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Y&R: Week of March 22 Discussion

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Exactly how did Patty switch places with Emily? How is it that NO ONE realizes this except for Adam. Jack's had sex with both women. How does he not know? Its also bothering me that no one is checking up on Emily's story. A simple blood test or fingerprint comparison would answer all questions but they are all ignoring this. Why? Makes no sense

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Let's face it, Aunt Jack probably isn't looking at Patty/Emily's vay-jay. So let me get this right, in the past three years, we've had Pheila, Bardwells, Alister/John, Kay/Marge, Patty/Emily. Are they really going there with Mama Bear -- esp. with Patty/Emily still on frontburner? If someone knows or has a true spoiler, let me know (or post in spoilers), so I can plan to FF this S/L.

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he doesnt have to look at it and I wasnt even thinking about that. Surely their bodies wouldnt be the same. Even if they were, the sex should be different bc I doubt Patty would know how Emily got down and could replicate that. Jack should be able to tell that he's having sex with someone different and considering he's done Patty before, the sex should have clued him in

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