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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I cannot even believe what I just watched. Rich Wakile is disgusting. Melissa and Joe are absolutely the scum of the earth. If they have any fans left after this episode, then I give up. Every scene with Melissa and Joe was just nauseating. When Teresa yelled "I want to know what I did! What did I do?" I think all of America was nodding.
I hope the Gorgas get slammed at the reunion. Come on Andy, time to put your prejudices aside.
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I literally just spit out the juice I was sipping on....it's like you just tore apart my brain and read most of my thoughts.

Kandis forehead......just no.

Kenya face looks so tired.....like she forgot to put on whatever cream she usually uses to keep herself looking fresh and young. Phaedra still has that ugly look in her face. Porsha looking like a poor mans version of Tina Turner. Girl you are no Angela Bassett from Waiting to Exhale! Sit down!

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Porsha looks better with short hair than long. More sophisticated and less like a little girl playing dress-up.

Cynthia is by far the best in all these pictures. Cynthia knows exactly what suits her. Judging from the photos, she's also had a little filler and botox work done, on her forehead and perhaps on her lips.

Nene, sigh. It's not the "ashy" feet (I don't get the whole ashy thing -- her feet don't look excessively dry to me), it the piss-poor hemming on those white pants! She literally pinned them up 2 seconds before she walked in there, and it shows. And they are about to drop, too. I am so surprised about this because ever since Nene got her teeth fixed and an A-list stylist, she now dresses like the star she is. Flattering dresses that are perfect for her shape and show off her long legs; amazing accessories; movie star make-up. This is a rare slip-up from her because she always looks on point.

The others? Mutton dressed as lamb.

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LMAO! That black tar that got all over everybody during the fight? Is what Joe Gorga uses to spraypaint his bald patch! laugh.png At least Joe owned up to it.

Dr. V needs to join RHoNJ as a HW. She would fit in perfectly and has a definite Dina look about her.

Rich is such a little punk-ass bitch. And my hatred of Melissa knows no bounds. What a manipulator. She actively turns people against her SIL in order to divide and conquer and come out the Queen Bee. She blames Teresa and "her friends" for spreading all these "lies" about her? Bitch, it was your BFF and former bridesmaid Jan who is spilling all your dirty secrets to the world!

I don't know what to say about that hell o' awkward bath-tub scene between Teresa and Joe Guidice in the middle of all this mess. WTF? Some sexy-times talk I really don't need to hear. That poor waiter didn't know where to look when he came in with the champagne. Also: brown chicka brown chow, Teresa? laugh.png

I really liked Rosie the last few episodes. She actively wants to work things out. Plus she's really the only cousin that everybody gets along with.

Edited by Cat
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Melissa calling Teresa a disgusting pig, that's rich coming from her. I don't blame Teresa for not jumping into that fight. Two gorillas are going at it; why should the women get in the middle of that? She could have easily gotten hurt and there were other men in that room that should have stepped in, not the wives.

And wow did Melissa really compare Teresa to Sadam Hussein? She is the devil, refusing to let Teresa and Joey talk and try and resolve their issues.

I almost feel like this was a jumping the shark moment. In all the franchises, they never resorted to showing fights. Theres been some physical violence off screen, but they air that. They leave that to other trashy reality shows. Im glad it at least wasn't the women.

Joe Gorga is 40 years old? I have to say he looks good for his age bc I thought he was still in his 30s

Teresa is the only genuine here. She may not like Melissa nad wish she were out of the picture, but she seems to really love her brother and want him back in her life. Joe Gorga seems to hate her and want nothing to do with her. The words he's been saying this season have been awful. Calling her trash, garbage, scum, etc... He has a vendetta against her and doesn't want to make up. At least he finally admitted he hates her. Maybe he does deep down, but he is completely influenced by Melissa. Juicy would rather Teresa forget about her brother, but she doesn't let him influence her as her husband's feelings for her brother do not dictate how she feels and talks about him.

Rich needs to STFU. How is this Teresa's fault? What did Teresa do? Her brother called her scum and she walked away from him. Juicy was right there on the outside. She wasn't supposed to tell him why she was storming off and wanted to leave the retreat? She didn't tell him to go and fight Joe. Heck he wasn't even fighting until Joey charged him.

I surprisingly like Teresa and Caroline on friendly terms again. I don't get the purpose of her showing up though other than the producers told her that she needed to go there. Im going to need Caroline to apologize to her though for it to be genuine. Lauren...oh STFU. I wish this heffer would go sit her ass down somewhere.

Melissa trashing Teresa's products and how she will never get a major endorsement deal. Bitch, so where's your record? What major label are you signed to?



I did love the final scene. It was touching

Cat. IA on Dr. V. She's so beautiful and I like her! She calls Teresa a dumbass in the next episode...lol. Id love to see her read all of the other HWs :lol:

Edited by Cheap21
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The pics don't show it but Teresa was truly sobbing and not Hollywood-crying like we have seen some of the other HWs do (naming no names). And Joe was kissing her on the cheek the way I would kiss my brother, probably, if we'd just had a traumatic moment in our lives. It felt like an authentic moment and not just making up for the sake of the cameras.

I don't know who Dr. V is but i liked her right away. She is very pretty and plus she's Italian. If whatever other reality shows aren't working out for her, she needs to move to NJ and Andy Cohen needs to make that happen! I'd love to see her assessment of Jacqueline. And Danielle Staub, LOL.

Melissa trashing Teresa's endorsements and products was full-on envy talking. Teresa has moved on from promoting her local tanning salon back in Season 1 to publishing three NYT-bestselling cookbooks with a reputable publishing house (with more undoubtedly on the way), Fabellini and the hair-care line. You can't say that Teresa isn't working hard to make these opportunities happen for her. Unlike Miss Entitled who bitches about her over-mortgaged fake home not selling and feels she is owed a sparkling career in the spotlight all because she is Teresa's SIL. BTW, I've noticed they aren't pimping Melissa's mega singing career AT ALL this season. :lol: Is it because she's focusing all her energies on her "advice" book? The one that is being ghostwritten for her?

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I'm not sure I am 100% on Team Kathy but I will admit that her line about not getting her new nose broke during the fight was funny. TBH, Kathy is so over the Melissa-Teresa shenanigans and her oil slick of a husband that it is almost "not minding by default."

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