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OLTL: Discussion for the week February 8

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I just wish they would not constantly bring him back as her conscience. He only knew Dorian for a few years and at the time he was as likely to preach Viki's virtues as he was to actually support Dorian. I haven't seen any of those episodes in over ten years but at the time I felt like it was an endless loop of Dorian's family and Mel and his annoying mother (sorry Helen!) and sister being judgmental and rude to her.

I would rather see him as just someone who loves her and wants to support her rather than this about the help she supposedly needs.

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But maybe to Dorian, Mel was seen as the 'do-gooder' and 'righteous' one. That's why in her visions he comes off as her conscience. It doesn't matter how Mel acted when he was alive in Llanview. It matters what he represented to Dorian. Maybe if she feels she can appease him, then she is appeasing everyone?

Can I get a hand clap for Fish? clap-clap.

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I actually thought Farah did fairly well today compared to her usual.

I loved Kim/Roxy but was kind of annoyed by the John/Natalie scenes. I do not want them back togehter, so I find it a yawn. Natalie needs to come back full force as a bitch like in the beginning. After her family hating her because of Nash's death, then Jared's death, and now Mitch's involvement, I want to see her harden.

Overall, the episode was good and I was able to tolerate all scenes today, even if they weren't my favorite choices.

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Not gonna lie (I hate it when people say that), but I enjoyed the last ten or so minutes of the show in a "so bad it's good" kinda way. I was literally laughing out loud.

Jessica: Father?

Mitch: Yes daughter?


and Mitch's maniacal laughter when Jessica couldn't remember who Brody was.

Kim's, "I've been known to cut a bitch." :rolleyes:

And of course Gigi giving Stacy the third degree and Schuyler and Rex quirking and snarking each other to death, it was pretty entertaining.

And someone educate me... does a woman produce more amniotic fluid after her water breaks and she doesn't deliver her baby? :blink: Wouldn't anyone think about the poor little guy rattling around in Stacy's dry ass ute?

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I actually loved that line. I can't help but to think that maybe that was thrown in there after Susan Lucci's "Cut a bitch." line on The View. :lol:

Gawd, has there been any other characters on this show given so much attention with little or nothing to do, other than Todd/Starr/Cole? Geez just imagine if the same treatment had been given to Renee or Nigel.

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