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AMC: Daytime Confidential confirming production moving to LA

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If they're actually doing it to keep the show alive, and not to spite the actors into leaving, then they will probably bend over backwards to be accomodating. If they want them to quit anyway they'll tell them to sit and spin, our way our the highway. We tell you when you f*cking be there and that's the long and the short of it. Comply and you have a job.

I'd say though if I was moving and everything I'd want a tight contract for at least a few years, it better be worth my while and none of this we can still kick your ass out every 13 weeks, a real honest to god 3+ year contract. If I was going to the trouble, I'd want assurances.

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I think she'll stay. But I'm worried though what they will do once her contract runs out. Based on older news articles that I've read, it seems that her contract expires around the Fall. I remember when they went on location to Budapest in the Fall and they had just re-signed her then. But of course that was years and years ago and her cycle may have changed.

I remember way back when there were rumors she was working without a contract for a while as well.

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I think she will stay. She is definitely the most associated person with daytime and I cant see her leaving the show she has called home for almost 40 years (40 years January 5th). ABC has recently send her as one of their reps for Daytime gives back, to Africa, a few weeks ago and filmed some stuff for the show while there, so it looks like they are still invested in Susan.

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I think they're invested in her too. If she leaves, I want her to leave on her own terms, not because she was pushed out. As DaytimeFan once pointed out, she's made ABC a ton of money over the years so I hope they treat her with respect.

The mainstream media is reporting this move to LA and all are assuming that Susan is going to make the move. It's us niche fans who are questioning the revolving door.

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