia is such a lying liar who lies my god. Even when there’s receipts she tries to lie. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaytimeFan Posted February 17 Members Share Posted February 17 Mia is scary with her commitment to lying. How could anyone feel safe being her friend or with her in their life? Nothing she says can be relied upon. Her tears are as fake as her ass. Karen's two videos served her well in different ways. The first, disheveled, and worried for her family, saying she takes responsibility, while denying she is an alcoholic, shows that reality hit her. The second, perfectly coiffed and in a glamorous dress, extending sincere 'thank yous' told the audience who her friends on that cast really are, and her mention of taking anti depressants while drinking was the first time that she said anything that made sense about her DUI. It does not excuse anything she did, but it does explain, from a medical perspective, why she was so f****d up in that bodycam footage. I never thought she was just drunk. Everyone should look up mixing anti depressants and alcohol and it will explain the bodycam footage. It's a lot more dangerous than people would expect and makes depression symptoms worse, which can then lead to more drinking and it becomes a vicious cycle. That Karen said when she comes back, she'll just be Karen Huger, not the Grande Dame, because Karen is enough, I think that is a healthy step forward like when Luann ditches her Countess shtick. Gizelle had a great Part 1. Her tears for Karen were sincere because Karen's thanks surprised her. One step at a time, indeed. Ashley's hubris. Whew. Pride comes before a fall. Wendy's furious with Karen, and that's understandable...but she should be careful because the rest of the cast does not like her, regardless of how they're acting right now. Any goodwill is temporary. Stacey and Jassi's Miami fiasco with Mia was interesting because it reinforced that Mia is a lying scumbag. I do think they should upgrade Jassi because she took all that side-chick ribbing like a champion. Kierna needs to step up or she is a one and done. As @DemetriKane says, she was a bystander. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 18 Author Members Share Posted February 18 Mia is falling apart bc she expected Karen to be at the reunion to take the heat off fo her. Ibet she was ready to pile up on and attack Karen but with her gone, she doesnt know how to handle this reunion 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted February 18 Members Share Posted February 18 I'm still catching up on episodes, but I hoped that going forward that Karen would take a similar avenue as LuAnn when she had her fall. So this gives me hope that she will rise again as LuAnn did. Sounds like they ate her up alive. GOOD. I'm still catching up so are they giving it to Mia like RHOA did to Wig at the S10 reunion so far? 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DaytimeFan Posted February 18 Members Share Posted February 18 Karen and Luann are both Taurus women. I think Karen knows that she's hit a rock bottom of sorts, just as Luann did, and the only direction she can choose to go is up. No, it's more so that Mia is such an inveterate liar that she shows herself to be a fool so many times in an hour. Most of it is self inflicted. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 18 Author Members Share Posted February 18 (edited) @DaytimeFan Oh we see things so differently and you noww Im gonna eat Karen's az up! That second video just confimd how fake and phony she is. It was a big F U to Wendy and I for the lie of me dont know what Wendy did to her to earn that snub. Wendy was Karen's BIGGEST supporter last season. She defended her, deflected and would not participate when the women tried to get mess about her case. To mention Jassi, a friend of who disappeared, Candiace who is no longer on the show and then Andy but leave Wendy out was a calculated move and one that made her look ugly. Karen got caught doing snake stuff and really should be apologetic and appreciative so i dont know why she is doubling down on being the villian, which she is. Its even more puzzling bc she is not there to defend herself and now Wendy has every right to drag her at this reunion with zero rebuttal. Im really not getting Karen's logic with that video. I've seen some chatter about it across the net and people were not here for it Karen is still about stunts. She was so confident in her return but I would laugh if she is fired either bc Bravo is done with her or bc she is incarcerated. I really hope she does at least 30 days, if not more. I will gag if she gets the max sentence. Ol crockety azz btch! Edited February 18 by Cheap21 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DemetriKane Posted February 18 Members Share Posted February 18 (edited) I could see Karen taking a season off or returning at the tail end like Phaedra. Karen skipping the reunion was a boss move to me. She's a force a nature, the Erica Kane of Potomac, and 40 minutes of the show was about her. What will they do without her? Gizelle is sitting pretty right now. From this thread and the little bit I read off Twitter/X, this is probably the most love I seen her get since season one. Stacey is showing signs of the next Grand Dame in training, so she's a clear favorite of mine. One thing I hated about this season was all the newbies kissing Karen's ass. So this is a welcome change. I would like to get to know her on a deeper level, though. Wendy is a smart woman. She is just as collected as Karen. She should be thankful for this beef with Karen cause now she has a storyline to work with if Karen comes back. Edited February 18 by DemetriKane 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted February 19 Members Share Posted February 19 Yeah...for all her delusions...I like to think Karen does have some (well sooome) self-awareness. If they wacked Mia like Brynn was getting wacked during the NYC Reunion...I think I just might like it. I haven't watched yet (I'm sorry catching up through my work schedule...tonight is the finale for me), but it sounds and looks like Karen might have pulled a stunt that was part chess move, part showing a sign of self-awareness...just in case it comes to pass she is fired and jailed. So...I guess we will see for sure. