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GH: Media Net Pics of JJ as Lucky

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I don't think that JJ looks 15 years old more like early 20s. He definitely looks younger than both BH and TC, not too much younger than BH, but younger. It will be strange at first, but it won't take too long to adjust to him as Lucky. I doubt that Lucky will be a cop too much longer anyway.

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Oh lookie JJ has peach fuzz- guess they want him to look "rough" so he can pass off as a police detective. Still lanky like I remember him. Dude GV's body puts JJ to shame. And yeah they do look like brother and sister in that pic. Sigh... <_<

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Yeah, but we got from a decent actor, who is watchable, to someone who can really act. And I'm sure we're going to go from dumb Lucky (of course not Greg's fault....damn Guza!) to a smarter Lucky who won't be rolled over all the time.

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Only my opinion, but I wouldn't call any of the leading male characters on the show smart. I'm also not sure about the acting, until we see him. Tyler Christopher and Maurice Benard seem to have forgotten how to act since their returns.

I hope he loses the face fuzz. He looks better without it. With it he reminds me of that guy in Twilight.

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I think GV got unfairly judged. He has never been given the kind of material and writing JJ got ever. Yeah his Lucky was differnt but had they written well for him he could have been great. As far as JJ being a better actor, I've seen TC since he's returned and it proves to me actors forget how to act or they don't necessarily put forth the effort all the time because he's no where near what he was back in the 90's plus he sleeps in half his scenes. SBu is no great shakes either nor is MB. Both are lazy. I'll complement the ladies on GH who I think act or try to act their tails off all the time because they have to. The men get renewed contracts for basically phoning it in. How TG has lasted as long as he has is proof of that. I'd have take Genie Francis over him anytime who shines anytime she's back on screen. She made TG 1000 percent better than he actually is IMO. She and NLG are about the only actresses I can stand him with anymore and that includes Jane Elliott who is wasted on him.

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well they look pretty together but so did Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro in a little known movie falling in love and they had the most god awful chemistry in the movie. I'll wait to judge their chemistry until well I actually see them interact together on screen. BH looks like she has a fake smile in that picture also.

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GV was never, ever allowed to flourish as Lucky. The writing and directing purposely made him look like a complete himbo. GH treated him like some newbie who just walked off the street into soaps, ignoring the fact that he'd been acting since 1995. Sure, Malibu Shores :wub: Charmed, Y&R... it ain't always Shakespeare. But it is solid acting work. There were a few times on GH where GV shone: like when Lucky broke up with Sam over the baby Jake-napping, angrily snuffing out the candles he had lit for their romantic evening together. It was only a moment, but it made me sit up and take notice.

Having said that, JJ does look older (thank goodness) than he used to and hopefully his voice has, too. I hope he can take the role of Lucky and turn it back into the minor touchstone it was back in the day. On a completely superficial note, he needs to rethink the whiskers, and Rebecca Herbst looks like she has had work done around her eyes.

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