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ATWT: What's up with Van's Shitty acting??!!!

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I am perfectly calm thank you.

I don't care whether you like an actor or not, that's entirely up to you. But I see no reason to attack and ridicule fans who do. They have just as much right to like someone as you have a right to dislike someone. Neither opinion is more valid than the other. And before you say anything I'm not a particular fan of Van, nor am I a member of the board in question. There are actors I don't like but they have fans who do like them. I don't visit their sites and then bitch about how much I didn't like it there and how they are so misguided just because they don't share my opinion of the actor in question. I find that extremely arrogant.

If you don't like a particular actor/actress then don't visit a site dedicated to that particular actor/actress. It's just common sense.

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I am not saying this about anyone posting here there or anywhere, but I noticed with the Otalia fans a rabid kind of fandom that totally surpasses what the couples on air chemistry really is. I mean, everyone likes what they like but I never saw the electricity that the more, uh enthusiastic Otalia fans celebrated. They were okay, it was kind of different, CC makes one hot lesbo mama, but JL was not that great of an actress, her character was boring and after they got over the whole longing from afar stage, it was boring as hell, and if the show went on, would have hamstringed the Olivia character..(imaging if they ever had Liv go back to form and cheat on poor boring Nat, and with all things a man.) I think that soaps do need not only gay characters, but bi-sexual ones too, and actresses like CC can pull that off, cause I mean, who on earth, gay straight, man or woman would not want to jump on that??? (as I said before, Jonathon would have made a great "sexual," villian,someone who would screw whoever he needed to to manipulate and control them and get what he wanted..Liv would have been a great balls (or boobs) out bisexual who had sex with whomever she pleased..)

Anyway, are gay viewers (myself included) so hungry for representation that we go freaking crazy no matter how dull, or insipid a couple is. Near the end of GL when people were fighting for its life, I would see videos and pictures and posts from new viewers, mostly Otalia fans, fighting not for the show itself, but for that couple, it was kind of weird..(but then I think the people on another board are freaks, the ones who are bemoaning the fact that GL wont be around for the holidays this year, and what are the viewers supposed to do....uh, maybe get a freakin life and spend time with your family and friends.)

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To be fair its Nuke and Otalia's fanbases do have a significant amount of straight people. I'm straight and I really liked Nuke in the beginning although the writing eventually decreased my interest in them.

On the topic of Van's acting. I think he sometimes can make bad choices and he has not been as good lately as he was in the beginning but I do think he has talent and can turn in really good performances. YMMV.

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I've been on both sides of the debate, and I really can't comment what's going on Van's board. But I have been on enough other boards to know that some Nuke fans take any criticism of Luke/Van very personally, to the point of jumping to conclusions about personal beliefs.

And I've seen a lot of Nuke fans I thought were more concerned about their couple than the show.

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ITA, it's definitely time to move on. I don't even miss GL to be honest. I miss what it used to be and what it used to mean to me but it was never gonna be that good or that meaningful again anyway. I'm relieved that it's gone so that I don't have to see it continue to deteriorate before my eyes. Anyone whose biggest problem going into the holidays is that they can't watch their favorite soaps characters, is pretty damn lucky.

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Wow - you summed up my feelings exactly! I'm surprised at how quickly I got over the loss of GL. I thought I'd be depressed everyday not seeing it, but that never once happened. Having watched for over 35 years, it was part of my life everyday, but you just move on. And especially since the show really did 'die' years ago, I'm relieved we're not seeing the show being even more decimated. I hated Ellen Wheeler's tenure, but I'll give her credit for one thing - I was very happy at how GL ended so I think that contributed to me being able to move on so easily. I felt closure.

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