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted February 19 Members Share Posted February 19 RHOP Well I'm glad I had some time to play catch up. While I'm happy to see the end of that cast trip (Ashley and Jacqueline with a jealous Mia? Really?), apparently the real fun started when they got home. I watched up to the finale. And both of the two episodes before it was something else. Ray getting the tea from Gordon that HE had a paternity test done and knew that was his son for a while...just like he has been handling the kids while Mia has been out and about spinning a false narrative. I gasped. And then La Dame (with Gizelle's assistance) cornered Mia. That was a scene (and cliffhanger) right out of a soap opera. But them tables turned. I said this season...regardless of that muddy middle set of episodes...has been about La Dame vs Messy Mia. And just when it looked like Mia might get caught...STACEY of all people making her move. And spilling that tea to Mia as Wendy was talking about how much of a friend Karen has been to her. And then Production having the rollback of all the times Wendy has stood up for La Dame...AND the receipt that La Dame had been talking about Wendy behind her back...made another good cliffhanger for the finale. Coming into the finale I feel... LA DAME. She moved with the quickness when Ray spilled that tea, didn't she? And Ray got ALL of it. I was like...WOW. I knew Messy MiaBeLying, but to have it confirmed by Gordon (with Production rollback) was something else. And it's really funny given what Ray said in those scenes about the possibility of Mia and Gordon getting back together given what indeed did happen over the holidays. Please register in order to view this content It was a shrewd chess move to team-up with Gizelle who barely got an apology from Mia for mentioning Gizelle's kids. But shame on her for not having Wendy's back the same way Wendy had hers. GIZELLE. Continuing her renaissance, I saw. Tag-teaming with La Dame vs Mia and Jacqueline her representative. Immediately picking up on Stacey's shift. Cuz I thought it was interesting they were all at Vivian's BUT La Dame...and it was ALL everyone that was on Karen's side among our OGs/vets. And all of my love for Vivian has always been cuz of her association with the Grande Dame and those rumors she might join the show at some point. That it turned into a silly feud with Stacey has the potential to be something next season. Planning ahead I guess. ASHLEY. I liked her drag king show. Look at her and La Dame and how far they have come to have fun with that. lol. And I loved seeing Kate from BELOW DECK/THE TRAITORS. I was surprised to see her in scenes with Stacey and Stacey's heel NOT be on Ashley's neck for once. And she gave sound advice to Stacey given she's not getting anything from Michael Darby. WENDY. Looking forward to how she will react when she finds out what La Dame said. Because they have gotten quite close. And I thought that was proven when Wendy explained to Stacey exactly step by step why La Dame would have an issue with her ON TOP of Stacey having Mia's side all of a sudden. KEIARNA. Well, the potential is there. But she needs to leave that man. All this little drama because he doesn't like her to be on the show. Okay...why? I kept getting more red flags than what I already had up until now because her man is making it more than it has to be. Outside of that, I hate to say she's not giving anything other than being on La Dame's side. MIA. First, Lisa. Then, Brynn. Now, Mia. lol. Everyone that I had a like for continue to let me down. And we know I was a ride-or-die for Messy Mia. She can't even do confrontation very well. Now she just runs off and cries. smh. And don't get me started with the fact that everyone in her group HAS done it with everyone in the group. And learning the extent she has been lying about Gordon, the kids custody, the divorce. And when she knew things...? I had to laugh though when Gordon rushed to text Inc with the quickness that that was Gordon's son, not his. She's lucky that Stacey is making her move. All Mia is doing is damage control. How the mighty have fallen. STACEY. I almost want to get my Nene 'I SEE YOU' gif out, but it's late. lol. I will give Stacey this. Well-played. There were the scenes with TJ, and him demanded they come out as a couple. Then her cute scenes with Ashley. Then her making the La Dame vs Mia about Mia and the kids. Well-done. But that slip showed for me at Vivian's. I liked that Gizelle said aloud what I thought when I saw it. Stacey might be more crafty than I expected. And then to drop that tea on La Dame to La Dame's current nemesis...Mia...I was jaw-dropped. Well, I guess that explains the La Dame might have been worried about Mia coming for her throne, but she should have been watching Stacey more closely. So...nice rebound from the trip, POTOMAC. Look forward to the finale. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 19 Author Members Share Posted February 19 Unfortunately we dont see how she reacts to it. She plays it cool in the moment but she and Karen had a 1:1 sitdown scene where Wendy confronts her that was seen in the trailer that the show cut. I have no idea why. They FF to the reunion where their relationship is apparently in shambles and we never got to see the fallout 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Taoboi Posted February 19 Members Share Posted February 19 So I'm going to be irked. smh. Cuz someone mentioned something was cut online, but I was not sure what. That is just stupid. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted February 20 Members Share Posted February 20 It’s actually the dumbest [!@#$%^&*] ever that they cut such a pivotal scene. And so far they haven’t shown it on the reunion either. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DemetriKane Posted February 20 Members Share Posted February 20 I have been screaming at my TV about production odd choices all season. Whoever does the editing screws up the show. It is very disjointed. The Karen/Wendy stuff happens so late in the season it shouldn't been spoiled in the first trailer; we end up anticipating it all season just to be letdown. 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted February 20 Author Members Share Posted February 20 Please register in order to view this content Its giving Porsha, Kenya with Cynthia in the middle 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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