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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Caught the end of NJ. Teresa is such a child. Joey was so on point about her terrible piece of [!@#$%^&*] husband. He did call her a !@#$%^&*], he treats her like [!@#$%^&*], he treats their kids like [!@#$%^&*], she is obsessed with Melissa. He told not one lie and she couldn't handle it so she bolted like the coward she is. Her only comeback was to say he needs to leave her husband alone and stay out of her marriage, but she doesn't think that should apply to herself, his wife and their marriage?

I seriously don't understand how y'all stan so hard for this ape. She's truly one of the worst people I've ever seen on a reality show in my life.

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Joe Gorga also said during that same argument that he tells his wife "shut up bitch". I have never defended what Juicy Joe said and never will but is calling your wife a bitch somehow better than c-nt?

Everyone on this show are in denial and hypocrites and sub-human neanderthals including Teresa, but I defend her because these other people absoultely ridiculous blaming EVERYTHING that goes wrong in their lives on Teresa. It's like they are the only one who has feelings and Teresa is doing all this stuff to them for no reason at all.

Even in the previews for next week Melissa admits to trash talking about Teresa on twitter because she was "ambushed" at Gia's party. Yeah that's real mature.

I don't wear rose colored glasses when it comes to Teresa and can see when she does things wrong. She was wrong to question Melissa (even tho she WAS lying it shouldn't have been done at her child's party) but I can't get on the Teresa is so evil. Kathy crying about never doing anything to Tre like she hasn't let her gross ass husband diss Teresa for YEARS. And Joe Gorga in the season premiere saying he and Melissa have never done ANYTHING to Tre. How soon we forget Melissa contacted Danielle to spill family business and Joey called Tre garbage and said she was dead to him (until the cameras start rolling rolleyes.gif ) One minute people say she is dumb and not all there the next they're saying she is this big evil manipulator setting up stripper reveals and what not. It's ridiculous.

Long story short if Tre and Juicy are going to be called for every wrong thing they do I think ALL of them should be called out as well. I am happy to see the new producers are showing Meliss to be the phony, malicious trick that she is.

Insinuating that Juicy does not love his daughters was a LIE and completely unnecessary. Tre has never questioned Melissa as a mother even though she could bring up how Melissa got in trouble for not having Antonia in a seatbelt or how she canceled Antonia's b-day party so she could perform "On Display" at a waterpark.....

Edited by Eric83
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I didn't get that he doesn't love him, just that he's terrible to them and we have seen that he is. He is mean to them, ignores them, tells the, to shut up. Everything short of telling the, to !@#$%^&*] off.

Tre gets called out on everything she does because she's the one who acts like she is so above everyone else and perfect and everything is fine. Joe admitted to calling Melissa a bitch when they fight, and for the record there's a big difference between calling someone a name mid fight and calling someone a botch than there is calling your wife a !@#$%^&*] on the phone to your mistress/friend.

The notion that they blame everything on Teresa is insane tho. Caroline doesn't blame Teresa for Lauren being overweight, Jaq doesn't blame her for her sons medical issues, etc. there's a lot of things she's not a part of that are often the best part of the show. However the show has centered on Teresa obsession with Melissa and her hatred of her and trying to end her marriage. Kathy's only relevant time is when closing with Teresa. And Teresa is to blame for a lot in there. Therea acting like a true friend but selling quotes about her friend Jaq to make a profit was a huge issue and it should be.

Teresa is fake. A different level of fake than everyone else IMO because it doesn't even seem like she's aware of what's fake about her and what's not any,ore. Melissa is obviously fake, everyone puts on for a show and all that, but it seems that Teresa is so obsessed with putting on an everything is so fine and perfect appearence she's unaware of reality.

I do feel sorry for her and her kids. I'm not sure I could keep a relationship with a friend or a family member that was with a person like her husband. It's sad that we treats them. And those poor girls. I can't imagine what they are going to be like as teens and adults growing up with a cancer like that and a mother who puts them in her drama and trashes their family members to them to the point they beg her to stop.

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I meant blaming Teresa in regards to everything going on with their fued. As if Teresa is maniacally plotting the downfall of Melissa, Kathy, Jacq, and Caroline and they are just helpless victims who have never done anything to warrant such behavior. Even at Caroline's sit down with Teresa she tried to downplay that Tre could have been hurt about her brother saying she was dead to him or having the stripper thing at the PFS put all on her when Kim D admitted she was behind it and the Gorgas had no problem forgiving her. Melissa and Kathy are snakes and with family like that.... but it's just my opinion. We clearly have diff perceptions of what we see on screen which is the great thing about opinions tongue.png But honestly I would like this tired ass story to end as I am tired of the round and round with it.

Re the articles: They took direct quotes from the show of the cast talking sh-t about Teresa and put it in the magazine. That's not her fault! Melissa had no problem doing an interview accusing Juicy of hitting on her. Even if it was true she clearly does not care about her nieces seeing that one day or her daughter seeing her interview where she accuses Tre of calling Antonia ugly.


Edited by Eric83
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LOL Fame Whorgas are some detectives as they uncover more and more of Melissa's lies. A pic of Antonio and Papa Gorga was actually from his hospital stay in November 2012 and NOT January 2013 which is what Teresa and Melissa are going back and forth about. They are able to prove this because they can tell by one of Antonia's teeth are missing in the Nov pic and how a pic of her and Milania at Gia's bday party shows that another teeth had grown in at that point! :lol: So basically Melissa's lying ass did not see her FIL at the hospital in January nor did JoeGo drive him. :lol:


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OMG, like Tre should, people should let it go, who cares if Missy went to see her FIL, on WWHL both Joe and Missy stated they went to see him in the hospital, but it aint none of Tre business. Mel;issa's "lies" still dont make Tre look any better, she is still worsde then any of em and YES she is obsessed with Melissa and hor baby bro

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