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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I see many couples bicker and fight over things like this. She feels like she isnt respected by him right now, that his supposedly funny comments about her working and the kids staying up late are not funny and actually hurt her. Its not uncommon for couples to fight about small issues.

Teresa doesnt pimp out her kids? PLEASE! I can not even at that.

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Tamra - "Alexis is like a puppy that needs to be guided and then turns around and craps on your floor" Perfect analogy! I have someone like that in my life and I just cant with this bitch

"If you want to be flat chested and get into good restaurants, then go back to NY" laugh.png Tamra has some funny lines

Heather and Teri are so Adrienne and Paul...not a good sign

Haha, I knew you would say something and as a Teresa fan, even I had to roll my eyes at that comment

Did anyone know there was a French Real Housewives? They straight up lifted the BH opening!

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I love the last chick's roar

Edited by Cheap21
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I knew that there were French HWs and I've been looking for their opening for the longest. Just stunned that they basically redid the RHOBH opening. Housewives openings are like a soap opening--we expect them to be good and individual. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't original. However, I did like how the diamonds were scattered on the floor on their single, full body shot. RHOBH might want to steal that (seeing as they stole everything else from them). LOL.

And now doing some research, I understand why they did a RHOBH similar opening. . . . the show is about French women living in Beverly Hills. blink.png What?! I wanted to see wealthy French people living in FRANCE. Perhaps then, I could've been inspired to go back to France (preferably Paris), which REALLY disappointed me. ph34r.png

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Wendy commented on RHoA today and said that Kenya was the central nervous system of the show this season and IA


Kenya wants a raise? I thought people said she was fired? I hope she returns and IA she does need a raise bc she made for entertaining TV and there wouldn't have been anything to season 5 without her

Big WTF!?!? Isnt the show in French? What do they only do, film around friends and family and use subtitles elsewhere? Edited by Cheap21
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Told ya'll that was a little premature granted people are still getting fired consider recently supposedly that Marissa lady from BH was "officially" fired. Because I think her firing would have been on other places. But it's whatever, whether she returns or not I still mute her.

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Kenya's not going anywhere. Andy ain't letting that jewel leave his crown and he illustrated that on the reunion b/c Kenya was seated next to him (a definite sure you're returning next season). She has a solid seat on S6. Bravo will pony out the money for Kenya b/c they know she'll deliver unlike LuMan, Ho-nja, and Aviva, who they just shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars too and won't.

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thanks. I was confused when people said she was fired bc I thought Andy loved her. He did seem to come a bit strong on her at the reunion but he was loving her on WWHL and was so into Gone With the Wind Fabulous and the buzz she was bringing to the show despite Walter's allegations, which ultimately didn't seem to hurt the brand. The biggest kicker to me was when it was announced that Porsha was kept on as it didn't make sense to keep her but not Kenya, who was her primary source of storyline material.

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Oh Andy comes strong for his crown jewels all the time. He came hard for Nene & Teresa's S3 & 4 reunion. He's went hard on Ramona, Vicki, Trampra, Caroline, etc too. That's just his journalistic background and some times people forget that. happy.png Also, Kenya ain't going nowhere b/c Andy prevented Walter from having a platform (the reunion) do damage to his star. Peter & Apollo tried their best but you saw that Andy only gave that situation a segment before putting the heat on Porsha's marriage. Andy ain't cray cray. He knows that Kenya is polarizing and that equates into coins. tongue.png

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He didn't need Walter. Phaedra and Porsha did the damn thing and even the men too which is why it was glorious.

I would have liked Walter to be there only because all of a sudden he doesn't want to wife you, you're up and calling him gay, GTFO.

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Big NYC news - the ladies have banded together against Bravo and demanded raises or they'll all quit. Bravo is giving them until tomorrow to sign the already offered contracts or they will fire all the ladies (ok, I highly doubt this). Filming is scheduled to begin on Monday...


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Bye. i thought Bravo should have done a complete reboot last year instead of the half ass thing they did. I wouldnt mind losing all of the NYC chicks to be honest. I hope Bravo doesnt give in bc this will set a nasty precedent that the other franchises will follow.

WTF, filming hasnt begun yet? I thought they were already filming. its pretty damn late bc doesnt the show usually debut in the late winter/early spring? Id have thought they'd already be filming and wrapping up soon for a summer run

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