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Celebrity Big Brother UK 2010


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Ivana Trump for President of the WORLD. It would be the most hilarious, fun, no bullsh*t place to be.

I really liked hearing her talk about 'Ze Donald' because she knows the side of him that isn't pandering to the cameras. As I suspected, he's much more tolerable behind the scenes.

I was a bit disappointed to see Heidi go. When she was with Davina she was the Heidi I know and love. She's a wise, old, charming, soul. Bitchy, for certain, but very pointed and thoughtful in how she used it.

I am 100% certain that she knew Stephen from her past life in LA...she couldn't stand his hypocrisy.

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Seeing Stephanie give Ivana that backrub last week -- OMG, lol, Stephanie is Ivana's b!tch!

Having said that, I love Stephanie, I love that she's a snob, that she puts on her D&G shades to go to the bathroom. Damn, why isn't TV picking this woman up?! She was amazing as Sable Colby. Simply amazing. My fave Dynasty character, alongside Alexis and Adam. Speaking of TV, Ivana needs her own show. "At home wiz Ivana" where she shows us how to decorate ze many Trump properties ze Donald gives her to do over, ze correct vay to travel on ze Lear jet, etc, how to house-train ze dog. I'm serious. Ivana needs to show ze vorld how to live wiz style!

Katia appeared shell-shocked after her eviction. She really is very pretty but bone-idle. Heidi no longer in the house is a bit of a loss, too. I could do without Stephen or Alex, for example. Stephen was totally a client of Heidi's back in the day, I'm sure of it.

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Beacham has been working steadily. She had starred on a primetime show called Bad Girls for a few years and just finished up a run on Coronation Street, the second highest rated soap in the UK. She was a pretty big get for this crop of contestants.

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damn they chucked out my Lady Sov. She was definetly my second favorite after Ivana

LOL...at Ivana nominating Jonas bc he likes to get naked

Stephanie has been coming across as a snob. Did you see her talk about how some of the people got into the house when they barely qualify as a celeb? lol. I think she nominated Ivana bc she's a jealous of her. She may feel a bit redundant as the older female with Ivana around

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My jaw fell when she nominated Ivana. I honestly thought those two broads were bonding.

I don't see why everybody wants to get rid of Ivana. This woman participates fully. When they did that awful Sisqo Karaoke task and they got squirted with fishguts and cold curry, she was the first one out there with towels. Everybody else were too busy barfing.

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That task was HILARIOUS! My favorite of the season. I couldnt stop laughing, especially when BB went for them at the end. IA, Ivana does participate. I was surprised she offered to go half naked for the drawing task but she was a trooper

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I saw that "stripper" task, too, Cheap, and Ivana was a total trooper because, alongside a professional glamour model like Nicola, I don't know if I would have stripped down. But she did and Nicola was kind enough to give her the couch to lie on. Thankfully, the celebs drawing them didn't comment nastily on either woman's physical attributes -- I wouldn't have wanted to see, say, Dane and Vinnie laughing about Ivana being old.

So Ivana, Stephen and Sisqo are up for eviction, huh? Ivana BETTER NOT GO! British voters were dumb for getting rid of Heidi AND Lady Sovereign, at least they stirred the pot. I want that droning bore Stephen to leave -- it better not be Ivana and Sisqo in a double whammy. Grrrrr.

P.S.: The Tree of Temptation is the most hilarious mo-fo EVER. LOL, telling Dane to "piss off." :lol:

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Ivana was definitely a good sport with the underwear painting challenge. She's very self conscious which I didn't quite understand, as a 30 something straight male I thought she looked pretty hot for a woman whose turning 61 next month, it's her face that needs a bit of a refresher, not her body.

It had better not be Ivana or Sisqo who go...Stephen is SO awful with all his evangelical crap. It drives me insane, I don't know how Ivana or Vinny or Dane or Stephanie stand it.

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Stephen is intolerably smug, that's what it is. He talks to everybody like they are pre-schoolers (Alex and Nicola, I can understand. They can barely share a brain-cell between them. But Dane, Vinnie, Sisqo and Stephanie? I don't think so). And he thinks he is hilarious. Nothing worse than an unfunny person thinking they are funny.

But Vinnie and others tolerate him because he is a team-player, on the whole. And he doesn't take things personally.

Ivana being quietly self-conscious about her figure (great legs, by the way!) was so relatable, because it's, like, "Aww, she has hang-ups about her body, too!" Whoever shot her face up with collagen should be shot, though. Stephanie's had some good work done, although I suspect she used to be a major sun-worshipper back in the day.

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Ivana needs a new dermatologist, structurally, her face is quite good, she hasn't had any facial surgery since her initial bout in 1992 when she and Ze Donald got divorced and her face lift, nose job and eye work has lasted her very well. But the dermal fillers, terrible. Her lips need to deflate and then it would be time to determine how to fix them. A few laser treatments and getting rid of those pronounced nasolabial folds would make Ivana more fabulous than she already is. She just needs a tweak, her face is looking a tiny bit heavy.

Stephanie has had very good non surgical work done and she's stayed away from the over use of fillers which has served her well. Those lips are her own. However, her skin texture is quite leathery and she's got a lot of fine lines, she's had a longtime affair with the sun for decades, she actually had a non life threatening skin cancer removed last year.

Dane Bowers is one of my faves now, his impression of Stephen was hilarious. Funnier was Stephanie and Ivana's reactions. They really lost it in laughter. LOVE it.

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Dane, Ivana and Stephanie are all super fantastic. Participating in this show has been very, very good for their respective images. They come off as very likeable, confident, fun people.

Delighted to see that [!@#$%^&*] Stephen Baldwin hit the road, what a piece of [!@#$%^&*]. Sisqo, meh, he'd lost his charm.

Jonas is annoying.

Alex, Vinnie and Nicola are all passable, though I think Vinnie is going to win this thing.

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I am so glad you said that. I think Vinnie's arrogance has really caught up with him, he's not coming off nearly as well as he was. The whole thing with Sisqo is a head scratcher, he came off as terribly petty and boorish.

Dane is just far more likeable, he doesn't step on anyone. He's great.

Ivana continues to be fabulous. I loved how Stephanie said "she is what I play"...I am quite sure Stephanie slept with Marlon Brando!

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