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AMC: The Kate Collins/Janet Green Appreciating Thread


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Janet is the only reason I tuned in again as soon as she left the screen I tuned out. I enjoyed Janet this time also. I watched AMC for 30 years and I thought I'd never stop watching but I stopped and I don't miss it at all. The last year and half this show just blows air up Ryan's ass. There's not a reason to tune in any longer.
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I'm a hardcore fan and I'm enjoying the show more now than I have in a couple of years. And as long as the ratings keep going up and beating GH like they have most of the year...things will continue on it's GREAT path.

I do though wish Janet was on more this month, but it's all up to Kate - not the writers or AMC. She dictates the amount of time she's on.

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Well I might have some of this wrong - but Kate and her family live in Chicago - and she left AMC in early 90's partly bc she wanted to raise her growing kids. Now her kids are going to college now, and her husband was doing some business traveling...and so she had some time and came back to AMC for a little bit, but she doesn't want to make a career out of it again, so it was a limited, short-term contract role - where she would work here and there when she could/wanted. Of course AMC will get as much out of her as possible, but she gets to let them know when she's available and not....and it seems like she'll be going back home to Chicago now.

That's all what I've heard anyway...

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Yeah Kate dictated her airtime. She agreed to do a major storyline there. She in fact was the one to approach AMC execs about Janet making a stop... which is why Robin Mattson was not brought back.

I am a hardcore fan as well and I don't think the show is in the doghouse. No more than any other show other than maybe Y&R these days. :LOL

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No she'll be back in the summer - not sure when though. Her short-term contract was supposed to run out in the spring, but she signed on for an extension through the summer. So hopefully we should be seeing her again soon....

The news article is in the archives on here somewhere.

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I'm not sure if everyone is aware of this, but Kate Collins was actually fired from the role of Natalie years ago when Melody Anderson replaced her. At the time, she said she wanted to try other things, but SOD eventually revealed a couple years later (or it might have been TVG's Michael Logan, can't remember) that she and James Kiberd, who played Trevor, despised each other, and ABC got an ultimatum from both of them that either the other one left, or they did. They picked Kiberd, and Collins was gone.

Of course, no one in charge at the time is left at ABC daytime now that she's back.

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