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I'm still sad the show is ending but Fletcher was one of my favorite characters. I can't wait to see him again. I hope his return means Holly is keeping in touch with Meg, or Fletcher will let her keep in touch with Meg. I don't care about a "Folly" reunion, although they had their moments, but I hated that they parted so badly.

Fletcher was one of my favorites and I'm still upset about what they did to Ben. I wonder if they will bring that up.

Do you think he's going to have any scenes with Alex?

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What was done to Ben was unforgivable. At the time, I said that GL was helping to dig its own grave and here we are at the funeral. I will never understand the contempt that soap writers have for their soaps' history and their determination to destroy the audience's affection and loyalty.

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Unforgivable is a good word for it. A character we saw grow up (at least until his early teen years), recast with a promising young actor, and the best they can do for him was to out of nowhere say he was a serial killer and say that his heretofore unknown sexual abuse had caused him to go nuts. He was destroyed for that Gayne and for a weak and transparent attempt at "relevance". The same "relevance" used to showcase Crystal Hunt as psycho Lizzie.

I will never understand why they let Conboy or Ellen Weston do what they did at GL for so long.

And Fletcher was never even brought back.

I can't help wishing that Fletcher arrives in town with Ben, played by the boy who was in the role up to about 1996, and everyone realizes that the Ben who died was just some guy who was pretending to be him.

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