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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah there could be a show without Teresa.....a cancelled show. I cant see NJ bringing much ratings without her. Exactly what would have been the main draw in season 4 without Teresa? Lets take a look back at the other women's non-Teresa story

Caroline: Lauren's weight issues, Albie getting a girlfriend,

Jacqueline: Heck with Ashley making an early exit, she literally did have nothing but Teresa

Melissa: I wanna be a pop star

Kathy: Rosie's homosexuality.

2 of them was more about their families and less about them. Another was yet another housewife thinking she's the next Lady Gaga (yawn) and the last had absolutely nothing going for her. These are not stuff you can build an interesting show around and its why that stuff was filler with Teresa being the real meat behind ALL of their primary story angles.


Edited by Cheap21
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Okay but that just reinforces what I said Teresa is the cause of how toxic it negative in heedful that show has become the things that people have been complaining about it is all Teresa you can't credit her for the whole show and say shes the only thing keeping it going and then save it she's just poor innocent victim By the way I'd a show just about what you listed for the other ladies. All the series are like that that though. They are about their life's with drama and fights thrown in here and there. You can't say What the show would be without T Because nobody really knows. Just in limiting her from the season could've changed everything and what went down I mean really you have no idea what Firedancer drama or anything would've happened without her there. The same can be said for basically anybody being removed except for maybe kahy. It's such a shame NJ will cont to go untouched and unchanged.

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The are running a new 15-second teaser promo on Bravo for the new season. Interesting to note that the new housewife isn't featured, and they have removed her from the title card/ending shot of the commercial where the ladies are standing/posing and they run the premiere date along the bottom.

I wonder if they are dropping her to Friend of Housewife status sort of like what they did to Fernanda at the last minute for Season 6? I know the buzz hasn't been good initially, as most are calling her ditzy and a horrible addition (like Portia or another Alexis).

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With Lydia (on the OC), I think they're doing with what they did with Porsha in the opening credits--they'll eventually add her once she makes her onscreen debut.

And Sherman needs to stop. Ain't no one stalking her. The people snapping shots of her "house" are just trying to expose her for the phony that she is. Sheree needs to get over herself. That's what she gets for such a d*mn joke.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Your banner wub.png I am super jealous!

What did Teresa do to them though? The only thing you could MAYBE say she did was have Melissa's pimp show up to the PFS but even that is questionable and has many holes around it. Kathy, Jacqueline, Caroline, and Melissa were angry at Teresa for a variety of petty ass reasons ranging for not telling Jacq her problems, saying Caroline was Olive Garden Italian (funny since it was a reference to their appearance on Rachel Ray where it was said and Caro laughed), Kathy trying to insert herself and claim Teresa put her mother's recipes in cookbooks or Melissa acting like Teresa is always doing stuff to her even though we know for sure Melissa has been no victim in their battles.Not to mention everytime Tre apologized to Caroline she would deem the apology fake and turn her nose up at her. I still fail to see what Teresa did to recieve hate from all the women, not to mention Joe Gorga, Caro's kids, Greg, Rich, etc. I really don't get it.

Edited by Eric83
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What is petty to you and me is everything on these shows and you know it. I dont think the olive garden and strippers comment in her book was a joke or in good fun at all though. When you have a friend who is going through [!@#$%^&*] and telling the world, literally, for money, but not you would you not be upset and hurt and feel like there isnt a friendship there? If your friend is trashing you to be in a tabloid your just gonna be cool with it? Bullshit. Shes always been against melissa and thats clear, how anyone can not believe that is beyond me. Teresa waged a full on war with Melissa and tried to make sure nobody was on her side and it failed. Miserably. Her fake ass showed itself and chose tablid money over friendship. Her lies is what turned everyone on her, and with good reason.

Trying to make Teresa look good in comparison to others is tried too. Teresa causes the reactions. Her actions. Her choices. Her lies. As for everyone hating her, i think she gave more than enough ammo to Joe and Melissa, to Rich. I thonk Caroline and her kids reactions to her have been on par with what she did to them. Kathy is thirsty for a spot and we all know that. So is Greg. But the thing is everyone vs Teresa was planned and plotted. It wouldnt have worked without her giving them all reason to. Look at Lisa, when the others on BH tried it failed.

