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HBO: Game of Thrones


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This is an interesting article about the violence in GoT. I don't entirely agree, but I do agree that I didn't need those scenes with Walda and her baby. We get it, Ramsey's an insane sadist. I would have much rather had him poison her before she ever gave birth. The bad part is I didn't even feel much at her death. It was telegraphed the second Roose married her. My main thought during those scenes were relief that the soundtrack didn't include a baby screaming.


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GAME OF THRONES intro if this were 1995 all over again... Brilliant.


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And, did you ever want to hear the GOT theme song in fabulously horrid 80s fashion? Do yourself a favor and watch!





Absolutely mesmerizing! #Obsessed

Edited by YRBB
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So: Rickon and Osha were sent to stay with House Umber at the end of Season 3. The banners of House Umber were seen in the next week preview, possibly visiting Ramsay with a 'gift,' and I know that both



I don't think House Umber would bend for Ramsay, though Roose did claim they had finally agreed to align themselves with the Boltons. I think if that were really true they would've given up Rickon a while ago. I do hope this isn't a setup just for Ramsay to kill Rickon - given the circumstances I find myself suspecting it is a bluff. We know Ramsay is likely getting his big-time this year which I'm happy about, but he just killed his dad and had Walda Frey and her kid mauled by dogs, we don't need to underline his deep evil yet again.

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Soooo Osha and Rickon are to be this seasons rape victims it looks like? These HBO writers are just so in love with Ramsay it's sickening. 


Why they keep wasting minutes on Sam and annoying Gilly is beyond me. 


I tumed in for the Tower of Joy and nothing was revealed. Typical Game of Thrones....



Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Absolutely amazing, superb episode. The biggest, hands-clapped-over-the-mouth twist being poor Osha and Rickon. I yelled "NO!" so many times.


Davos and Melisandre's reactions to seeing Jon alive were amusing and just as they should have been. Jon's hugs with Sexy Red Haired Wildling man and BF were really touching. They hit just the right tone between absurd, serious and funny, and the joke about Jon's "little pecker" (a lie, as we saw) was hilarious. And we saw Jon smile! Say what?


Gilly was more enjoyable than she's ever been now that she's more relaxed and talkative. 


Everything with Bran/Flashback Lannisters (Hoooooot) was amazingly, unbelievably good. Probably the best stuff of the episode. Bran took the year off and came back the best. 


The stuff with Daenerys was good (much better than I thought it would be) and I laughed SO much at Varys' "How do you do it with all that leather?" and at Tyrion trying to make small talk and them not having it at all.


Also interesting to find out who exactly are Varys "little birds" and nice to see Jaime and Cersei a united front. I was sort of bored with the High Sparrow and Tommen, mostly because the kid playing him is not the best of the bunch, but the implications of what is happening are very interesting. Either it's a set up or HS really is getting to him. Should be interesting to watch.


They did a great job with the montage of Arya's training and the return of her eyesight. I love how people were bitching on and on that she would be in training the whole season (as if they, like, read the scripts and had already decided in advance that it would suck. Guess what? :lol:


The man offering his allegiance to Ramsay was also amazingly beautiful. This episode sure delivered on that front. :lol: Amazing, heartbreaking twist that Osha and Rickon are prisoners of Ramsay. The show is doing an incredible job setting him up as one of THE antagonists of the show. Bravo. That could have easily been the ending of the episode.


And, again, wonderful stuff with Jon. Throwing off his old clothes. The look he gave Olly. Just fantastic. And, "my watch is ended!" OMG. Naturally, just as Sansa is about to get to the Wall. 



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I kind of suspect the Umber's are in league with Jon. He probably sent them a raven and this is the only way they could get their army close to Winterfell without raising suspicions. I figure Jon needs more than the Wildlings to take Winterfell from Ramsey.


If not, that's one hell of a coincidence in terms of Umber deciding to give in to Ramsey just as Jon is ready to fight. I may be wrong, but it's hard to imagine they are dumb enough to get involved with a kinslayer. How could you ever trust someone who killed their own father for power? Sure, they had a wolfhead, but we can't be sure it was Shaggy.

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I have always been Team Bran so I love that they actually articulated his struggle here - "Why do I want to come back? So I can be a cripple again, talking to an old man in a tree?" I also am glad the Raven made it clear Bran would not become him, something I now know book people have been speculating about for a long time. Interesting also to see the collision between mythmaking and fact, where Howland Reed stabbed the knight in the back to save Ned.


Jon's return was pitched just right, and his rapport with Davos is perfect. (As were his hugs with Tormund, etc.) I also like that he finally cast off the burden of the Watch, though I would hope he'd take some or most of the men with him as I'm sure he'll do with Davos and Melisandre. The Watch's time is either past or at least on hiatus with what's to come. I'm still waiting for Davos to find out about Shireen, though. He'd kill Melisandre for that.


I still do not understand the purpose of the 'rags to riches to rags again' Dothraki storyline other than to plate-spin Daenerys' storyline for a little bit longer. I hope there's more to it because almost everything else is really hitting high gear. Same with Arya and the Faceless - I don't believe she should or will become 'No One' forever so I'm not seeing the point, though all the actors are great.


Great to see a Small Council meeting again after what seems like forever, albeit with a kooky crew, plus Cersei, Jaime and Zombie Mountain. Loved the creepy scene with Qyburn and the little kids.


I'm glad to see them but I can only hope Ramsay won't get to kill or torture Rickon and Osha, and that they'll be saved by Jon - I think that's what's coming here, Jon (and Sansa?) finally taking down Ramsay and taking back the North, and clearly taking Rickon is a major impetus for that. But with Rickon alive and Bran currently counted out Jon is not the last remaining Stark heir apparent, so it definitely makes me wonder for his longevity. Then again, I'm not sure if Sansa or Arya would precede the bastard. I do wonder if House Umber is planning a double-cross on Ramsay as well.


Any sighting of Sam and Gilly makes me fear they'll all die soon. Also, that scene with Tommen and the HIgh Sparrow was impeccably written and performed by Jonathan Pryce and Dean-Charles Chapman, but good lord, Tommen's a soft touch.

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All of Ned's children come before Jon, even if after tonight we thought there was any chance at all that Jon really is Ned's. It seemed clear to me that Rheagar left The Sword of the Morning at the Tower of Joy to protect Lyanna, while she gave birth to his child. That child is almost certainly Jon. One way or the other Jon is heir to the Iron Throne, imo. Maybe Rheagar legitimized him before dying or maybe he actually took Lyanna as his second wife.  I did think it was odd that TSOTM wouldn't let Ned in, but maybe he thought he would kill Lyanna for breaking her betrothal, or maybe he was just following orders.



One thinkg I've realized is that reading the books over the course of years gave me time to process all of the violence. Now that it's happening in such short order it feels overwhelming at times. Maybe GRRM is about to strike again, but I do believe Rickon will be spared. No way I believe the north are willingly choosing that madman as their leader.

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I was reading an article that said before the Red Wedding Rob named Jon his heir. I totally missed that. I've only watched that episode once. In the books (I know, I know) Rob legitimizes Jon, but did that actually happen on the show? I can't believe I missed it, but I just don't have the heart to watch again.


The casting director(s) for this show are pretty great. Young Ned Stark really hit the mark.

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