I dont get what is hard to get about having issues with someone who lies, sells stories about you, trashes your kids, is out to ruin your marriage, etc.. She isnt a victim, by any means.

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I mean, I guess its just objective. Its truly how I see the situation. I can admit that Teresa has been childish and evasive when it comes to her brother and Melissa, but I want to see is EVERYONE held accountable for their actions instead of a pile up on one person. Everyone has done their share of gossping, provoking situations, and sh-t talking. As for trashing people's kids. Caroline's kids are in their 20's and have talked trash in talking heads. They are fair game

I was a Teresa fan before the show turned dark and ugly and have remained one bc I think its ridiculous how all the cast and even Andy act like Tre is the scum of the earth and is the biggest evil of all evils. ALL of them have done their dirt and should be called on it.

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Get back to me when someone talks [!@#$%^&*] about your kids to gain a profit and you dont care. That would be a shitty parent, quite honestly.

Ive hated Teresa basically from the begining. I can spot people like her instantly.

I dont think any housewife comes close to being the scum Teresa and her husband are.

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Love Amanda and her vampire facelift! I know someone who is getting this and its insane. Loved Her/Jodi/Robin. Robin is funny, ive warmed up to her a lot. "We had Rocky in one corner" Jodi on Ronnie! LOL!! "You hurt Mary and your not kind to her" You go robin, calling Jody out. Of course Jody just blows it off and doesnt address it. "We will try keeping any beating up of people out of my birthday" good luck, Amanda.

I just love Mary. Shes so pretty and seems so nice. I really have to believe Ronnie is not this awful, vile, selfish bitch she comes off as for them to have been best friends. Loved Mary pointing out how Jody trashes mary for maybe having fillers but goes and support Amanda. Ronnie is shocked Jody is trashing her? LOL. And im sorry but Jody and Amanda are actually right about Ronnie and her treatment of Jody.

Jody and her son was oddly touching. What a humanizing moment for this cartoon character.

Amanda/Mary. Please become besties. I liked how Amanda was standoffish with Mary because it was very odd for the two of them. I believe Mary about thinking Jody has good sides she just doesnt get to see them. LOVE Amanda asking Mary if she just lets Ronnie run her and Mary changing the subject, lol. Ambusing her with a present to get an invite, LOL! I am dying. "After feeling obligated to invite Mary to my party she doesnt even accept!" Amanda is killing me. "You have to roll with the punches, especally around Ronnie!" wow.

Robin... I like you but you need to stand down with the singing thing. Mary NEVER tol Robin she isnt getting it, she said they were looking at other people and Robin flew off the handle.

Amanda & Ronnie meeting for sushi. Ronnie is such a typical schoolyard bully. Ronnie cant be friends with anyone who stands up to her nd calls her out. Amanda is owning Ronnie. Ronnie doesnt like aggressive people? THIS BITCH. I love how they both stayed though, lol. And now Mary is apologizing and blaming almost losing her child, i just cant.

Robin, you are being forced to get a duet because you are on this show and thats it otherwise your ass would be passed over and trying to force Mary into saying sorry and she was wrong is such bullshit. Her being forced to sing with a kid, lol. I am dying.

The Birthday Dinner From Hell? I hope so!

Jody going straight to an article about Mary and Miss America. Jody is OBSESSED with Mary. Its very sad that Ronnie just sits by. Finally Mary stands up to Jody and doesnt back down. Mary should have brought up jody hating be jewish so much that she got a nose job honestly.

My god i am on love with Amandas boyfriend.

Very classy of Mary to wait for Amanda to show up and say hello then bow out. I find Jodys bullying and everyone standing by and watching it very sad and kind of hard to watch. Ronnie is such a coward and now shes trying to shift blame onto Mary for making a scene.

Beautiful mcQueen scarf. "Some of my bestfriends are bitches" card was cute too. That car collar bracelett was cute too.

God, Ronnie is such a [!@#$%^&*] stirrer. Bringing up what happened. Of course Jody wants to go there.

Edited by JackPeyton
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